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Attitude Lady Vs. Agent Skippy The Rookie

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  • Attitude Lady Vs. Agent Skippy The Rookie

    So since my last posting I have gotten promoted to another contract where I am a "GSOC/Manager In Trainer". GSOC means I am a dispatcher who sits in a cold ass room and click buttons on a computer and stare at live feeds.

    AS: Agent Skippy
    AL: Attitude Lady

    I'm sitting in the command center and it's creeping up on 7:30 AM. We've been having computer trouble lately but everything seems to be working. It's been a smooth shift and I just got 30 minutes left on my shift.

    The phone rings.

    AS: "Good morning <name of company> Security how can I assist you?"
    AL: "Hi. Can you transfer me to travel?"
    AS: "Travel one bit while I punch it up in my system..."
    AL: "(all snotty)Yeah the receptionist didn't seem to know how to transfer Travel either"
    AS: (As I begin to type) "Um, I can transfer you but I still got to punch it in...." I hit enter and the search in the directory preg begins. Should take but a moment but for some reason the Rookie Bad Luck gods decide to hate me and my computer begins to go REALLY slow. "Ma'am, my computers running a bit slow but its searching and I'll get you squared away"
    AL: "....(all snotty) Yeah can you hurry up this is for a customer concern"
    AS: "Very well ma'am I am trying if you can just sit tight I'll get you-"
    AL: (cuts Skippy off) "You know what I'll figure it out on my own!"-click-

    Lady, you're lucky I am new and trying to make a good my old Contract I would of had a nice chat with your Manager..I can trace extentions ya know..

    Agent Skippy + Thousands of dollars in Access Control Systems, Integral Directories and Multiple Web Tools = Dangerous. + Sucky Customers = Owned Sucky Customers.

  • #2
    Quoth AgentSkippy View Post
    AL: "....(all snotty) Yeah can you hurry up this is for a customer concern"
    I dealt with this a lot when I used to work for a bank's IT department. This bank was in reality a conglomerate of several banks held together by a holding corp, so the various banks in different cities were their own entities with their own Presidents, etc. So I get a call for one of the member banks halfway across the state. Call starts off as a typical PC problem, but the more I'm on the phone with the guy the more reports start to flow in that it's a much larger issue involving the network. I engage the appropriate people to get on it and explain to him that it will need checked. Now, the guy I was on the phone with had no issue; he understood. However, one of the suits of the bank happened to be in his office, he has me on speakerphone, and thus takes this opportunity to walk up to the phone and say in a really snotty tone: "You do realize this is costing us thousands of dollars? You do realize that, right?" Asshole. Like that's going to speed up the fix? We've got to find it first!
    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....

