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You know what you can do with this pool cue?

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  • You know what you can do with this pool cue?

    I've been lurking around for a few days reading these horror stories, and i remembered one of my own.
    First off, i work at a bowling alley in a college student union. I've been working there for just over two years, and have only had one customer who actually got so irate at our refusal to meet his demands that i was scared of him. Anywho, the story goes like this.

    CFH-Customer from Hell/the devil himself

    I was working the closing (6:30-1 a.m.) shift one saturday with a coworker. It was the latter half of the shift, and things were starting to wind down a bit. Well, this old man comes in and decides to buy one of our pool cues(there is also a pool hall and an arcade connected to the bowling alley). He selects an $80 model, not our most expensive, but not a cheapie either. He pays for it in cash, then rents a rack of balls to go and shoot with. Now, fast forward a few days. The old man comes back in, decides he shouldnt have spent the money on the cue, and asks for a refund and a return. It's taken care of, no sweat. That's that, right? No... Fast forward to the next weekend. Same old man comes in, re-buys the same cue, pays for it in cash again. He plays more pool that evening, and leaves. Now its done right? I wish. Over the course of the next week, he returns and subsequently rebuys the same cue again, paying IN CASH again. A few days later, the old man comes in during the day while i'm working during the bowling/pool classes, and wants to return the cue. At this point, i have been told to get the MG next time CFH comes in and does this, so i do. MG asks CFH what he problem is, and CFH proceeds to make up a bogus story about the two parts of the cue being mismatched. MG takes a look at the cue, and determines that it is in fine working order and refuses the man a refund. CFH proceeds to insult and berate the MG for a couple of minutes and then leaves. I figure this is the last time we'll see him. How wrong i was. He came back once more when the MG was gone for the day, figuring he could terrify one of us spineless deck jockeys into giving him his refund. I was the lucky one working that day too. (sensing a pattern here?) I refused him his refund as per instruction from the MG to do so. The CFH leaves without much complaint to me, thank God. He decided he'd give the MG one last shot to give him his refund. The CFH made up a bogus letter from the cue company saying that the cue was defective. Lets take a look at this letter. It's HAND WRITTEN. No company that i know of sends out a professional letter that is hand written. Not only is it hand written, but in BLUE INK. Professionalism calls for black ink. The letter was crumpled, torn, and missing a corner. And this guy expected the MG to believe him? After the MG refused his refund for the final time, the man became absolutely irate. He tossed a bucket of insults and berations at my MG that included, but were not limited to, "Bitch, asshole, fucker, fatass, motherfucker, dickhead, suck my dick" etc. The MG maintained his composure and politely informed the man that we was to leave immediately and never come back.
    Thankfully, the CFH has not been back again.

  • #2
    CFH buying, returning and re-buying the same stick with cash made me think he was trying to pass some funny money.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


    • #3
      Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
      CFH buying, returning and re-buying the same stick with cash made me think he was trying to pass some funny money.
      Or he was 'renting' the $80 cue instead of using the pool halls used cues, and got more than he bargained for.
      "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

      "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


      • #4
        Quoth Snowbird View Post
        Or he was 'renting' the $80 cue instead of using the pool halls used cues, and got more than he bargained for.
        Nailed it. He was trying to get limited free use of the cue whenever he felt like shooting pool.
        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


        • #5
          Quoth Sterlingbond View Post
          Not only is it hand written, but in BLUE INK. Professionalism calls for black ink.
          Erm, actually, you want to do any signatures or hand-written business documents in blue ink so that you can tell if someone has photocopied the original (or at least you did that back when color copies were expensive). I still sign all of my documents in blue ink as do a lot of business people I know. Of course, all of the other letter stuff is obviously fake.
          Interesting Fodder:


          • #6
            Ahh i see. Well thanks for pointing that out to me. I learned something.

