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    A tale as old as time from when I waitressed in a hotel restaurant.

    So it was 6.45am. Not my best time of day. We had a conference in and the restaurant was rammed. The policy (as outlined by my lord and master Stefan the evil French manager) was that when we were as rampantly busy as we were, that we should clear away crockery and cutlery as soon as possible (take a guest’s empty cereal bowl if they had moved on to toast etc etc) so it could be washed and re-laid. This was in preference to the usual method, which was to let guests finish their breakfast in peace before clearing the table.

    Anyway, I was moving between tables in a mindless manner scooping up the odd plate and wondering whether I could get away with having a nap behind the buffet, when I spied a table with a couple sitting there, amid a positive mountain of plates and bowls. ‘Banzai!’ think I, and scurry over. Now keep in mind, they were at a table for four, and were sitting opposite each other at the far end, so that closest to me were two spare places, which was where the used crockery was. Seems pretty straightforward to just go over and clear it, right? Wrong.

    Me: minion of the mighty Stefan
    SC: man so scary he should be a tool in aversion therapy
    SCW: wife of SC who did fuck all

    Me: Just going to clear this away for you… *dum de dum, when is my smoke break…*

    He stands up, and I realise that is incredibly big. Like … 6 foot 7 inches. And broad. Like something you would use to haul freight. And bears an uncanny resemblance to O.J. Simpson.

    Me: Wha? *Stepping back with a nimble bound that any antelope would be proud of*
    SC: You are RUDE!!!! Incredibly RUDE! How DARE you interrupt our breakfast???

    My arm was still extended to grab a bowl and he pushed it away and clamped both my arms to my sides and I do believe, gave me a shake. All this time his wife was still eating her toast! I went into default mode and gave him the most hatred-filled look I have ever given anyone. If he had been human his skin would have melted and his eyeballs would have popped like overripe plums.

    SC: Did your parents teach you nothing??? GO AWAY!

    My parents taught me that if a huge man is shouting and shaking me I should run like fuck. Which I did. Directly to Stefan (who had seen the whole thing), and whose response was ‘Ai deed not think zat ee deed anyzing zat bad to yuu.’ Wanker. Later that day I found out that he had made an official complaint about me to the front desk. Luckily it was discounted when, upon not finding the receptionist apologetic enough, he accused her of being ‘Incredibly RUDE!!!!!’ and tried to shake her. At which point he was escorted from the premises.

    BOO YAH!
    Saying I'm "turning down a sale" and thinking I give an airborne fornication – GUILTY – Irving Patrick Freleigh

  • #2
    Big Lurch wannabe or not, One swift knee to the happy sacks would have dropped him like anyone else and would have taught him some goddamn manners.
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #3
      Open palm, hand at right angle to wrist, hitting with the part of your hand that would be backed by wrist, jabbed straight into sternum. Usually temporaily stuns them long enough to get away.


      • #4
        sure it is ok

        Assault and battery is ok by your manager? Time to get a new job!!!!!!!!


        • #5
          Quoth BookBint View Post
          All this time his wife was still eating her toast! I went into default mode and gave him the most hatred-filled look I have ever given anyone. If he had been human his skin would have melted and his eyeballs would have popped like overripe plums.

          I know it is tough when you are at the mercy of the 'I need my Job' syndrome, but I would have flipped...I am very particular about my personal space...invade only at risk to limb and life.

          Hats off to you for not going postal on the freak. What's with the all the shaking of females? I am guessing it is some kind of fetish, which makes what he did sexual assault.


          • #6
            Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
            Big Lurch wannabe or not, One swift knee to the happy sacks would have dropped him like anyone else and would have taught him some goddamn manners.
            You're assuming a big monster who'd abuse women actually has happy sacks.

            Shitstain should've been arrested.
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
              Big Lurch wannabe or not, One swift knee to the happy sacks would have dropped him like anyone else and would have taught him some goddamn manners.
              That doesn't always work, I was talking to someone once who gave a good example.

              Now this guy is a one of those huge 300lb+ Samoan guys. He's also a master in Tae-Kwon-Do. One time he had to defend himself and someone else from another guy (not sure of the exact details, but the guy attacked them).

              Well, he gave the guy a FULL force kick to the nads, and the guy kept coming. Sometime the adrenaline rush is so strong, that it doesn't matter what kind of pain you inflict.
              <Insert clever signature here>


              • #8
                Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                Big Lurch wannabe or not,.
                Lurch was a teddy bear!

                That would have been a good time to scream bloody murder, if you could get your vocals to function.
                "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  time to file hostile enviornment complaints against your boss and assault and battery against that asshat; he took a flying leap over the 'do not cross line' when a 'i'm not finished yet' would have more than covered the situation.

                  someone needs therapy on how to handle situations like that; touching is never EVER acceptable, and 'i'm a customer' doesn't create a loophole in any universe.

                  self defense would have been justified completely; he battered you, you defend yourself, if dumbass mc nosense decides to take it to court, let the judge point out why he got more than what he asked for.

                  yes, sometimes a testicular strike doesn't have effect, but a blow to the knee or instep usually has the desired affect, along with an elbow to the breastbone.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
                    Now this guy is a one of those huge 300lb+ Samoan guys. He's also a master in Tae-Kwon-Do. *snip*

                    Well, he gave the guy a FULL force kick to the nads, and the guy kept coming. Sometime the adrenaline rush is so strong, that it doesn't matter what kind of pain you inflict.
                    Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                    yes, sometimes a testicular strike doesn't have effect, but a blow to the knee or instep usually has the desired affect, along with an elbow to the breastbone.
                    Situationally, for TKD a low round kick to the lower leg or side of the knee would've been better. When you have to seriously defend yourself, if someone is unarmed taking out their ability to stand greatly hinders their ability to hurt you.

                    At the dojang I used to study at years ago, taking out the knee was considered one of the more reliable things you could due to stop an unarmed assault. Low round kick to the side of the knee was surer, but more damage if you could manage to snap kick the knee itself since it has this annoying habit of breaking and tearing things.

                    Knees are one of the more fragile targets, and your average street thug is gonna expect nuts and face far more than neck and knee.

                    EDIT: Shin bones are rather fragile too, and the same thing applies. Can't stand, can't chase or close with you.
                    Last edited by Fire_on_High; 03-31-2009, 07:10 PM. Reason: Adding something.
                    "English is the result of Norman men-at-arms attempting to pick up Saxon barmaids and is no more legitimate than any of the other results."
                    - H. Beam Piper


                    • #11
                      I would of right after he shook you went over to the phone and called the cops. What he did was assault and over because you just tried to take an empty bowl. The dude has anger issue's and it would of funny to see him haled off in cuffs


                      • #12
                        Quoth BookBint View Post
                        SC: How DAAAAAARRRE YOOOOOOU!!!????
                        Hmmn. Sounds like an incredibly angry Mathematics teacher I once had as a child. He'd say "HOW DARE YOU!!!!" in that very dominative and condesending manner.
                        Last edited by Broomjockey; 03-31-2009, 08:50 PM. Reason: overquoting


                        • #13
                          Everyone saying "You should go do X", you may wish to reread the first line of the post, ya know

                          Big guy was an ass, and has probably been "behaviourally adjusted" since then, for trying that at the wrong time.
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                            Big Lurch wannabe or not, One swift knee to the happy sacks would have dropped him like anyone else and would have taught him some goddamn manners.
                            Wear pointy or steel-toed shoes and aim it right, and you can knock one or both of the happy sacks right out of the...sack!
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              Oh geez ... so every person that tries to help this dickwad will be considered rude and then resulting in being shook by him??!

                              I wonder if he's ever yelled at his mirror ... "That is RUDE, how DARE you try and be more perfect than me!" *shakes mirror.*

                              ::Looks down to the toothbrush:: ... "That is RUDE, how DARE you be left out of the holder!" *shakes toothbrush.*

                              ::Looks to his left at shower head:: ... "That is RUDE, how DARE you drip constantly!" *shakes shower head.*

                              ::Looks down well, er, down south ... "That is RUDE, how DARE you smirk at me!" *you get the picture.*


                              I take it that this brute has never EVER held a customer service job EVER in his lifetime ... It would be nice if the tables could be turned sometimes ....
                              This area is left blank for a reason.

