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Bait 'n Hang Up

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  • Bait 'n Hang Up

    Hi! I've been a lurker for awhile, resurfacing with stories
    Background: So I'm a college student, working a school tele-soliciting job (yikes, I know). Basically, I call former students and ask them for donations to the school. As you could imagine, I get some ridiculous answers. Here are some of the more common ones:

    Stock answer #1: I haven't given money since the university started to let women in.

    I'll also get women who were among the first to be let in complaining about their horrible experiences. I mean, come on. They can't have expected that going to a traditionally all-male school was going to be a cakewalk. Be proud of the progress your alma mater has made, damn it. You paved the way. Don't be whiny about it.

    Stock answer #2: (Incredibly condescendingly) Now, honey/darlin'/girl/sweetheart/dear, I'm sure you're just having a great time there, but I don't think I can do this this year. (Invariably people who have never, ever donated.)

    Me: Ok, well is there any particular reason why not? (I am REQUIRED to ask this. It's a school. They want to know your opinion. You should like that.)

    Them: Not this year, <insert demeaning pet name>. Thank you.

    Me: But do you have a particular reason? The university wants to know the opinions of its alumni.

    Them: Alright, <pet name>. Buh-bye. *Hangs up*

    GAAAAHHHHHH! I haaate it when people try to pretend to be polite by being condescending and hanging up when pressed. Treating me like a stupid 5 year old is not polite, it's ridiculous.

    I can't remember any more stock answers right now because I have this doozy on my mind:
    (BG: There are a list of reasons why most alumni refuse to donate, and this is fine. But, there are also a list of responses that we are expected to use, just in case this changes the alum's mind. It does often enough that they are worth using.)

    Me: Hello! *greeting + soliciting*
    Angry Man: No, I don't donate.
    Me: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, is there a reason why not?
    AM: Well, I just don't agreed with *controversial professor who works here*. His policies are absolutely ridiculous and heartless. (He's a big deal in the morals/ethics community)
    Me: Well, I've actually taken one of his classes, he presents a balanced view, brings in people to debate, blahblahblah (actually one of the best classes I've taken here, he's really an amazing guy).
    AM: Honey, do you KNOW his platform?
    Me: Yes, actually, he advocates <this> because he subscribes to <theory>, it's all very logical if you accept his basic tenet of morality.
    AM: His basic tenet of morality is KILLING BABIES! *HANG UP*

    Ok. Don't bait me into a real discussion only to turn tables on me and go FUCKNUTS CRAZY before slamming down the phone.

    Also, what is with the pet names? I get it SO often, and these people can't even see me. Is it the fact that I have a female voice? Does that really warrant so much condescension?
    "I miss you, cupcake!"

  • #2
    Quoth baybee View Post
    Also, what is with the pet names? I get it SO often, and these people can't even see me. Is it the fact that I have a female voice? Does that really warrant so much condescension?
    No, but if you're a female student at a previously all-male establishment, this may be where it comes from.

    Personally, I don't get all-one-gender schools. College would've sucked without women, and I wouldn't have met my wife.
    Enjoy my latest stupid quest for immortality.


    • #3
      Quoth baybee View Post
      Also, what is with the pet names? I get it SO often, and these people can't even see me. Is it the fact that I have a female voice? Does that really warrant so much condescension?
      Don't let it bother you sweetie.

      (runs serpentine for the nearest exit!)
      "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


      • #4
        Quoth baybee View Post
        AM: His basic tenet of morality is KILLING BABIES! *HANG UP*
        Awesome, you have Singer on your faculty? It's refreshing to see an ethicist who doesn't qualify his stance to death.


        • #5
          AM: Well, I just don't agreed with *controversial professor who works here*.
          this is a bit understandable in my opinion

          i dislike when any teacher pushes his/her own political views & tries to call it teaching, regardless of views.
          even worse is when they act like you're stupid if you disagree with them


          • #6
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            i dislike when any teacher pushes his/her own political views & tries to call it teaching, regardless of views.
            But this one doesn't do that:

            Quoth baybee View Post
            he presents a balanced view, brings in people to debate, blahblahblah
            The High Priest is an Illusion!


            • #7
              That SUCKS when people call you "honey" or "sweetie" or any pet name if they don't know you. Save those names for your cat/dog/baby, not for an adult stranger
              "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


              • #8
                AM: Well, I just don't agreed with *controversial professor who works here*. His policies are absolutely ridiculous and heartless. (He's a big deal in the morals/ethics community)
                Me: Well, I've actually taken one of his classes, he presents a balanced view, brings in people to debate, blahblahblah (actually one of the best classes I've taken here, he's really an amazing guy).
                AM: Honey, do you KNOW his platform?
                Me: Yes, actually, he advocates <this> because he subscribes to <theory>, it's all very logical if you accept his basic tenet of morality.
                AM: His basic tenet of morality is KILLING BABIES! *HANG UP*
                I have a strong suspicion that I know exactly who that is and where you work now.

                To be honest I'd take a class with him just for the opportunity, I'm sure it would be fascinating, but I'm not a fan of his theories myself. I much preferred the woman who died last year who held a series of debates with him several years ago. That said, I would have agreed strongly with him when I was a teenager-- I think I've grown out of that worldview due to the work I do now, however.
                My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                • #9
                  Quoth LingualMonkey View Post
                  Personally, I don't get all-one-gender schools.
                  They are a cross between one gigantic frat party and Lord of the Flies. A lot of people like that crap.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    but he also
                    Me: Yes, actually, he advocates <this> because he subscribes to <theory>, it's all very logical if you accept his basic tenet of morality
                    I still dislike people advocating opinions in class.
                    and even here we have seen many people who found their grades reflected how much they agreed with or disagreed with their teachers.

                    Though, aside from that, not wanting to donate...No it doesn't have to be voiced rudely to the caller. The pet names can be rather demeaning, unless the caller specifically knows you and is OK with it. In other words, you don't know the caller... jsut stick to "ma'am" or "sir" as appropriate.

                    As for how to say no, I find that "i don't wish to donate" however is a pretty good answer. Although the college wants to know WHY, many people don't want to hash their reasons out... it could be financial difficulties, dislike of specific staff, or even because they're jerks... I just don't know many people who feel comfortable explaining why.

                    Or others where you probably didn't ever want to hear why.


                    • #11
                      OK I'm doing my best to avoid Fratching here, but I'm assuming that the "controversial" professor is pro-choice?

                      Other than that, I'm sooo glad that there are no single-sex universities around. The two all-girl public high schools get enough flak as it is because all the all-boy schools are private. (Public and private might mean something a little different for others, so public-3/4 of education is paid for by the government, private-all of your education is paid for by your family)
                      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                      Now queen of USSR-Land...


                      • #12
                        that's what i figured too
                        and that is why the man didn't want to donate then that's his choice
                        same as if he didn't want to donate if the teacher was advocating pro life

                        either way, advocating one opinion or the other is bound to offend someone on that hot topic


                        • #13
                          Alright, everyone drop the professor angle. Now. It's over the line to Fratching, as people are throwing their opinions about teaching, etc. in the thread. One more post about it and there will be infractions.
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                            Alright, everyone drop the professor angle. Now. It's over the line to Fratching, as people are throwing their opinions about teaching, etc. in the thread. One more post about it and there will be infractions.
                            Does it have to be in fractions? I sucked at those in school.
                            "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


                            • #15
                              Quoth wagegoth View Post
                              They are a cross between one gigantic frat party and Lord of the Flies. A lot of people like that crap.
                              Any situational homoeroticism like in prisons?

                              I had a professor who swore in class once... she was quoting Hansard (the official record of everything ever said in Parliament), when they were debating dropping the White Australia Policy.

