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  • #46
    Quoth Shacky Whacky View Post
    Oh, yes, I did tell him about the white marking pencil.
    Jester, so you know all about making sure to "lay black", eh?
    Funny, all those methods are probably outdated now. Even if I wanted to get in the business now, everything I learned in college back then is pretty much useless now. Although, I CAN chant in sanskrit. Yupper.
    Of course I know about that. Broadcasting major at the Walter Cronkite School of Telecommunications at Arizona State University, 1988-1993. Was also the Production Director at the student-run campus radio station, which means I did all the sound production/editing for the station, and trained others to do the same. Heck, there were times that I would go into the station and work on some editing projects just for some personal therapy.

    And everything you learned in college is NOT useless or obsolete, my friend. See, you learned how to edit manually. Do you not realize how much better you are equipped to edit digitally than someone who did not have to go through the painstaking procedures we had to go through? Yes, you would have to learn the digital process, but trust me, for anyone who has spliced and diced, it is very, very easy.

    That being said, I am out of broadcasting now (obviously), though I do still do some occasional DJing work. (Three years running now I have been the pool party DJ for the swingers' convention when they come to town. ) I am basically focusing on my career as a professional magician, but I would not trade my experience at school, both in regards to broadcasting and socially, for anything. Much of what I learned there I have applied to said magic act.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #47
      That's a very good point.

      And to be fair, I have used my photograpy experience, particularly my lab/restoration expertise to my new career, which is as a graphic artist. When I realized that newfangled computer program Photoshop could not only do drafting and paste up faster and better than I could, but it could do restorations better and faster as well, I figured I better learn it and learn it with a quickness. I'm still the best colorizer/restorer I know.

      Anyone need some darkroom equipment, dirt cheap?

