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Fun with returns.

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  • Fun with returns.

    Here are some of my favorite returns from my customer service desk days.

    I had one lady come in 10 minutes before the end of the night. She wants to return a PS2 back when that was still new. She places it on the counter and the box is very badly mangled. It was put in sideways so I could not read the ID number on the unit. This was the first indication that something was wrong. I started the return by taking it out of the box. She got huffy and wanted to know why. I told her that I have to make sure all the parts were there. She assured me they were. I still had to look though. When I opened it the unit was very dusty. Our return policy is 90 days. With this much dust, she had this for more then 90 days and she had to know that. This was the second indication that something was wrong. Upon examining the receipt I learned that she bought and was trying to return it the same day. This is the third indication that something was wrong here. So I look at the receipt which now has the PS2 ID number printed on it so I compare it to the unit she brought me. They did not match. She was trying to return a different unit that her kids probably broke. I try to contain my smile and laughter as I realize I busted this lady hard. I told her that the numbers don't match and she went from very pleasant to screaming bitch in one second. This is the fourth indication that something is wrong here. She gives me step by step instructions on how she wants me to do the return with emphasis on using the number on the receipt and not the one on the unit. This is the fifth indication that something is wrong. At this point I think I have enough evidence to call the police and prove that she is knowingly and purposely trying to rip off the store. Anywho, I box up the unit and she makes fun of me for having trouble (the box was very mangled). She tells me she will just take it to another store and they will do the return. I did notice that it was bought at another store and that is another indication but it did not hit me at the time. I called that store and told them what happened with this lady and to be on the lookout. They said "Oh ya she was here and told us she would get you guys to do it." I stood there thinking thanks guys.

    Man, I don't want to type anymore, but I will.

    Another time I had this lady trying to return some silverware. Store policy is to have a box and a receipt if you want cash back, she had neither. After explaining the policy for several minutes she slowly turns and leaves. I had gotten unusually frustrated because she really didn't seem to understand. She came back an hour later a little calmer and a little droopy eyed with slightly slurred speech. We told her the same things and she understood even less. After another half an hour of not understanding we told her it was time to go and she left stumbling the whole time. She came back sometime later, she was clearly stoned. When I saw her I went up to her and told her she can't return it. She started talking as if this was her first trip to the store. I threw my hands up and called an Ass Manager . She started talking to her and had about as much success. I don't know what made me think of it but I looked in the bad and started counting the silverware. This is something I would have done if I had even started a return. It was a 48 piece set and there were only 42 pieces. She had taken 2 forks, 2 spoons, and 2 knives and wanted to return the rest. I gave this info to the Ass and she tried to make the lady understand that but to no avail. My shift ended two hours later and she was still trying to make her understand.

    The last return I was not a part of but I had to watch the video in case she came into the store again. She was getting a no receipt return but had to show us her Driver's License. This was so we could keep track of returns through her DL number. She had to many returns of this kind so the computer declined her return. Now this woman was a site to behold . I wish I could have seen her in person. She was a 6 foot tall morbidly obese black woman who had to weigh 300 lbs. with sunglasses and a platinum blond wig. She yelled for a bit then left. She came back and claimed we didn't give her the DL back. She yelled and shook until a knife fell out of her wig. I'm not kidding. She put her knife in her pocket and picked up her wig. She was escorted to the security office and shown how the DL was given back to her. She just turned her head, clicked her voice, and put her wig back on and left. Man I wish I could have seen that.

  • #2
    Ass Manager

    yikes though, for all three you could ahve easily called the cops...

    the first for trying to knowingly pass off broken stuff as a return

    the second for being possibly stoned in public

    the third for the concealed knife.

    O_o yikes


    • #3
      A knife fell out of her wig?!


      The other stories were pretty bad, but that must have been a SIGHT!
      Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

      Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
      Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


      • #4
        The first thing happened to me. Sort of.

        It's our store policy that anything electronic has to be checked by an electronics associate, to make sure everything is in there and that it matches the receipt.

        I was just clocking in, and the electronics manager (a young guy my age), was walking up to the desk, so we were talking and he said he was checking a return up front.

        Pretty much the same story you told, except it was a dude but the box wasn't all mangled. As he's checking it out, the guy says he wants to exchange it for something else, and none of us notice, but at the time he bolts. The manager tells me that we can't return it because it doesn't match the S/N number, and that the date on the box is 2007, but he had a receipt from a few days ago.

        So we look up, and he's not in sight. Thinking that he'll be back with something else, he waits up there with me. 10 minutes later, the guy isn't back. The rest of the night, he never claims it, and the LP office takes it and handles the situation.

        Oh, scammers.


        • #5
          Quoth Sammy7s7 View Post
          Ass Man

          (this post is too short, sorry...)
          "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


          • #6
            Quoth Sammy7s7 View Post
            She yelled and shook until a knife fell out of her wig. I'm not kidding.

            Holy crap, I wouldn't know to laugh or cry with that one. Its terrifying and awesome at the same time. Someone needs to tell the cops to start patting people hair down

            is that a knife in your hair or do you just have REALLY big nits?
            I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


            • #7
              The last "lady" could have been arrested on Felony charges (in the U.S.) due to the fact that carrying a knife is a felony.
              Last edited by Broomjockey; 04-17-2009, 09:06 PM. Reason: extraneous information
              "If ignorance is bliss, then I work in Heaven."

