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The fun never ends...( another long graveyard digest )

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  • The fun never ends...( another long graveyard digest )

    Back from vacation, miss me? ( No matter how long it is, its never enough is it? ). So here's some more junk from my shift reports.


    Caller told me he had Verizon on the other line. Caller then later asked *me* if Verizon was still on the other line. I checked our quick rebuttal list, but unfortunately "How the flippin sam heck should I know?" wasn't on it.


    Halfway through writing down the confirmation number, the caller told me to "Wait a sec, my thingie flipped."

    Thingie? Flipped? I could maybe see "thingie" if you had some sort of brain lapse and forgot what a "pen" is. But flipped? What flipped? How? Why? I must know, if only to save me wondering about it for the rest of the week.


    Me: "and your phone number?"
    Me: "…?!"

    Well, I'm certainly awake now, thank you.

    Orderlines part 2

    Me: "Good morning, <insert company name>."
    SC: "<insert sound of pigs snorting>"
    Me: "….ok"

    Well, on one hand it did confirm everything I ever suspected about the callers I get on this line on graveyard.

    Shift Commentary

    For some reason I just attract people with stupid questions… and outside of work. I got this one while I was down at the door waiting to be buzzed in:

    Him: "Hey, that sign says you can only park here from 8am to 6pm, right?"
    Me: "Er…yes?"
    Him: "Its after 6pm, so if I park here do you think it'd be ok?"
    Me: "..probably not, no."

    What does the sign say? And why do you think some random guy standing on the steps would have the authority to overrule the sign? I don't even have the authority to let myself into the building without buzzing.

    Real Estate?

    Me: "Good evening, Such & Such Realty."
    SC: "I want to go to the lab."
    Me: "Pardon?"
    SC: "I want to go to the lab for blood."
    Me: "I think you have the wrong number."
    SC: "No no no, I don't have the wrong number!"
    Me: "This is Such & Such Realty."
    SC: "Oh…..sorry."

    I win. (victory pose).

    Shift Commentary 2

    Tonight, an upstanding gentleman on the Skytrain….whom, by his appearance, I assume had just woken up in a ditch, asked the question "Mphfuddy? Blasrhg arag moaf goosh?!". When no one responded he danced a weird, sort of half-drunken jig and got off at Stadium…..I don't know, maybe that’s what happens when Leprechauns fall off the wagon.

    International Diplomacy

    Tonight's strategy for beating the Taliban? Leaflets! Leaflets that say Osama Bin Laden is bad. Surely the only thing preventing victory in the war on terror is a brochure. Caller clearly has his finger on the pulse of world politics.


    "…no, 8."

    For those of you travelling abroad: In Phoenix when you count from 1 to 10 it actually goes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 17 8 9 10. Just FYI so you don't embarrass yourself while you're there. ( Which you will be after you get kicked off your America West flight. )

    ( On a side note, here's a tip for my fellow CS.comers: We have a line thats an emergency service for stranded airline passengers so believe me when I say never, ever, EVER EVER fly America West / US Airways. You WILL be left to rot somewhere after your flight is cancelled / delayed / misses its connection and they will make you pay for your own hotel. Not a night goes by that they don't leave at least 1-5 flights worth of people to fend for themselves somewhere in the States at 3am. 99.9% of our calls come from those two airlines. )

    Calling Cards.


    Caller tries to call a number in Iran. It won't connect. A recording from Telus ( our local phone company ) comes on saying there's a problem with the line and to please dial 0 for assistence from a Telus operator.


    Ignore recording, call me instead. Checking with Telus first would be illogical and delusional. Clearly it’s my fault. When I cannot provide an acceptable solution, begin asking hypothetical questions such as: "Well what if it turns out not to be Telus, what are you going to do then? Shouldn't you have someone that can do something at night if that happens?".

    Continue to ask hypothetical questions and resist just accepting the flippin fact you should call TELUS like the recording told you to do in the first place.


    Caller has the reasoning ability of an unbuttered bran muffin.


    Caller wants to place an order. Caller says she does not have a phone number. Caller is not calling from a payphone. Caller must have tapped into our phone lines with mystic gypsy powers.

    Property Management

    Me: "I'm sorry, but I can't contact the property manager for that."
    SC: "Well then give me his number so I can call him!"

    Yeah, that'll work. I congradulate you on deviously outwitting our client procedures. With wits like that I'm speechless that you managed to lock yourself out in the first place. Well, no I'm not, but I have a great imagination and I can pretend.


    Me: "and your phone number?"
    SC: "Oh, I don't have one, the phoneline here was cut."
    Me: "…..your cell phone number?"
    SC: "Oh sure, its-"

    I guess I need to be more specific with these people. "Can I have the phone number to the phone that you are currently holding to the side of your head and speaking to me with?".

    Shift Commentary 3

    Oi, I've got a long one to tell tonight. From Edmonds to Granville Station long. I had actually forgotten it was Friday night until I got on the Skytrain and saw a guy wrapped around one of the poles like a stripper. This gentleman was, to put it mildly, hopped up on goofballs. The problem is he was so fantastically stoned he didn't know why he was on the Skytrain or where he was going. All he knew is he wanted to dance out his worries, then veg out and curl up there. Much to the aggravation of his sober friend.

    After completing his horrific dance routine, he collapsed on the seats in the middle and sprawled out. Taking up 4 of them. Then he just laid there and made odd noises. Occasionally he'd wrap himself around one of the poles like a spider monkey. Meanwhile his friend kept asking him where they were going. He must have asked the guy 50 or 60 times total. Every exchange went like this:

    "Where are we going?"
    "Dude, where are we going?"
    "Do you even know where you are?"
    "Where are you right now?"
    "Uh, at the club."
    "No, you're on the Skytrain."

    Repeat this, or some variation of it for 20 minutes.

    By now The Friend is getting rather annoyed with The Stripper and starts trying various methods to get him to move. These methods included: Threatening to leave him there. Stealing his wallet. Stealing his cellphone. Pouring some of his drink on the guy's face ( That did make him move a little bit, but he soon settled back down again. ) and physically trying to drag him up. ( That too failed as he instinctly wrapped himself around pole. )

    "Dude, come on! Where are we getting off?!"
    "5 minutes."
    "What? Where?"
    "5 minutes!"
    "What are you talking about? Where are we getting off?"
    "Just 5 more minutes!"

    By Stadium one of the Skytrain guards had noticed and, much to my amusement, tried to wake the guy up by swatting him in the head with his ticket pad a couple of times. This too failed. So the guard radio'd for some help to drag the guy off. Meanwhile, The Friend has been pretending to not know The Stripper as soon as the Skytrain guard got on. But once the guard turned around he leaps up and tries to wake up The Stripper again.

    Apparently the threat of law enforcement was enough motivation and The Stripper stumbled groggily to his feet so they could make a break for it. Problem is when you're *that* stoned you don't exactly move fast and its pretty evident you're whacked out when you stumble around like a drunken mule. Needless to say Skytrain security caught up with them.

    Sadly, this is where the story ended. I would have loved to stick around and watch the finale unfold but I didn't want to be late for work.

    But wait! There's more! ( It just won't all fit... )

  • #2
    Property Management

    Dr Jekyll and Mr Butt Turkey. ( I try to keep my journals rated at least PG-13, so Butt Turkey will have to do. )

    A tenant calls late this evening to ask if there's a security guard around. Apparently he'd just gotten back into town and had to fly out again in the morning so he was just stopping in to check his mail. But he needed the guard to let him into the mailroom. I didn't have a number for the guard, so I couldn't help him. So he was just going to wait till the guard came around on his rounds. He was very pleasant about the whole thing even though I couldn't do anything for him.

    …but then he had to call back and shatter my rosey first impression. He found the guard and the guard let him in to get his mail, but the guard isn't allowed to release any packages that arrive. This was company policy for security reasons. The guard needs authorization to do so. But the tenant can't get a hold of the resident manager to give authorization.

    So he calls and asks me if I can authorize it. I give him the bad news that no, unfortunately, I can't authorize it. These seemingly innocent words trigger the guy's internal switch from Nice Guy to Butt Turkey. I knew I was in trouble as soon as it began. "No" was not an acceptable answer and I should have been fully aware the world revolved around him. Everything pretty much went downhill from there. I tried logic, I tried reason, I even tried leveling with him and telling him that I would get in trouble if I didn't follow the client's directions. I even tried explaining it over it and over like you would to your dog. But he would have none of it!

    Of course the importance of the package snowballed the longer he went on. First it was a parcel, then it was a parcel with a plane ticket in it, then it was a $1300 plane ticket, then he needed it by 6am otherwise he couldn't board his flight this morning. My attempts to explain that his issue was not considered an emergency and I could not contact the property manager for him were futile.

    He eventually demanded my name in such a frothing fashion that I'm sure he was spitting on the reciever. I could only picture the security guard standing near him, slowly inching away, trying to escape the room before the guy's attention returned to him. I declined to give him my name and offered my operator ID. That wasn't good enough and by now I was rather tired of being yelled at, so I gave him my first name only.

    He also demanded what shift I was on, when I worked till, etc. Then he vowed I would hear back from him in 5 minutes. I assume after he went to summon the wrath of God to have me fired and beaten in the alley out back before my limp, broken body was tossed to the lions.

    Oddly, ( and thankfully ) he never called back.

    Wait, what?

    Caller requested a priest. Caller was informed she had the wrong number. Operator wonders where in the world you can call to request a priest at 3am. Excorism Emergency Hotline?

    More Orderlines

    Me: "and your last name?"
    SC: "….KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!@ <click>"
    Me: "……right."

    Yet More Orderlines

    Caller referred to me as an a-hole for asking for her postal code. Apparently, somewhere in Canada, asking for a postal code is equivilent to grabbing someone's butt. Learn something new every day.

    And More...

    SC: "Is it a vest or a jacket?"
    Me: "What page is it on?"
    SC: "Page yadda-yadda"
    Me: "That’s a jacket...."

    There's a picture of it. You're looking at the catalogue too. Does it have sleeves? Yes. Do the sleeves come off? No. Are they made of special light-bending fabric that can render them invisible to the naked eye? Not for $140 they aren't.

    Survey says "Jacket".

    And More!

    Caller becomes confused by the fact that a "hoodie" has both a hood and a zipper down the front. This renders the caller unable to classify the item as either a jacket or a sweater. Because I am a fortunate man, she shared this confusion with me. I elected to classify it as, well, a "hoodie". You know, like the catalogue says.

    Sigh, yep, more.

    Me: "What state or province are you in?"
    SC: "Uh, Maple"
    Me: "…no, what state or province?
    SC: "What do you mean?"
    Me: "What state or province do you live in?"
    SC: "Uh…Ontario, I think."

    You think? I make no claims to being the brightest crayon in the box, but I'm pretty sure I know where I am right now. Lemme double check just to make sure……headsets, computers, occasional moron that somehow managed to dial a phone number..….yep, I'm at work.

    Shift Commentary 4

    How not to impress women:

    Stumble onto the Skytrain, look around, point to the only female there and say "Damn, only one pretty girl?!". Then walk towards her end of the train and walk straight into one of the poles. Tell the pole: "Whoa, get away!". Then sit down and sing "Dun dun dun, neener neener!" till Granville.

    How not to impress Skytrain guards:

    While wearing rollerstakes….on the train…stand up at Broadway station, point at one of them and say "You are the symbol of all I disrespect in this world!" then flip him off. Bonus points if you act surprised when the cops haul you off the train. Additional bonus points for making one of the guards motion to the rest and go: "Hey Pierre, this guy is off his gourd."

    Orderlines, ARGH

    Me: "Is that Sarah with or without an h?"
    SC: "19."
    Me: "…pardon?"
    SC: "Did you ask how old I was?"
    Me: ""

    Please do not confuse me with the voices in your head.

    Breaking News

    "Prince Brian" would like us to know that the Queen is his mother. He would also like us to put this on the news every night for the rest of the week. Surprisingly, he didn't insist when I flat out told him no.

    Pay attention....

    Me: "<Company Name> Phone, how may I help you?"
    SC: "Who's this?"
    Me: "<Company Name> Phone."
    SC: "..oh. I'm calling about the chairs I saw on TV."
    Me: "…you have the wrong number."

    What gets me is she reconfirmed what I said and *still* thought she had the right number. Does your phone company sell chairs on TV at 4am? Mine doesn't. I'm pretty sure mine sells phones.

    Thats all for tonight. ><


    • #3
      Me: "and your phone number?"
      Me: "…?!"
      Hey, when I have dibs on the TV I don't want anyone flipping the channel.
      How not to impress women:

      Stumble onto the Skytrain, look around, point to the only female there and say "Damn, only one pretty girl?!". Then walk towards her end of the train and walk straight into one of the poles. Tell the pole: "Whoa, get away!". Then sit down and sing "Dun dun dun, neener neener!" till Granville.
      OK, I am laughing my butt off here in the middle of class. That is just one more reason that pot should be legal, free entertainment for everyone. Stoners are much more fun than drunks.
      How not to impress Skytrain guards:

      While wearing rollerstakes….on the train…stand up at Broadway station, point at one of them and say "You are the symbol of all I disrespect in this world!" then flip him off. Bonus points if you act surprised when the cops haul you off the train. Additional bonus points for making one of the guards motion to the rest and go: "Hey Pierre, this guy is off his gourd."
      At least he explained why he did it.
      "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


      • #4

        You almost make me miss my customer services days at a call center.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          Ahhh the wonderful stuff that happens on the Skytrain late at night!!


          • #6
            Quoth MustangErin View Post
            Ahhh the wonderful stuff that happens on the Skytrain late at night!!

            Yeah, its ALWAYS Broadway station too. ><

            I cringe every night on my way downtown when the Skytrain pulls into Broadway.


            • #7
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              Property Management

              Caller requested a priest. Caller was informed she had the wrong number. Operator wonders where in the world you can call to request a priest at 3am. Excorism Emergency Hotline?
              Probably somebody was about to die and they needed a priest to perform last rites. I think dioceses and stuff have some sort of line for that, and hospitals have somebody to contact.


              • #8
                Quoth trunks2k View Post
                Probably somebody was about to die and they needed a priest to perform last rites. I think dioceses and stuff have some sort of line for that, and hospitals have somebody to contact.
                She wasn't upset or anything though, in fact she was quite pleasent....

                Maybe she was in the will?


                • #9
                  Something I learned in my call center days. Callers who are trying to contact a doctor because they are bleeding profusely tend to be much calmer then callers whose cable is out.

                  Needing to contact a priest was probably important and hence the caller was calm.


                  • #10
                    Man oh man! Next time that I have nothing to do one evening, I might just put my buspass into good use and ride around on the Skytrain! Free freak show!
                    -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
                    -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


                    • #11
                      The Gravekeeper startled us with:Caller requested a priest. Caller was informed she had the wrong number. Operator wonders where in the world you can call to request a priest at 3am. Excorism Emergency Hotline?
                      Well I can tell you when my dad passed away after a long bought with Cancer we where pretty numb/calm as we called Hospice.


                      • #12
                        Gotta love the nuts in Van....That's why I live in Vic
                        "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

                        Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Mr. Rude View Post
                          Gotta love the nuts in Van....That's why I live in Vic
                          Oh riiiiiight, because Vic doesn't have any nuts
                          -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
                          -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            For those of you travelling abroad: In Phoenix when you count from 1 to 10 it actually goes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 17 8 9 10. Just FYI so you don't embarrass yourself while you're there. ( Which you will be after you get kicked off your America West flight. )
                            As a Phoenician (though currently residing in Florida), I must object. After all your experience with customer service, you must know by now that every place has idiots, and you cannot judge an entire city/community by some of its particular idiots. I mean, if we all judged Floridiots…er, um, Floridians by the wackos they have living in Miami, how fair would that be to the rest of them?

                            [QUOTE=Gravekeeper;47198 ( On a side note, here's a tip for my fellow CS.comers: We have a line thats an emergency service for stranded airline passengers so believe me when I say never, ever, EVER EVER fly America West / US Airways. You WILL be left to rot somewhere after your flight is cancelled / delayed / misses its connection and they will make you pay for your own hotel. Not a night goes by that they don't leave at least 1-5 flights worth of people to fend for themselves somewhere in the States at 3am. 99.9% of our calls come from those two airlines. ) [/QUOTE]

                            Actually, they are one airline, as they merged a while ago. But other than that, I can back you up….shortly after their official merger, but before they had quite merged realistically (this would be this last March) I had the misfortune of traveling with these fine, fine folks.,

                            I have flown many times, on many airlines, to many cities. I have had many things go wrong. I cannot, however, tell you with any degree of honesty that I have ever in my life had a worse travel experience than the one I had with U.S. Airways/America West this last March. My big regret is that I never did finish or mail the very peeved letter I was composing to them after the fact. And the big regret about THAT is that, due to my laziness, chances are the worst customer service person of all time, who worked for them during my trip, is probably still treating people like dog poo in the Ft. Lauderdale Airport.

                            Quoth BusBus View Post
                            Man oh man! Next time that I have nothing to do one evening, I might just put my buspass into good use and ride around on the Skytrain! Free freak show!
                            Not me. Me, I just want to plug in and listen to some of Gravekeeper’s calls!

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              Yeah, I know they're one airline, thats why I mentioned both. I only poke fun at Phoenix because most of the calls are from either Phoenix or Las Vegas.

                              But to be fair, they're transient morons, so they don't reflect Phoenix as a whole, hehe.

                              I'd love to post mp3's of my calls but I can't because of those pesky client confidentiality things.

                              Still, those calls drive me nuts. Its an emergency booking service, we try and find them hotels for the night and what not. Every now and then you'll get people who ask you crap like "How many stars is it? Does it have a pool? Is it close to the strip?"

                              Um, no, we're an emergency line for stranded passengers. We're trying to find you the lowest rate from the closest hotel to save you money and headaches. If you want a 5 star hotel with a pool, find it yourself.

