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A couple more tales from the SC keeper...

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  • A couple more tales from the SC keeper...

    Here are a couple more lovely tales from the bowling alley...

    If we tell you were are closing, that means you should turn in your shit and leave!

    I was working the closing shift along with a coworker, and we were down to the final 10 minutes of the shift. There was a group of about 5 people bowling, and they were nearing the end of their game, so we figured we'd be out on time, right? Heh... Well, we had informed them that we were closing and that they needed to bring their rental shoes back to the counter and check out so we could count the drawer and leave. SC code, that statement reads " Please, take your time and finish your game while we wait patiently at the counter because we have no outside lives and are only drones employed here to bend to your every whim" because that's pretty much what they did.
    They continued bowling until about 10 minutes after close. We then proceeded to corral them up to the counter to cash out. By this time, the doors were locked and nearly all the lights were turned out (futile attempt to get them to leave). After they cashed out, they walked over to the arcade games, which were in a DARKENED hallway seeing as how we had been closed for 15 minutes a this point, and started playing games. My coworker and myself exchanged "WTF" looks, and i proceeded to inform them that they needed to cease playing games and leave immediately, in a polite tone and using nicer words and such. Seriously people, closing time means WE CLOSE AT THAT TIME!!!!!!!!

    Ok so once again, working the closing shift with a coworker. At this point in time, our score machines were on manual scoring, meaning that instead of the machine automatically keeping your score, you had to punch in the numbers manually, really not that bad. Anyway, our last group of customers for the night was about 5 hillbilly-ish people, a couple of guys and a couple of girls. They all reeked of cigarette smoke, which is a strike in my book. Its one thing to smoke and another thing entirely to come into an establishment smelling like you havent watched your nicotine-ridden clothing in a week or more. Anyway, they bought a game a piece and started bowling. They put in their scores for the first few frames, and then coworker and i, having checked the computer, noticed thatthey had been bowling without inputting their scores. We let them bowl for another 20 minutes or so, and then we shut their lane off. They came up to us all huffy-like, and the lead banjo from the hillbilly band started getting smart with coworker. I believe the dialogue went something like this.

    LB-lead banjo

    LB-Excuse me, our lane machine just shut off.
    CW-Yea, we turned it off because your games are up.
    LB-No they aren't we don't have scores for most of our frames, check your computer.
    CW-That's because you were trying to scam us by not inputting them.
    LB-(with huge smartass smirk)Yea, well you don't have any PROOF.
    CW and me- Yes we do, we've been sitting here watching you for the last half our and we know you were purposely not putting your scores in to try and get free bowling.
    LB- I want to talk to your manager
    CW-he isn't in right now, but here's his card with all his contact info on it. Feel free to call him tomorrow.
    LB-He'll hear from me tomorrow (Then LB and the rest of the band stomped out the door and went outside, presumably to have another smoke on their way back to the nut house)

    Oh, and BTW, guess what manager never got a phonecall?
    If you're gonna try to scam us, at least do a better job next time so we can get you arrested.