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you called who?! LONG

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  • you called who?! LONG

    okay - I'm still a lil shocked over this one which happened a week or so ago. I work at a motel which is the cheapest in the area...we have a policy of linen changes - which is stated on a card on the beds in the rooms. Basically - beds get changed every other day, please inform us if you want differant. Towels - you get fresh everyday.

    SC - Sucky customer
    me - me .. duh

    I was working one slow Monday night, when a truck pulls up and a man gets out.

    me - greets him

    SC - "YOu will give me the same rates as (motel same chain but 25 miles south of us), it's (Price)

    ME - taken aback by the hostile tone of his voice. "Ok, let me get that okayed by my manager."

    SC - "I will go somewhere else"

    me - thnking - "good, cause you're an ass" BUT I call my manager and she ok's it if verifed with the other motel. So i call over there and it's (Price he quoted) for ONE person and around 5 dollars more for TWO people.

    I tell him this and he says nastily that it's only him. So I give it to him at that price, and he leaves....

    Now I was talking on the phone to the other desk clerk and she even said "what a jerk" And i got a creepy feeling from him..

    The motel i work at... well.. we have a bunch of regulars, that shall we say, run on the other side of the law. Crackheads, drunks, hookers - I am used to dealing with them, running them off...been threatened a bunch of times. Doesn't bother me. but this guy gave me chills. decent clothes, nice truck -

    NEXT day - he pays for another night around 11:30 or so... no special housekeeping requests.. I guess he goes out for the day.

    I get to work at 3pm - it's slow till around 7pm when the truckers and workers start checking in... about 7:45 i get a call from him SCREAMING about how his room did not get any service.

    I'm appoligizing and offering to give him fresh towels when he interrupts me

    SC - "WE are NOT the kind of people that come down to you YOU WILL come up here and fully clean my room and make our beds with new sheets.I PAID MY MONEY TO STAY here." and he continues babbling about how much he paid and blah blah blah the OTHER motel changed our sheets EVERY day. (umm nope - they made the BED every day, but unless you ask for it - nope. I know the other motel some and i know the way she runs that motel.)

    Now at this time there are no housekeepers - they are done and gone. I explain this and repeat that he can have fresh towels and if he can wait a few minutes I can run them up to him - but i have a lobby full of people and I can't just leave, yet. Note - I don't blame him for being upset about getting no service. His room should have have recieved fresh towels, a quick cleaning of the bathroom and main room, and beds made. trash taken out. But there are ways to complain and get results.

    SC - " Well , then YOU WILL GIVE ME A NEW ROOM!! I am calling corporate I WILL have you fired. I'm coming down there" he kept threatening my job over and over.

    I quickly clear out the new guests and call my manager. She says no to the new room, I will have the maint. guy clean the room. I try to explain to her about this guy that he is so hostile andwants a new room, and i don't think our Maint. guy will be too happy to clean a room after working 7am - 6pm.

    Well the guy comes in and hears the "hostile" part. I explain what I was having done. I call the maint. guy and have him come up to get the keys and start cleaning the room... all this time the guy is on the phone...
    I thought he was on the phone with corporate...he hangs up and smiles..

    SC " I called the POLICE! You are in big trouble now!"

    at first I thought he was joking - nope. idiot called 911. not the non-emergency # but EMERGENCY.
    I had almost asked him if he called the cops if McD's were out of nuggets... but i didn't. He was getting what he wanted! and still called!

    The cops came and pulled him outside - one talked to me . I quickly told him the story - I actually appolgized to the deputy about the SC calling for such a bullshit reason. One thing about me - i don't "drama" things up, and I usually stay calm.
    I explain that his room is being FULLY cleaned, new sheets and all, right now as we speak. But if the guy wants I will refund his $$ and he can go elsewhere.
    Normally i can't do this with gettin approval from my boss, but I don't care at this point, I have been harrassed for almost an hour and frankly Iam tired of it.

    The deputy goes outside to talk to the other officers and the SC. They come in... This guy WHOLE attitude has changed! he is very polite and says he wants to leave and his $$ back... I notice a woman had come in also, so I asked her if she needed a room.. no.. it was his wife! ok.. what about the ONE person?! ugh. so he lied as well

    I asked the officers to stay untill i finished with him... and there was something he did, maybe a slight smile, i don't know, maybe his wife telling me that she is the "only one that can calm him down"

    I trespassed him. I don't want him back here. I also called Corporate myself and advised them of the sitution. Funny thing is - he has not called them. And most suprisingly my manager did not yell at me for asking him ro leave

  • #2
    What an asshole. He damn well could've went to and stayed his at the competition motel. Good move on giving your manager and corporate heads up on this douchebag.
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #3
      HE CALLED THE POLICE!?!?!??!?!?! Are you kidding? Over a supposed unclean hotel room. Man, I hope what had happened was the Police threatened him with arrest and he changed his tune!
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        Did he want his dollar AND his taco, too?
        Calling 911 on a non-crime matter = sure sign of a moron.
        Last edited by DGoddessChardonnay; 04-18-2009, 09:37 PM.


        • #5
          I'm amazed the cops didn't run him in for making a false 911 call!
          I no longer fear HELL.
          I work in RETAIL.


          • #6
            That's probably what the cop told this guy.

            "Sir, not only are you complaining when you are in the wrong, but you also called for an emergency squad car in a situation that is NOT an emergency, or even worthy of calling the Police in the first place. I could very well arrest you for a multitude of charges, but I won't if you go and apologize to the desk clerk, who is not paid nearly enough to deal with your shit."

            At least, that's what one of my friend's cop friend would have done. On a first offense.
            The customer is not always right. Most of the time, the customer is a clueless moron. If this offends you, you are this moron.


            • #7
              Quoth lineswine View Post
              Calling 911 on a non-crime matter = sure sign of a jackass
              Fixed for truth!
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #8
                Quoth Enjis View Post
                I'm amazed the cops didn't run him in for making a false 911 call!
                sadly - i don't think that the police said anything - they pulled him outside to talk to him, so I did not hear what they said.


                • #9
                  i've heard on the radio that they are starting to fine people for using 911 for non emergencies; a good idea, but pair it up with some community service, say, cleaning the trash off of highways, for instance.

                  this guy lies to you, abuses you and gets his money back? after the behavior and the lie, i think you were entitled to throw him out and deny any type of refund.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Quoth JianWolf View Post
                    sadly - i don't think that the police said anything - they pulled him outside to talk to him, so I did not hear what they said.
                    Yeah, from the tone of your post, the cops seemed much more irked with you than your lovely customer. Am I right in thinking that? I hope not, considering that's beyond fucked...


                    • #11
                      Please don't take this the wrong way, but is it a super-small and/or boring town? Maybe the cops didn't laugh the guy outta there because they grasp at any excitement?

                      Then again, you say the hotel is rife with whores and junkies, so my little theory probably just went right out the window.
                      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                      • #12
                        I am so SICK of having SC's threatening our jobs.

                        Threatening someone's job, which probably doesn't even pay enough to survive off of anyway, while the job market is shrinking is such a cruel thing to do!!

                        And to think that someone could lose their ability to take care of their family or pay for a roof over their head because of things as stupid as an SC complaining about a coupon or getting $1 off makes me want to BASH SOME SKULLS.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                          Please don't take this the wrong way, but is it a super-small and/or boring town? Maybe the cops didn't laugh the guy outta there because they grasp at any excitement?

                          Then again, you say the hotel is rife with whores and junkies, so my little theory probably just went right out the window.
                          it's a smallish town... but quite rough - The cops are used to gangs/ dealers/hookers. They are used to pulling people over and finding AK's in the car. Lots of shootings between the bad guys...including across the street. two people were killed at that one. I was actually working in the gas station next to the diner they they were at.

                          "Cops" actually filmed in our town - actually said the name of our motel ( the name we had before we remodeled) on screen in referance to a "known drug area"

                          We don't have any major problems at my motel...thankfully. No shootings no stabbings, etc.

                          But like I said the guy was not a local - well dressed, nice car, etc. I'm just a min wage desk clerk at a bad motel. (It's not as bad as it seems - i lived here for 3 years - never had a problem - but it had cleaned up before I got here.)
                          It seems as if you have a better job, better car, and aren't local - your word is worth more. I gave him the money back because it was on credit card and he would have just contested the charges. I just wanted this guy gone!!

                          I know the cops are quite tired of coming out here.. mostly for Domestic fights... and drugs, and they do give me attitude...until they get to know me.
                          I have several officers among the PD and Sherriff's offices that check on me, and if thye are looking for someone, they come to me if they think they are in the motel.
                          Unfort. the officers that responded had never met me.


                          • #14
                            Quoth jjllbb View Post
                            I am so SICK of having SC's threatening our jobs.

                            Threatening someone's job, which probably doesn't even pay enough to survive off of anyway, while the job market is shrinking is such a cruel thing to do!!

                            And to think that someone could lose their ability to take care of their family or pay for a roof over their head because of things as stupid as an SC complaining about a coupon or getting $1 off makes me want to BASH SOME SKULLS.
                            I am sick of it too. I am sick of the selfish EW that think NO ONE elses feeling are worth anything. There are correct ways to complain and get what you need - it doesn't involve screaming at the person who is doing thier job according to the policies of thier workplace. Just explain the problem and ask what can be done to correct it. LISTEN to the person working, and if it does not make you happy, ask if anything else can be done, throw in a few ideas of your own. IF still no luck, talk to the manager.
                            Stop immed. screaming at the poor person at the counter - Sometimes they don't have the authority to do things above a set problem-fixing.
                            I have a pretty large amount of leeway to fix things - my manager doesn't want to be "bothered" but not all workers have that! Unfort. My managers also hide from the big stuff that they REALLY NEED to fix. but that's a whole 'nother post

