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Nooooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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  • Nooooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

    Working in a call center is just fun. Now I grant, that since a customer does not have access to look at something to hold, touch and look at whenthey shop online, they lack certain physical and perceptual references that going to a store has.

    HOWEVER there are those who are asking for things that aren't available at local stores. Cases in point.

    D: Humble tech follower
    CX: Cardinal Ximinez, leader of the Spanish Inquisition.
    *MBT*: What I should have said.

    (after 40 minutes researching Dell checking out the model of his computer, going through to make sure this part would work with his computer)
    CX: Does it come in blue?
    D: No, it only comes in White and Beige.
    CX: Oh, I only wanted it if it came in Blue.
    *MBT*: It'll match the Black I'm put in your eye you stupid bastard!
    D: They don't make this in blue.
    CX: Well, I painted my computer blue, and I wanted this to match.
    *MBT*: The use the krylon you have for this part then.


    (manufacturer describes this part as "slimmer than the previous model", and after going through all the differences between the previous model and this one. Until this point, the customer has been very enthusuastic about getting the new model)
    CX: So how thich is this new one?
    D: 0.62 inches sir.
    CX: Well, the previous movel is 0.64 inches, that's only about 3 mm difference.
    D: Yes, it is made slimmer than the previous model, they changed the place where the SIM card goes on the phone.
    CX: But it's only 3 mm. Is that really slimmer?
    *MBT*: Are you a freaking NASA engineer?
    D: Well, they do state that it is slimer. It may only be 3 mm, but it is indeed smaller than the previous model.
    CX: So you mean to tell me that something which is 3mm smaller, I could notice it is slimmer and tell it apart from the older model? Listen you stupid idiot, what makes you think you can put that on the website? That's lying you know, it's not slimmer.
    *MBT*: Don't make me kill you you moron
    D: Sir, the manufacturer has put it in it's presentation piece for the website that is slimmer. Now, in the product tech, it tells someone how that it is slimmer, and since the new model is smaller than the previous version, they can indeed say it is slimmer. If you want to take it up with them, I can give you their phone number.
    *MBT*: So you can bitch at them, and not me for something as trivial as 3 *^##ing millimeters!
    CX: I want your supervisor. I want you fired. You are falsely advertising this as slimmer when there is only 3mm difference. I will sue you for this.
    *MBT*: You want me fired? well want in one hand, sh!t in the other and see which will get fullest faster you butnugget.
    D: I can get you a supervisor, but they are not falsely advertising this product sir. Allow me to get you my supervisot.
    ---places moron on hold, getting the supervisor---
    (later I found out he IS an engineer)


    (25 minutes of answering the differences between CRT and LCD tvs)
    CX: Do you take money orders?
    *MBT*: WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!
    D: No sir, all we take in our online store is major credit cards, and our store credit card.
    CX: Do you take Checks?
    *MBT*: Did I say checks? Did I even offer a check? What part of "credit cards only" do you not understand?
    D: No, at this time we do not take checks. If you want I can give you the number for our credit card service, where you can see if you can get a credit card to purchase this TV.
    CX: Do you have lay-away?
    *MBT*: You have got to be sh!tting me!
    D: No, we do not have a layaway program for our online store.
    CX: Can I buy this online, and pay for it at the local store?
    *MBT*: {grabs baseball bat, breaks phone into million pieces} DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!
    D: No sir, this is only available to purchase online, and by using a major credit card.
    CX: Why can't I go to a store and buy it there? It's in your online store.
    *MBT*: Please god, give me the strength no not kill this guy.
    D: We have a different warehousing system than the local stores, and we can keep more items to be sold here. They are limited by space, and can't have this item in their stores without moving other things out. If you want, you can go to a local store and get a gift card that can be used to buy it online.
    CX: Do you have a "no payment for 18 months like they have at Store X?
    D: That would be arranged through our store credit card service, which I can give you the number for.
    CX: No, I'll get it at Store X. --hung up--
    *MBT*: Don't let me find you in broad daylight you bastard.

    Anyone else have any Spanish Inquisitions happen to them, only to see the moron get away?
    I did not sell my soul to Satan. He does have a long term lease with the option to buy.

  • #2
    The post was missing something.......

    I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


    • #3
      How did you pull that one off?
      I did not sell my soul to Satan. He does have a long term lease with the option to buy.


      • #4
        By using the firefox browser and this extension.

        I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire

