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I want the best deal

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  • I want the best deal

    Guest: yea Dave, I want to come down there but I want a good deal

    Me: when are you looking for?

    Guest: in the summer

    Me: what dates?

    Guest: I want the best deal

    Me: I need to know your dates

    Guest: I cant just tell you any week in the summer and you tell me the best deal

    Me: the specials vary from week to week

    Guest: how am I to know when the best deal is?

    Me: well I need to know your dates

    Guest: well I just cant narrow it down...all I know is I want a hot deal

    Me: understood but I have no way of knowing without having dates to look it up

    Guest: well you are very unhelpful Dave, when I call other places I tell them I want a deal and they can find me a deal. Why cant you do that?

    Me: because I need to know your dates to check specials

    Guest: you've said that 10 times already

    Me: sorry ma'am

    Guest: dont be sorry, just give me your best deal

    Me: I know you dont want to hear this but I need to know your dates to do that

    Guest: XYZ company gave me their best deal without me knowing my I guess you're telling me I need to go ahead and book with them. Hello? Dave? What have you got to say for yourself?

    Me: nothing

    Guest: so that's it're just not interested in helping me? Hello? Did you suddenly forget how to speak English?

    Me: Goodbye ma'am...........I didnt forget how to say that

    She had me all riled up

  • #2
    What a bitch. Here have a cookie.


    • #3
      I have cookies, too. I'll give you one if you give me the best deal you've got. I'm going on vacation sometime this year...
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        UGH! Those freakin' EW's you have! ARGH!

        They don't deserve a "deal." Some of us have to choose between bills and groceries. Some of us have untreated diseases, and work our tails off in spite of them. I think maybe these guys need a "vacation" working 3 jobs for those 2 weeks. Hell, they can still drive their air-conditioned Behemoths back and forth to work, and I'm sure their savings will hold up for those 2 weeks. But I would SO love to see them in a stained red polo shirt...


        • #5
          Haha.. brings back so many unpleasant memories from the cruise booking industry...

          SC: Trav, Find me the best deal

          me: For what dates?

          SC: Doesn't matter, I just want a good deal

          me: o..k. I have a deal on an oceanview cabin 7 day to the Bahamas from 499 per person on august 12th

          SC: Oh that won't work.. I have my dog's briss/wife's rhinoplasty/uncle's batmitzvah that week..

          me: *headdesk*
          I will never go to school!


          • #6
            Apparently looking at a calendar hurts. Checking work schedules and working a vacation in is excruciating. I think you need a vacation from stupid!
            "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


            • #7
              Geez, how do you manage to get these people? It's like you have some sort of magnet. You have a much better temper than I, that's all I can say.
              Would you like a Stummies?


              • #8
                Dave, you attract EW's the way I seem to attract crazy women!

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #9
                  Actually, I can understand that customer's point of view. She wants to schedule her vacation around her budget, which means she won't know what dates she'll be vacationing until she knows when she can get the best prices for it. (Hey, in this current economy, I can even sympathize with her.)

                  She just wasn't willing to accept that your reservation system doesn't work that way.
                  I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


                  • #10
                    Yeah I agree. *When* I go isn't as important to me as getting the cheapest rate *sometime* over the entire period that's acceptable. Of course, were I in that situation, I'd say "Okay, let's start with June1-7 and we'll go through the whole summer. What's your best deal the first week of June?"

                    Would be an infuriating way to do it, but it's not VRS's fault the res system doesn't work in a more customer-friendly way.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jester View Post
                      Dave, you attract EW's the way I seem to attract crazy women!
                      What, willingly?



                      • #12

                        *hands over a platter of cookies and milk*
                        Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                        Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                        Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                        • #13
                          Quoth vacation_rentals_suck View Post

                          Guest: so that's it're just not interested in helping me? Hello? Did you suddenly forget how to speak English?

                          Me: Goodbye ma'am...........I didnt forget how to say that
                          Now THAT is a good way to end the call.
                          Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


                          • #14
                            So here's what happens when one wants a rate quote without an itinerary or at least an idea.

                            AGENT: Our best rate is $xx.xx. It requires a 21 day advance purchase and is based on availability. Travel must be done Thursday through Sunday with at least an overnight stay. All fares are subject to change without notice.

                            Of course all the customer hears is the rate so when they get their plans together and decide to book of course the rate is sold out/not available for their dates/times and they're quoted the rate they DO qualify for:

                            SC: What?! I was told the rate was $xx.xx!

                            Fell into THAT trap a lot working airline reservations
                            I don't like your attitude!
                            Yeah? Well you're not EATING my attitude!


                            • #15
                              Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                              What, willingly?
                              Touche, mon frer, touche.

                              Though if that is the case, no, he does not attract EW's the way I attract crazy woman, because he does not do so as apparently willingly as I do.

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

