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First post....ancient times (the 80's)

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  • #16
    Baileys and ice cream does sound good....drunk with a sugar rush. I may then allow some gentle whipping but no handcuffs. I need to be able to get out a situation if required. If handcuffed you may bring some unexpected and unwanted person who may do things to me which should only be done in a Turkish prison.


    • #17
      Quoth NoLongerAShoeDog View Post
      Baileys and ice cream does sound good....drunk with a sugar rush. I may then allow some gentle whipping but no handcuffs. I need to be able to get out a situation if required. If handcuffed you may bring some unexpected and unwanted person who may do things to me which should only be done in a Turkish prison.
      Bailey's is my substitute for chocolate syrup. I can't eat chocolate. A taste is okay, actually eating some? Bad....bad idea. The Hubster calls the result 'squirrel on acid'.

      And I know how to pick the lock on a pair of handcuffs, no worries.
      What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


      • #18
        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        and back on topic... anyone who hasn't met crazies is more than welcome to cover a shift for me
        I guess that leaves me out.... Though I haven't had to deal with naked people at work yet, so my crazies aren't as crazy as your crazies Smiley....Thank God!!


        • #19
          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
          and back on topic... anyone who hasn't met crazies is more than welcome to cover a shift for me
          That definitely lets me out. Not only did I once work the returns counter at Wal-Mart, my current 'customers' are project managers. With Ph.Ds.
          What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


          • #20
            Willkommen. Bienvenue. Welcome. C'mon in!

            YOu should have told him Briget Nelson was at the Eckards down the street needing help with shaving her legs.

            Come to think of it, you don't think it was really Nick Nolte thinking he was Jack Cates? Or am I confusing Nick Nolte with Gary Busey?

            You know, BHC III really sucked.
            Last edited by depechemodefan; 04-26-2009, 02:45 AM. Reason: adding
            Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

            Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

            I wish porn had subtitles.

