So this guy comes in today and tried to return an HP 03A toner cartridge, without a receipt (naturally). He claimed it was the "wrong one" and wanted to exchange it for a different one. I wasn't working the register today, but I happened to be behind the counter when he came in, and the girl at the register (who also doesn't usually work register) turned to me for help with this one.
(It's high time I started a list of pseudonyms for the co-workers at my new store, so let's call this girl Amanda).
Amanda: you think we can take this one back? I don't recognize it.
And it was no wonder she didn't. It was OLD. I'm talking AT LEAST two packaging revisions older than the current 03A. Based on the dates from ink cartridges , I'm guessing it was AT LEAST 10 years old, probably closer to 15. At the very least, it was more than 3 years old, because we've NEVER sold that particular packing in the time I've worked for Staples.
Me *whispering, because the customer was still fairly close*: That's VERY old. Call the MOD before you do anything.
Amanda: OK.
The Sales Manager (I'm gonna start calling him Focker. Yes, as in "Meet the Parents." If Blas can have a Chef Ramsey, I can have a Focker.
) comes over.
I had to leave at this point, but I heard the guy try and claim that he bought it at THIS store "about a month ago."
Try "10 years and about a month ago?"
Focker: Not from me, you didn't. I haven't carried boxes like these in YEARS.
He had his exchange declined, and ended up leaving in (presumably) a huff.
Seriously. I wish I could say I don't understand why people even bother with such transparent lies, but I know the answer to that: too many spineless managers/home offices that give in to SCs like this.
(It's high time I started a list of pseudonyms for the co-workers at my new store, so let's call this girl Amanda).
Amanda: you think we can take this one back? I don't recognize it.
And it was no wonder she didn't. It was OLD. I'm talking AT LEAST two packaging revisions older than the current 03A. Based on the dates from ink cartridges , I'm guessing it was AT LEAST 10 years old, probably closer to 15. At the very least, it was more than 3 years old, because we've NEVER sold that particular packing in the time I've worked for Staples.
Me *whispering, because the customer was still fairly close*: That's VERY old. Call the MOD before you do anything.
Amanda: OK.
The Sales Manager (I'm gonna start calling him Focker. Yes, as in "Meet the Parents." If Blas can have a Chef Ramsey, I can have a Focker.

I had to leave at this point, but I heard the guy try and claim that he bought it at THIS store "about a month ago."
Try "10 years and about a month ago?"
Focker: Not from me, you didn't. I haven't carried boxes like these in YEARS.
He had his exchange declined, and ended up leaving in (presumably) a huff.

Seriously. I wish I could say I don't understand why people even bother with such transparent lies, but I know the answer to that: too many spineless managers/home offices that give in to SCs like this.
