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The Stupid is Strong With These People...

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  • The Stupid is Strong With These People...

    Hey there, me again. This isn't all suck, some of this is just plain stupid, so mods, if this doesn't belong here, please move as you like, sorry in advance if it is.

    Please Don't Sell me a Nice Day!

    A man comes up to my line and I start to greet him, he goes, 'I don't want any, thank you.' but for some reason, he goes 'What did you say?' after a few moments.

    I said, 'I believe it was, how are you?' He turned red and replied he was fine.

    Credit Cards are Easy...for most people

    A woman came through my line and asked for an 'HEB card.' I asked, 'Do you want a gift card?' she says 'No.' I ask, 'Do you want a credit card?' she says 'No! An HEB card.' I realize what she means and ask, 'Do you mean a Partner Perks card?' She goes, 'Yeah, the discount one!'

    I go, 'I'm sorry, ma'am, that card is only for HEB partners and their families.' She goes, 'Oh. Well, could you swipe yours for me?'


    I go, 'I'm sorry, ma'am, I'm not allowed to do that.' And she made me call over a manager to confirm. Then she tried to pay with a credit card...and it took 15 minutes. Here's why:

    a) First she swiped it the entirely wrong way...five times. Even after I told her how.
    b) She kept hitting 'debit' when she needed to hit 'food stamps.'
    c) She forgot her pin number and had to call two people to get it.
    d) After all that, we couldn't even honor the damn card because it's from a bank in HAWAII!

    She eventually just left without paying. Even though I was really frustrated, I felt bad, because she was buying baby formula and diapers.


    That's all for right now. Until next time, same suck time, same suck channel!
    Now appearing in comic form!

  • #2
    I weep for her kids.


    • #3
      Quoth GroceryWench View Post
      She goes, 'Oh. Well, could you swipe yours for me?'



      • #4
        I think she was thinking along the lines of a "Loyalty card" like Kroger, Safeway, CVS, and others have. You know the ones that make you think they give you a "discount" when really the only way to get items for the sales price is to have the card and as a result they can raise prices so people without cards have to pay A LOT more. So I think that's were she's coming from.

        And I'm confused. Was it a Food Stamps EBT card or a credit card. Either way that's some fail right there.


        • #5

          You have the patience of a saint

          Credit card machines in Australia do NOT have Chip and PIN normally. You swipe like your normally would, select Credit like you normally would, then you key in a PIN like a debit card. If you don't want to, just hit enter or OK.

          Ten times per shift I'll get people wanting to sign and NOT pressing the button on the machine.
          I've had three people try and do it Chip and PIN style, which is a bit more understandable because the machine has a slot for it, our system won't recognise it.
          And my personal favourite? Someone with a prepaid credit card who tried to do a cash purchase....after trying 4 different ATMs already and having it fail on them.
          She then kept asking ME what was wrong!

          I. Am. Not. A. Bank.
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #6
            I was in a HEB store this past weekend, in Dallas very nice store, lots of cool stuff, was happy to find my favorite cherry cola there lol


            • #7
              She was using a Hawaii EBT card? That's pretty nervy. Was it one of the new, pretty ones (protea flower)? You know, they pretty much give you one of those for just stepping off the plane here. I get so pissed when I'm next to one in line at the supermarket, since they all have tons of jewelry, nice clothes, and usually a nice car to go with that EBT card. *sigh*
              I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand. -- Linus Van Pelt


              • #8
                Sometimes I'll have a customer ask if they can use my employee discount. When I politely decline, most of them are "Yuk yuk, I had to try!" Every now and then a customer will be completely serious.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  Quoth Ill_Used_Heroine View Post
                  She was using a Hawaii EBT card? That's pretty nervy. Was it one of the new, pretty ones (protea flower)? You know, they pretty much give you one of those for just stepping off the plane here. I get so pissed when I'm next to one in line at the supermarket, since they all have tons of jewelry, nice clothes, and usually a nice car to go with that EBT card. *sigh*
                  Could you kindly show me where in the original post any comments were made on this woman's clothing, jewelry, or vehicle?

                  Your feelings about EBT card use/misuse are off topic and belong at Fratching.

                  I'm tired of watching threads go down the crapper because of this, folks. People should be able to vent about SC's who happen to use EBT cards without getting their threads closed. Enough. Go to Fratching or keep your comments to yourselves.

                  If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                  • #10
                    Quoth dmcglu82 View Post
                    I was in a HEB store this past weekend, in Dallas very nice store, lots of cool stuff, was happy to find my favorite cherry cola there lol
                    I HEB! They're prices, staff, etc. are awesome!


                    • #11
                      I love HEB. They have these yummy chocolate covered grahm cracker cookies.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Akasa View Post
                        I love HEB. They have these yummy chocolate covered grahm cracker cookies.
                        Oh those are good! *drools* Man I'm hungry again.


                        • #13
                          Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                          Sometimes I'll have a customer ask if they can use my employee discount. When I politely decline, most of them are "Yuk yuk, I had to try!"
                          *deadpan* No. No you didn't.
                          "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington

