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I swear they look for something to complain about!

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  • I swear they look for something to complain about!

    At the gallery, we wont put any christmas decorations up before November 11th out of respect.

    yes I can hear your jaws hitting the floor, its Novemver and we dont have ANYTHING christmasy in out store..... Costco had stuff in August!

    Youd think that would make people happy, all you hear about is people being all mad that retail stores put stuff out SOOOOO early and we ruin christmas blah blah blah

    well our customers seem to be in two catagories.

    1. The regular customer....who has bitched and moaned and whinged and whined about "wheeeeeere is your christmas stufffffff" I wanna do my christmas shopping and you guys are waiting too long, you have to make the big bucks by selling christmas stuff


    2. The veterans (they frequent out building because its civic and they fill out forms or something upstairs) who rheemed out me and my co-ordinator because we DARED price christmas stuff (note, price, its not for sale) before rememberance day and how dare we and retail people are a disgrace and how can we sleep at night.....blah blah blah

    all of the chritmas stuff was in a brown box being wheeled downstairs to our archive storage!!!not even miserable old bastardos!

    will the public ever be satisfied! all they seem to do is moan and find something to nitpick!!!!

    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    With me, I do not like seeing Christmas decorations out early. I think that is is ugly seeing Christmas lights in the shape of a Christmas tree, in October. Too me, it is whatever holiday it is, those should be the decorations, that we see. But hey, that is opinion.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      I can tell you what was funny.

      About a month ago I helped set up our christmas displays and merchandise. Took about a week and it covers most of our indoor seasonal area.

      Well I hadn't gone thru there since then, but I saw one of our managers going by with a cart full of fake christmas trees and the first thing I thought was...

      "Isn't this over yet?"

      And I don't mean the setup..... I meant christmas.

      It's so bad that working in a big box retail, or any other retail for that matter, has me dreading what was my favorite time of year.

      BTW, our usual complainers (is that a word?) have started on us as well.

      Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'

      Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.


      • #4
        Speaking of mis-timed Christmas decorations, our store has had some Christmas out since the end of June. We started playing out Christmas music on Halloween. We just put out our Mardi Gras decorations last week.


        • #5
          I don't see anything wrong with merchandising Xmas items early (no earlier than October, mind you) as long as it's kept low-key.
          No banners, no carols playing, no lights flashing...just a corner somewhere among the other holiday decorations.

          As far as the customers complaining, you had it right when you said that they just look for things to complain about. You can't please everybody. Some folks have no other thought in their head when they leave the house than to start a pointless arguement with someone over something petty. These people are generally unhappy and want to try and make you just as miserable as they are.
          Merry Xmas. So much for good will.
          All you can do is what you're required to do and let the chips fall where they may.

          "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


          • #6
            We get them all the time. And I have to admit.... I AM ONE OF THEM!
            "WHAT!?!" you say? "Knightmare, that can't be possible."

            Yes, it is possible. Christmas decorations do not need to go up in August. I don't want to hear Jingle Bells or Holly Jolly Christmas while shopping for cereal.
            At least the Salvation Army bell ringers aren't out yet. I don't mind them, except the aggressive ones.

            I used to love Christmas, but almost 15 years in retail has ruined that. To me, Christmas is just another day off. How sad. Commercialism and political correctness has ruined it. We can't call the Christmas tree what it is. We have to call it the Holiday tree. Holiday lights. Holiday decorations. Holiday stocking.
            Pretty soon Christmas as we know it won't exist anymore.

            I'm even afraid to say "Merry Christmas" to people. I did that one time last year and got my ear chewed off about how they "don't celebrate Christmas, how dare you force your religious views on me, I'm appalled, blah blah rant blah." How about "F*ck you!" instead?
            I do not belong to any religion, and when someone says "Merry Christmas" to me, I don't get bent out of shape. I say "Thank you" and wish them the same. Or if they say "Happy Chanukah!" I say "Thank you" and wish them the same.

            We as a society have lost what Christmas is really about. It's not about going into credit card debt to buy the hottest gift for people on your list.

            It's about "Peace on Earth, goodwill toward Men." Oh, sorry, how un-PC of me.
            "Peace on Earth, goodwill toward humankind, if that's ok with your religious views. If not, I apologize." How's that for a new Holiday song?

            Bah! Humbug!
            Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

            "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


            • #7
              Knightmare, that's why I'm glad I'm no longer in retail. I can actually enjoy the holidays instead of dreading them.
              Except, of course, for Xmas SHOPPING, which can quite often be as bad.
              I mean...Happy Holidays!

              "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


              • #8
                Quoth Demonoid Phenomenon View Post
                You can't please everybody.
                That reminds me of something Mitch Hedberg once said:

                "You can't please all the people all the time.....and last night all those people were at my show."

                And now back on topic......

                Olive juice you too.


                • #9
                  BrassCowboy, I LOVE Mitch Hedburg!
                  Ah, only the good die young.

                  "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY

