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  • ...Idiot.

    The bathroom is broken. Your kid. He REALLY has to pee. I told you the closest bathroom were next door at rite aid... and that I would personally watch your stuff so you could take him...((I dont want him peeing on my floor....)) You tell him to wait a few min while Mommy tries on her clothes. This is my first indication that you are an idiot.
    I attempt to distract this child from his bladders onslaught while you are ignoring him. We looked at books and toys and games.... ((p.s. I hate you.... I hate children and your refusal to take care of your OWN child made me have to play NICE! I HATE YOU! ))
    Now you come out to grab some MORE clothes from your cart and this child of yours says "Mommy I really ha'ta go!"
    You told him "Mommy's busy right now. Go run to rite aid and go potty. Come right back though!"

    ...That's right.... You sent your 6 year old (I know he told me how old he was... more so he said "THIS MANY" while holding up six fingers....) Out towards a busy parking lot... at....7pm... to go to potty in a store where a good 50% if not more of our drug/sleeze/creep population go at night to get their "munchies" BY HIM SELF!! I don't care HOW responsible you THINK your kid is. A Six year old should not be allowed to go somewhere alone.

    I mean... that was beyond stupid... that was nearing on Child Endangerment. Oh... by the way... Your welcome. I asked one of our associates who was going out to have a smoke to keep an eye on the kid.

    You know... to makes sure there were no offerings of candy or puppies.

    That single act killed my faith is humanity for the day. I'm not even particularly fond of the little kids... but shit! I dont want them ending up in some meth heads basement tied to a mattress and being told to be a "good boy"

    To recap:
    YOU SUCK!...Idiot!
    Last edited by iradney; 04-26-2009, 04:37 PM. Reason: Removed offensive referrals to children
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2 That's all I can think to say.


    • #3
      Bad Mommy! No shopping! I always stop what I'm doing to take one of my kiddies to the bathroom. When it gets to "mom, i have to go!" I know that I have about 6 seconds to hit a bathroom.
      "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


      • #4
        This reminds me of what happened co worker at a previous job I had in a department store. Some guy sent his kid who the co worker said was MAYBE 5... INTO the store while he WAITED IN HIS CAR in the PARKING LOT. So when the little guy comes in and asks where the bathroom is she takes him, waits outside the men's room, makes sure the kid washes his hands... Then walks him out to where Daddy of the Decade is parked and procceeds to rip him a new one. Damn I wish I could have seen it.
        "Who in their right mind would commision a Sistine Chapel-style ceiling of pooping catgirls?"

        "I dunno. Atheists, probably."


        • #5
          Damn. Just.... damn.
          "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


          • #6
            Hmm, happens in my Ross too. Have you read my first (or was it second?) thread, with my 'mother of the year' story?


            • #7
              Quoth Hobbs View Post
              Hmm, happens in my Ross too. Have you read my first (or was it second?) thread, with my 'mother of the year' story?
              Yeah. Some people...
              "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


              • #8
                Quoth Refkeila View Post
                Then walks him out to where Daddy of the Decade is parked and procceeds to rip him a new one. Damn I wish I could have seen it.
                sadly though most parents like that pull the "how dare you tell me how to raise my child" card and won't listen.


                • #9
                  Makes me wish it was store policy for the parents to clean up any messes. Then maybe they will learn.
                  Bark like a chicken!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Skeksin View Post
                    Makes me wish it was store policy for the parents to clean up any messes. Then maybe they will learn.
                    I used to wish for a policy like that when I worked at the toy store.
                    I got the mommies too busy shopping at least once ever other Sunday when I worked there.

                    What really pissed me off is when the parents actually had the nerve to scream at the kid when they did wet themselves, usually half an hour later.
                    Please excuse me , I need to wander round the corner to scream now, before my head explodes.

