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Shoulda Just Stayed Home!

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  • Shoulda Just Stayed Home!

    ...or went to a damn gas station!

    I rarely post actual threads in this section, as it's been almost 3 years since I've worked in retail or food service. But I do have my memories......and even when my memory gets a little fuzzy, some kind of conversation I have or a thread I read on here will spark it back up, and I'll feel the urge to post.

    This story is from the truck stop restaurant. I want to say I only worked there for about a month, maybe even less.......but that was probably the worst job I've ever had. I was only a host for a few shifts, and they had me waitressing. Honest to gosh, the WORST job I've ever had.

    It was spring 2005. I was 18 years old, a senior just a month or so away from graduation.

    It was a quiet Sunday night. Not too long before I'd be cut and be able to go home and rest up for a manic Monday at school.

    Then this crotchzit ruined my entire shift.

    This angry looking fuck waltzed into the truck stop all by his lonesomeness (well gee, wonder why?). He observed the "Please wait to be seated" sign, began to huff off and go find his OWN seat of choosing, and when poor little blas87 grabbed a menu to chase after him, it began.

    "Sir, that's the smoking that alright for you?"

    "I DON'T CARE!" he snarled at me, sitting at the ONLY dirty booth in the smoking section. Yup, one of my biggest peeves as a host/waitress. People who not only ignore the sign and seat themselves, but sit at the ONLY dirty table in the section!

    "Ok, well here's a menu, can I start you off with-" I began my spiel, but was instantly cut off by his crotchzitness.

    "I DON'T NEED NO DAMN MENU! I JUST WANT A COFFEE!" as he put his hands up to refuse the menu and ensure that I wouldn't put that menu anywhere near him.

    "Ok, one coffee.....decaff or regular, sir?" I asked him, trying to kill him with kindness.

    "I JUST WANT A DAMN COFFEE!" he barked and turned his head to look out the window.

    I got his DAMN COFFEE and set it down by him, made a big smiley face on his bill of a total of 80some fucking cents, and ignored him the rest of the half hour that he was there. Right after I delivered his coffee, I went into the breakroom and smoked the ever loving heck out of a cigarette....

    He should have just went to a damn gas station to get a coffee...or better yet, he should have just stayed home. What a waste of a table.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth