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Long Time, No Post

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  • Long Time, No Post's been a while, and I sure have a lotta stories, but I can't remember them all. Here are the ones I do remember:

    Loss Prevention Glory

    This is where I get to be LP for 15 minutes....

    So I got called up to the CS desk, and the clerk is talking to me about relieving her so she can do her sizing. I kinda got a project of mine, but shrug and nod. I mean, what're you gonna do, right? Anyway, as we're talking, a man pushing a stroller and accompanied by his young daughter (7-8ish) walk out. We have these new tags called "screamers" that have speakers on them and cause all Holy Hell when set off. So me and several others turn. Daughter comes rushing in w/ a girl's purse and states, "Oh, we didn't notice it was here," and they continue to walk out.

    Now, the tag on the purse was the regular electronic 'beep-beep' kind, not the new screamer, and the sound is still coming from them.

    CS=CS cashier
    LP=our LP guy
    SC=douche thief
    SAPD= San Antonio Police
    MOD= our MOD

    LP: Sir, sir, you need to come back (begins walking after SC)
    Me: Erm...
    CS: (over PA) MOD to the front of the store!
    Me: I'm gonna go help (walks out into parking lot)

    I observe LP and SC still haggling, the SC refusing that he has anything.

    Me: (Whips out cellphone, dials 555-SAPD)
    SAPD: SAPD, How can I help you?
    Me: Yes, I'd like to report a burglary in progress at the Ross on [street]. Our address is [address].
    SAPD: Okay, and what have they taken?
    Me: Our LP seems have gotten a purse back from them from what I can see...they're still not letting him look...
    SAPD: Do they have any weapons, a gun, knife etc....?
    Me: No, they just walked out and our sensor went off.
    SAPD: So, it's a theft then.
    Me: (I suppose) Yes sir.
    SAPD: Have you detained them?
    Me: No sir, we followed them to their car, it's a white Lincoln License plate [plate number].

    So this goes on for a bit, LP returns and begins to speak to SAPD a bit more. Then my phone cuts off We call back and report again, giving detailed description of man, family and car. LP and I walk back to store, both sighing.

    MOD: Did you get the number.
    Me: Yup, and I called the police (catches her gaze) Erm...I mean, that's not my cell phone...please don't fire me
    MOD: I'll try
    Me: See? It's reasons like this I keep my phone...

    So, a cop finally came around, they had traced the car and the officer went w/ our MOD to review the security footage. IDK what the end result is. I suppose I'll ask today @ work.

    Oh, and I now have the number for the strip mall's security patrol in my phone, too.

  • #2
    ...I hate screamers. I mean... they are a good idea and all, but our doors are hyper sensitive... Get those things with in 5 feet and they go off. >< really really annoying.

    Our LP guy reported a lady the other day. She just walked out of the store with an arm full of stuff. So he took her license plate and called her in. and then... GOT IN TROUBLE! from psycho bitch because of it! he "didn't get clearance" first. Made me really mad. Our store in particular seems to be making LP a stupid worthless position.
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


    • #3
      Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
      ...I hate screamers. I mean... they are a good idea and all, but our doors are hyper sensitive... Get those things with in 5 feet and they go off. >< really really annoying.

      Our LP guy reported a lady the other day. She just walked out of the store with an arm full of stuff. So he took her license plate and called her in. and then... GOT IN TROUBLE! from psycho bitch because of it! he "didn't get clearance" first. Made me really mad. Our store in particular seems to be making LP a stupid worthless position.
      huh...move here. our MOD was happy w. us XD

