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Witty Retorts are Wonderful, Aren't They?

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  • Witty Retorts are Wonderful, Aren't They?

    Well, while yesterday was a majorly good day, the one downside was that people kept paying me with $100 bills for low-pricing transactions. And part of this downside was a lady/entitlement whore who INSISTED on how I should give her change back.

    She comes through and buys some lipstick, a pack of gum, and some random candies. Her total is less than $5. And yep, you guessed it, she whipps out the $100. I ring it up and hand her her change, and I only have tens and fives in my till.

    She stares at it, 'Can I have twenties?'

    'I'm sorry, ma'am, I have no twenties in my till.'

    She gets pissed. 'What? Why the hell not? Why don't you have any twenties?'

    I look her square in the eye and say, with a dead-pan face, 'Because people kept paying with hundreds.'

    She got a look on her face and then it turned angry. 'Go get me some twenties.' Now, I knew I was lucky when she didn't scream for a manager just then, so I got a hundred out of my till and got some twenties from bookkeeping.

    She said, 'Count it out for me.' I do so, and hand it to her. She stares. 'I said count it for me!'

    'I did!' I say. She says, 'Well, I wasn't looking.' I count it out again and hand it to her, resisting the urge to throw it in her face. She snatches it out of my hand and walks out.

    Now appearing in comic form!

  • #2
    I used to get that all the time at the gas station. I think a lot of customers were either paid "under the table" or never heard of having a bank account, because especially on Fridays, they'd come in, get $5 in gas (and even three years ago, $5 didn't get you very far!) and a pack of smokes, and whip out their wallets containing several hundred dollar bills.......sometimes I'd even see $10s and $20s, but NOOO....they HAD to pay with $100s, always so smug about it. Almost as if to say "Ever seen one of these before, darlin?"

    I had peeves with $20s sometimes too. I'm sorry, but when you've just opened and you only have a little over $100 in your float in tens, fives, and ones, and all of your first customers pay with $20s for purchases less than $5, you're going to get drained that way as well.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      I'd get people like that at Macy's every so often.....most of the time it wasn't a problem, except for when I didn't have enough change in the register, and customers didn't always understand that I'd have to wait for a manager to bring more down from the cash bank, and that we weren't allowed to switch money between registers. (although a co-worker and I did do the latter once when we couldn't get ahold of a manager)


      • #4
        They used to pull that crap at Kinko's all the time, and always on Saturday morning. Ha ha. Nice try.

        I'm gonna empty out my register when we can't get to a bank for two days. I don't think so, Junior.

        I'd just tell them flat out "no." Tell them straight up I couldn't risk running out of register money so early, but if they wanted to come back later I might be able to do it.

        Most people at Kinko's don't pay with cash.

        They want to get mad, tough tit. It was me, another guy, and an assistant manager, and we were all on the same page. We ain't a bank.


        • #5
          When I was cashiering, people got back whatever I gave them, and whatever I had.


          • #6
            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            We ain't a bank.
            That's exactly what they want when they do that. Lazy jerks!


            • #7
              If it's first thing Saturday, there is only a starting drawer of 150 bucks in there. Nobody can run a register with 50 bucks worth of bills and change.

              It was not unheard of at Kinko's to end the day with less than a hundred bucks in cash in the drawer. I didn't mind letting someone wipe me out at the end of the day, provided we had enough small bills in the safe for that night and for the next day, but first thing in the am on Saturday, no.


              • #8
                I think a lot of customers were either paid "under the table" or never heard of having a bank account,
                I don't think you're very far off. M+ the angel who funded most of the charity rehabilitation project I helped with... the contractor he paid to install the track lighting insisted in being paid with money orders only. We're sure he did that to avoid reporting it on his taxes.


                • #9
                  I've had people do that. When they say "how can you not have twenties" I tell them "because we're not a bank."

                  I hate it most when it's really really early and we have a policy that overnight cashiers never have more than $200 in the till and they have to drop all 100s, 50s, and 20s. So when people ask for change I tell them no. Then they ask "Well now what am I suppose to do!"

                  Um, how about you ask for smaller denominations at the bank when getting money out. Just a thought.


                  • #10
                    I confess I've gone shopping merely to break a hundred (that's what the bank gave me!) but I've never complained about what kind of change I got back, knowing full well my own complicity in the matter.
                    Life's too short to drink cheap beer


                    • #11
                      I have people try that crap at the movie store I work at. I do one of two things. I either say "I'm sorry, it's early in the morning so I dont have any cash built up, you'll get one hundred in ones" or I turn around, point out the window and say, "the bank is right down the street, I'll hold these until you get back."
                      Having to deal with people in this state at this store has made my 'customer service' skills greatly decline.

                      When I cash any check at the bank I just ask politely if I can have nothing larger then 20's. Saves me from being the pain in someone's rear.


                      • #12
                        I wonder if people who pay in $100s are doing it just to stroke thier own ego?

                        Last week the auto-deposit on my paycheck failed, so I got an old-fashioned paper check that I had to cash and I got it back in $20s

                        Every other time I've cashed a check in excess of $100 I've gotten it back in $20's

                        I don't think you get $100's unless you specificaly ask for it that way, at least at no bank I've ever used.
                        - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                        • #13
                          Back before I had direct deposit, my bank ALWAYS gave me 100s when I cashed my paycheck, without fail.
                          Life's too short to drink cheap beer


                          • #14
                            Quoth Argabarga View Post
                            I wonder if people who pay in $100s are doing it just to stroke thier own ego?
                            Some of them I'm sure, but not all of them. But what I love is when these people come through Self Check and have a $5 order and stick in a $100 bill. Now our machines only have 5s and 1s in their so that's all they get as change.


                            • #15
                              Quoth seigus View Post
                              Back before I had direct deposit, my bank ALWAYS gave me 100s when I cashed my paycheck, without fail.
                              But you don't have to take them. You can ask for lower denominations.

