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Brightening weekends and other tales (long)

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  • Brightening weekends and other tales (long)

    Been a while since I posted anything, but I've been saving the best!

    These are a combination of emails, chats and the occassional phone call.

    Standard disclaimer: All identifying information has been changed or removed to protect the guilty.

    Brightening their weekend

    "...Also, I dearly thank you for the suspension of my account for seven
    days. My upcoming weekend just brightened up.
    The best of Regards"

    My reply back:
    You're most welcome for your suspension, I'm glad we could make your weekend enjoyable.

    --- If you wanna be sarcastic to me, you better plan on getting sarcasm right back!

    eBay invades Iraq

    Long rant culminating in this little gem:
    "as you know iraq was invaded based on lies, my account was blocked based on lies."

    --- Yes, it's really eBay that invaded Iraq and the US government just covered it up and that's the real reason you were suspended! You figured out the conspiracy! Agents will be dispatched to your home immediately and all records of your account will be deleted from our records. We can't have the secret getting out, now can we?

    --- Oh, and this guy was in the UK.

    Expanding the vocabulary

    Spotted in a listing for a counterfeit item:

    --- Used to describe designer label/logoed items set on a vaguely camouflage background.

    GK - it's spreading!!!

    Those of you who follow the GK posts will already know about the horrors I'm about to describe, GK will probably end up in the corner whimpering.

    Pink Camouflage items spotted on the site:
    Baby strollers (yes, the seller of this item was in Canada)
    Cell phone cases
    Computer case w/designer logos (counterfeit of course)
    Mouse pads w/designer logos (this is the one where I found the new vocab word above)
    Hello Kitty items (a horror in and of itself)

    Ah, the irony!


    --- This was reported by the trademark owner for being counterfeit.

    Wait... what???

    This was a report that came in today. I can't post the actual message as it has way too much identifying info to try to cut out of it so I'll summarize:

    He was reporting a seller for selling unauthorized copies of music (from a very famous band) that he had bootlegged and was giving away for free (which, of course, makes it perfectly fine ), so he's going to report us to the copyright owner of the bootlegged music for allowing someone to copy his bootlegged CDs.

    Needless to say, I fully encouraged him to report all this to the copyright owner, seeing how this particular rights owner loves to go after bootleggers/pirates.

    Tibetan Vikings

    We get a lot of reports for miscategorized items. This one was rather amusing.

    Listed in category: Antiques > Antiquities > Viking
    Title of listing: Rares exquisite tibet silver jade dragon ring

    The error message

    One of the many complaints employees have is how much our tools SUCK. There'd be a fatality rate of over 90% of the customer support staff if our tools actually worked how they were supposed to - the shock would be too much and people would be dropping like flies.

    To give you an idea of what it's like, here is an error message that I got while using one of our tools:


    "Can I keep trying to post it until you don't remove it?"

    --- By all means, please do! I just LOVE suspending accounts!!!

    Mr. Spellcheck


    --- I wonder how that could possibly happen, he's usually so good about catching things...

    Dealing with royalty

    This is just a small section of a chat that my coworker got regarding account restrictions (this is a copy/paste from that chat):

    SC: I am related to a senator from the 19 c who should have been president of the usa in 1886 his name was samuel tilden if that rings a bell to you and also related too the founder of the mormons joseph smith my grand father's cousin was his first wife

    SC: so you see I am a person who does not take this sort of action lihjtly

    SC: lightly

    SC: plus through the tilden family on both of my parents sides I am descended from King Henry 111 through the female line from hiis daughter Eleanorm

    Coworker: One moment please.
    <Coworker then steps away from the chat to laugh and share it with the rest of us because she has no idea how to respond to all that.>

    Me to coworker: Just tell him that we wouldn't remove their restrictions either.

    --- She followed up the next day and the guy had come back into chat and gotten another rep an hour later, but this time claiming all sorts of weird disabilities and medical conditions trying to get sympathy since bragging about his lineage got him nowhere... and was told the same thing.

    Random things found in descriptions and reports

    "scent elminating pants" --- I really don't want to know...

    "This is STILL a reproduction!!!!" --- Oh good! I was afraid that it had changed into an authentic item since your first dozen reports this hour!

    "Counterfeit. Louis Never Made this!" --- Well, considering he died in 1892, everything made after that point would be a counterfeit...

    "You Can Be Used As A Belt" --- wha???

    "Barely New" --- So... it's old? Really used? Come on man! Don't leave us in suspense!!!

    How shameful!

    "listed today under barbie furniture is a bathroom set with Ken standing in front of the toilet appearing to hold his private...I think this is awful and does not belong onEBAY"

    --- At least give us the item number so we can look at it!!! We love sharing listings like that with the rest of the team!

    He's after my job!

    "he fact that they are all on ebay,EBAY VIOLATES EBAY POLICY,It sounds to me that somoene is not watching in your ebay community watch,If you need to employ someone,i am available, as you can see i have allready started."

    --- The fact that you didn't give us ANY information in your report so we could investigate your claims means that you aren't doing your job. I'm sorry, but we have more than enough incompetent people as it is. You're fired.


    "I will not pay for an article on, as the seller wants now .. I was
    "stolen" in ebay more than 500 euros ... I admit that I steal more!
    Where is the protection of ebay, for people fraudolentas?"

    --- Are you trying to report that you were ripped off? Or were you sent a stolen item? Or are you just better at stealing things then someone else?

    I realize English probably isn't their first language, but they could at least use one of the free online translators (or write in their native language and let us use the translators)! Even they aren't as confusing as that message!

    What a great quote!

    And finally, I'll leave off with this quote I found in a listing explaining why they were trying to sell all their stuff:

    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts."

  • #2
    Quoth Darkwish View Post

    How shameful!

    "listed today under barbie furniture is a bathroom set with Ken standing in front of the toilet appearing to hold his private...I think this is awful and does not belong onEBAY"

    --- At least give us the item number so we can look at it!!! We love sharing listings like that with the rest of the team!
    Hmmm, Ken always stuck me as a guy who sits down to pee.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Quoth Darkwish View Post

      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts."
      That's my new quote, thanks!!
      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

      ...Beware the voice without a face...


      • #4
        A friend of mine is known for leaving the most absurd descriptions and feedbacks for the items he sells or buys. I always wonder how long it will be before i see oe in your posts.

        Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


        • #5
          "scent elminating pants" --- I really don't want to know...
          Actually that sounds like a great invention... I did some volunteer work in a medical center/nursing home. Let's just say... after smelling someone's used Depends... yeah some scent-eliminating-pants might be well received by all.

          "You Can Be Used As A Belt" --- wha???
          I'm assuming the add was placed by Jame Gumb...


          • #6
            Quoth Darkwish View Post

            Brightening their weekend
            So why is it that whenever I post in other places people don't get my sarcasm. You should've added a big smiley face onto the this

            eBay invades Iraq
            *preps Men In Black style gun* Ready to make everything taste purple.

            GK - it's spreading!!!

            Those of you who follow the GK posts will already know about the horrors I'm about to describe, GK will probably end up in the corner whimpering.

            Tibetan Vikings

            We get a lot of reports for miscategorized items. This one was rather amusing.
            That is just....odd.

            The error message

            One of the many complaints employees have is how much our tools SUCK. There'd be a fatality rate of over 90% of the customer support staff if our tools actually worked how they were supposed to - the shock would be too much and people would be dropping like flies.
            *snort snort*


            "Can I keep trying to post it until you don't remove it?"

            --- By all means, please do! I just LOVE suspending accounts!!!

            Mr. Spellcheck


            --- I wonder how that could possibly happen, he's usually so good about catching things...
            huked on fonics werked fur mi!

            Dealing with royalty

            This is just a small section of a chat that my coworker got regarding account restrictions (this is a copy/paste from that chat):

            --- She followed up the next day and the guy had come back into chat and gotten another rep an hour later, but this time claiming all sorts of weird disabilities and medical conditions trying to get sympathy since bragging about his lineage got him nowhere... and was told the same thing.
            So if I claimed that I was related to our first Prime Minister, Sir Edmund Barton, I'd be able to break copyright law in Australia? Sweet.

            Random things found in descriptions and reports
            "scent eliminating pants"-Hmmm....I could use this.

            "This is STILL a reproduction!" o.O

            "Counterfeit. Louis never made this."

            "You can be used as a belt" Ummm....

            How shameful!

            "listed today under barbie furniture is a bathroom set with Ken standing in front of the toilet appearing to hold his private...I think this is awful and does not belong onEBAY"

            --- At least give us the item number so we can look at it!!! We love sharing listings like that with the rest of the team!
            Wait....Ken doesn't HAVE any privates!!! He just has a lump there So...if that's the case, then any lump would mean that I have male parts!

            He's after my job!

            "he fact that they are all on ebay,EBAY VIOLATES EBAY POLICY,It sounds to me that somoene is not watching in your ebay community watch,If you need to employ someone,i am available, as you can see i have allready started."
            Last edited by iradney; 04-29-2009, 07:26 AM. Reason: excessive quoting
            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

            Now queen of USSR-Land...


            • #7
              For your viewing pleasure: Ken Peeing And the description is great too!


              • #8
                Quoth Darkwish View Post
                Hello Kitty items (a horror in and of itself)
                To be fair, pink camo is just scratching the surface. Have sympathy for this poor chap
                Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                • #9
                  Irv is correct....Ken has to be a sit down pisser. I currently have a zit on my right cheek that is bigger than Ken's "male part". This worries me, obviously for multiple reasons.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Quoth Darkwish View Post
                    Dealing with royalty

                    This is just a small section of a chat that my coworker got regarding account restrictions (this is a copy/paste from that chat):

                    SC: I am related to a senator from the 19 c who should have been president of the usa in 1886 his name was samuel tilden if that rings a bell to you and also related too the founder of the mormons joseph smith my grand father's cousin was his first wife

                    SC: so you see I am a person who does not take this sort of action lihjtly

                    SC: lightly

                    SC: plus through the tilden family on both of my parents sides I am descended from King Henry 111 through the female line from hiis daughter Eleanorm
                    This one hurts my brain!

                    1- Joseph Smith is not royalty. Not even the extremist "Mormon" spin-off religions claim that.

                    2- This SC must be pretty old if his grandfather's cousin married Joseph Smith, considering that he died in 1844! Assuming 30-year generations, that would make the SC at least 100 years old.

                    3- Eleanorm: The result of a transporter malfunction that fused Eleanor and Norman into a single person, resulting in an hour-long moral dilemma for the castle's senior staff.

                    4- My favorite, though, is his reference to King Henry the Eleventy-First. I mean, I know royal families are not typically known for their creativity in naming children, but I had no idea there were that many Henrys. That line alone would have kept Shakespeare in the historical play writing business for centuries!
                    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                    - Bill Watterson

                    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                    - IPF


                    • #11
                      About the "scent eliminating pants", those are used by hunters. Just FYI.
                      If today is an indication of the rest of the week, I'm going to need to start drinking. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                      • #12
                        I always thought hunters showered themselves in doe pee to attract da tirty point buck?

                        I told you, we're messed up in Wisconsin!
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                          4- My favorite, though, is his reference to King Henry the Eleventy-First. I mean, I know royal families are not typically known for their creativity in naming children, but I had no idea there were that many Henrys. That line alone would have kept Shakespeare in the historical play writing business for centuries!
                          EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Darkwish View Post
                            How shameful!

                            "listed today under barbie furniture is a bathroom set with Ken standing in front of the toilet appearing to hold his private...I think this is awful and does not belong onEBAY"
                            S/he is worried about Ken, with his back to us so you can't see anything, peeing but doesn't seem to have a problem with the fact that Barbie is naked!?


                            • #15
                              I think that point was that the guy used 111 instead of III.

                              Henry's wife was named Eleanor, not his daughter. Guy is definitely a whackjob.
                              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                              HR believes the first person in the door
                              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                              Document everything
                              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

