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Would you please finish your heart attack, so I can get my taco sauce?

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  • #16
    Sheldonrs this experiment was actually done on ABC. Same thing: Everyone walking by did nothing. Only ONE woman had enough compassion to stay with him and was able to eventually get someone to call 911:


    • #17
      We had an old woman collaspe in the craft store, one of us rushed to call 111 and a couple of my coworkers tried to help her

      we had customers (who could have gone to other counters by the way) start bitching and moaning that only one person was serving now.... lord I hated it there
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #18
        My GF just called the store, and nobody who's there now knows how the lady was doing. My girlfriend is off today, and it's quite possible that the people on the morning shift called to find out, and we just called too late to find out from them.

        One of her CWs called the woman's daughter yesterday, and she arrived before her mom left in the ambulance. She couldn't ride in the ambulance, so she took her mom's groceries away in her car -- the store manager had 'taken care' of buying them for her. The GF's store is good about things like that.

        I hear that the paramedics were very appreciative that she and and her CWs had blocked the aisle off for them; apparently, not everyone would've thought to do that.

        If I hear more, I'll let you guys know.
        Who hears all your prayers? Why, the NSA, of course!


        • #19
          Quoth SailorMan View Post
          after having read tales like this on CS for the last seven years or so, not surprised.
          Nor am I.

          Apparently things were already getting that bad roughly 20 years ago, considering a thread I posted, which I called "Mr. Compassion." The short version is, the girl working the deli had been out for knee surgery, had just come back with a brace on her knee. She had just cleaned everything and mopped the floors for closing, when some straggler idiot demanded service, even after she told him the deli was closed. So she went to get him what he wanted, she slipped on the floor, reinjuring her knee, and he just stood there screaming at her while she sat on the floor sobbing in pain.

          On a somewhat related note, I may have had a moment like that myself once. I didn't yell at anyone, but I did silently get annoyed over a situation, but in my defense I had no idea just how serious it was.

          I was off work one hot summer day, and I had to mow the lawn. Afterwards, I was all hot and sweaty, and figured a dip in the pool, where I had a membership, would be just the thing. When I got there, there was a helicopter in the field by the pool, and the person directing traffic told me I wouldn't be able to come in until the helicopter left.

          I didn't say anything, but I was quite annoyed. I was hot and just wanted to jump in the pool. Fortunately, it wasn't long before the helicopter took off, and they started letting people in again. I cooled off in the pool, and didn't think anything more of it.

          The next day, I read the paper and found out what had happened. The helicopter belonged to Life Lion. For anyone who doesn't know, it's an emergency medical service that flies people to the hospital when they're pretty much at death's door. The victim in the case was a little girl, about 6 years old, who for reasons unknown, ran out into the busy street and got hit by a car. Sadly, she didn't make it.

          I felt like such an ass once I found out.
          Sometimes life is altered.
          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
          Uneasy with confrontation.
          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


          • #20
            On the flip side, there are employees who suck in situations like this too.

            My coworker was in one of the stores when a woman (also an employee) collapsed. She was surrounded by coworkers all jabbering to each-other about what they should do while this woman had some sort of seizure. They kept insisting the woman be kept on her back. All of us are trained in first aid, cpr and aed's. My coworker tried to get through all the employees to hold the woman on her side, in-case she vomited. A manager SHOVED HER BACK and told her they didn't need her, they would handle it. So my coworker was forced to 'stand by' and observe while the woman began vomiting. Luckily a woman arrived and said she was a RN and they LET HER THROUGH and she did exactly what my coworker was about to do.

            Funny, cause this store always complains about how security never does ANYTHING! Unfortunately for us, it's the store's decision and if they don't want us involved we can't get involved. That get's documented through in-case they try and complain about us later.
            "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


            • #21
              Quoth ditchdj View Post
              Sheldonrs this experiment was actually done on ABC. Same thing: Everyone walking by did nothing. Only ONE woman had enough compassion to stay with him and was able to eventually get someone to call 911:

              I remember covering something similar in psychology once (in Australia, psychology is a subject offered in Years 11 and 12 and can be done as an alternative to the traditional sciences). We discussed a list of what could be considered altruism and not and looked at why people may not want to help others. Some of the things we considered were:

              -Homeless and just really after a smoke/booze.
              -Drunk/on drugs.
              -They don't know the man/woman and/or are just expecting a reward.
              -Don't want to be sued for damages if they can't help them.

              And yeah, they're heartless too. I think #4 is the main reason why people are reluctant to help.

              Quoth SailorMan View Post
              My GF just called the store, and nobody who's there now knows how the lady was doing. My girlfriend is off today, and it's quite possible that the people on the morning shift called to find out, and we just called too late to find out from them.

              One of her CWs called the woman's daughter yesterday, and she arrived before her mom left in the ambulance. She couldn't ride in the ambulance, so she took her mom's groceries away in her car -- the store manager had 'taken care' of buying them for her. The GF's store is good about things like that.

              I hear that the paramedics were very appreciative that she and and her CWs had blocked the aisle off for them; apparently, not everyone would've thought to do that.

              If I hear more, I'll let you guys know.
              Yes, please keep us posted

              And MadMike, don't feel too bad. It's happened to all of us...we've thought that it's just being a pain or something similar, but it's really helping someone in need.
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...


              • #22
                This is one of those situations where you desperately hope karma rears its head and does to the asshat what the asshat did to the heart attack victim.

                That being said, MadMike, that Mr. Compassion story made my blood boil. If I was there--instant ban and boot.
                The New Orleans Saints are your 2009 NFL champions.

                Believe dat.


                • #23
                  I've always been one to step up to the plate in an emergency, going back at least as far as when my brother was hit by a car when I was 10. I ran in and called the paramedics while everyone else milled about doing nothing.

                  Once I was at a fast food drive-through. On the street in front of me, a cagey bum was screaming at some demure, hapless woman waiting at the bus stop. I ran over and confronted the guy, and got him moving down the street away from the woman. Within a minute, two sheriff cars pulled up. As I walked back to my car at the window, the drive-through worker ran up to me outside the restaraunt, all concerned because my car was blocking the drive-through. I kept walking, and over his protests I loudly said, EXCUSE ME THERE WAS AN ASSAULT IN PROGRESS THAT SOMEBODY HAD TO DEAL WITH! and got in my car again.

                  Google Kitty Genovese for more on the bystander apathy phenomenon.
                  Apathy is one thing; actively interfering with people helping in an emergency to go about your mundane business is a whole 'nother level of suck.
                  Last edited by Automan Empire; 04-30-2009, 01:22 AM.
                  Suckiness is reinforced up OR down at every transaction. Accepting BS makes them worse for all of us; firm fairness trains them to suck less.


                  • #24
                    I do hope the woman is OK and kudos to your GF and her CW for giving her some space and dignity.

                    A few years ago, I was in a sandwich shop getting lunch when another customer just keeled over and collapsed. Myself and one of the staff members rushed to assist while another one called and ambulance. Once we established she was breathing and not having a fit, she was still unconcious though, we rolled her into the "recovery" position and waited for the ambo's.

                    The other customers in the shop just acted like they didnt even know she was there. the old, "if I dont acknowledge it, i dont have to get involved" ploy. I sure hope if anything ever happend to me, they would not be the people I would be relying on..

                    Turned out this girl was just overworked, exhausted and hadn't eaten for about 2 days. Her body just shut down. I saw her on the street about a week later and she looked OK.
                    "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
                    "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
                    "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

                    -Jasper Fforde


                    • #25
                      i also hope the woman's ok; how scary...and how low we've sunk as a species.

                      mike, there's a difference between you and the others; you didn't know and find out until later and felt bad, while they did know and didn't care.

                      you're human, they're...something else.
                      look! it's ghengis khan!
                      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                      • #26
                        We haven't sunk, we were never that high. It's just more obvious now that the population has increased and we have instant, worldwide information.
                        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                        HR believes the first person in the door
                        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                        Document everything
                        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                        • #27
                          People always amaze me. We had an issue like this in the restaurant where I work, the owner's father had a stroke. It's a family-owned place in a relatively small town so everyone was pretty concerned. We were all trying to help him and calm down the owner's family as the ambulance people were coming in. These people at the end of the bar were harassing the bartender because they weren't getting their drinks fast enough, while she was on the phone trying to contact the owner's brother. All the while loudly complaining about the service and laughing obnoxiously.

                          Let's just say that even though normally the owner would protest anyone not bending over backwards for customers(oh you didn't like your dinner, we'll take it off the bill and buy you a new one), these people got thrown out without him ever saying a word about it.


                          • #28
                            The manager knew what hospital she went to, but they wouldn't give out any information (in today's world, maybe they thought he was worried about exculpatory evidence in a lawsuit -- or maybe it was simply because he wasn't family).

                            The GF is off until I leave for my ship on Sunday; we might not find out until the woman comes back in to shop. I'll let you guys know, either way.
                            Who hears all your prayers? Why, the NSA, of course!


                            • #29
                              Quoth derangedperson View Post
                              This is one of those situations where you desperately hope karma rears its head and does to the asshat what the asshat did to the heart attack victim.
                              Sooner or later...they *will* get what's coming. Karma is a royal bitch that way

                              Several years back, I was at church with my parents. Someone a few rows up suddenly collapsed. Not surprising, since the place doesn't have A/C--it's a sauna in there during the summer. Seems the guy had a heart attack Mom is a nurse, so she ran up there, along with another guy who was a doctor. Even though the priest stopped the service, it wasn't long before a few idiots had to make comments. At least the priest not only said a prayer...but ripped into them. Now *that* was awesome Sadly though, the guy didn't make it. He died a few days later--he was dealing with cancer as well. Cancer was already overrunning his body, and the heart attack finally killed him
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                              • #30
                                Quoth GroceryWench View Post

                                Faith in humanity, slipping.

                                Urge to kill, rising.

                                How can people blame a woman having a heart attack for them not getting their frickin' TACOS on time?!

                                What is wrong with people...
                                One word: monkeysphere.

