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"I don't want to talk to no towelhead."

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  • "I don't want to talk to no towelhead."

    The General Manager of my hotel is a guy named Mohammed. He's small, brown, Pakistani, Muslim, and one of the nicest and most soft spoken people i have ever met. He's a little scatter brained, and forgets to pay me once in awhile but I don't care. I know its an honest mistake and i couldn't possibly get mad at him about it. (For you movie people, he's alot like the village elder in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.)

    Up until today, nothing like this has ever happened to me.

    Guy calls up and tells me we double charged him for his stay. No problem i say, that happens all the time. But since the charge was posted days ago, i tell him, he's going to have to call back tomorrow and get Mohammed the general manager to give him the refund, as i don't have the authority to do so.

    SC: "Ah son, why don't you just help me out now, I don't want to talk to no towelhead"
    Me: "Er... Excuse me?"
    SC: "Damn, Sand N------ are running the damn country..."
    Me: "Sir, if you want your refund you're going to have to talk to Mohammed about it, i can't do anything."
    SC: "How bout i dispute the damn charges, will that make you people happy?"
    Me: "Well, that won't make anyone happy, just call Mohammed tomorrow and he'll arrange your refund for you."
    SC: "No, you leave a message for Mo-Hammed and tell him if I don't have my refund by Friday i'll sue him and the owners of your hotel."

    Then he shouted his contact info at me (which i already had) and hung up. Now, its entirely possible that Mohammed will forget to do this and i know for a fact that this guy won't see his money until next week at the earliest. So things are ripe for an epic SC episode.

    As for me, i hope the racist asshole gets hit by the next bolt of lightning.

  • #2
    Yeah, he'll sue you. I'd like to be a fly on the wall in that courtroom... especially if the judge is Muslim...

    "So your complaint is that they refused to refund your money?"

    "No, they said I'd have to talk to a guy named Mohammed and he would take care of it, but I don't want to talk to him because he is a towelhead."

    "Case dismissed." *hits gavel*
    free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


    • #3
      I don't think Visa will even do a chargeback if the company is fully willing the fix the problem and the CX is just being a pain in the ass.


      • #4
        Ok...I've worked in a motel before, Super 8 as a matter of fact, and those types of people are just retarded. I actually told a guy that if he would hold I'd put the manager on the phone, and he told me he didn't have time. So, the GM was like, if he can't talk to me and tell me what is really going on, then "I don't have time" to refund his card.

        Needless to say, the customer said that he would file a suit, refusing to speak to the GM---> and he NEVER did!


        • #5
          Counter sue for slander.
          "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan

