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stunning customer service skills

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  • stunning customer service skills

    i haven't had many customer stories lately because my sucky customers fall into one of 5 categories.
    only have a large bill
    doesnt speak english and its my fault
    orders delivery for carry out
    doesnt know own address/out of area
    wants to bitch

    but the last two days i have gotten these two stories

    There goes my Perky Quota for the Day
    Yesterday (Wednesday) I walk in and go straight to the counter after i sign in because AM is on the make line, GM is on the oven and A-hole is bagging a delivery.
    I was alittle late and it was almost 11.
    i talk to the ladies there and they ask me about a deal. Now this deal is basically a advertisement bonanza , its free <item>.
    I had no idea about this event. I looked down at the counter real quick and there is a stack of papers. Advertising this event. oh shit, why didnt someone tell me?
    I have now been thrown to the WOLVES!!
    insurt the next hour where i basically live at this counter, marry this counter, and use my stunning customer skills. the wait time is close to half an hour, i had a few orders for 2<items>that took longer because we only have 5 types of <items> and they arent really reading the labels ands boxing them at random. the right type is in each box just not in order of the orders.
    and smiling, joking, apologizing for wait times, taking orders, helping hand out boxes.
    i help make 100 orders in and hour.
    and i am perky as can be.
    we hit out limit and take our finally orders.
    10 minutes later 8 people come in to get the free <item> i politely inform the lady who approached the counter first that unfortunately we cant make any more apologize for the inconvenience.
    she screams insults me and accuses us of false advertising.
    she stormed out.
    once we where slow and almost empty my AM said i didn't have to apologize so much and i laughed and said its good customer service they are most likely to come back if they know a nice friendly apologetic face is behind the counter than someone curt lazy sounding and inattentive (i was thinking about A-hole because he talks to customers like that)
    after all the customers left i felt weak and worn out.
    too much perkiness, i was drained!

    (im also sick and wound up puking an hour and half latter)

    Everyone else lets me to do it
    Today i come in for an hour to do some advertising and between wobble boarding i take a delivery.
    it was paid on a card and when the customer answer the door i dont see the card and id in her hand.
    now we need to get the card and ID i do NOT except with out these items and my boss backs me up 100% and chews out the other drivers when they dont.
    I also have two stick responses for this type of order "Can I see the card and ID please" if its in their hand and "I need to see the card and Id" if its not.
    they lady tells me she doesnt have the card but she does have aId.
    thous ein ensues-

    Me- Me
    DSC- Daughter if SC
    SC- the really SC to be seen

    Me- I'm sorry but i need the card to complete the order
    DSC- Well she took it with her and went to work
    Me- *crap not the card holder. NOT THE CARD HOLDER* I'm SOrry but the card older has to be present and i need to see the card.
    DSC- I'll go get her to come back from WORK (she stressed that like it would make me waiver. hello i am at work too)
    DSC disappears back in to the house and i secure the bag and place it on a stool that's out side so my hands are free so that a- i am prepared for anything from an angry boyfriend to, an attack or a phone being thrust into my hands and B i pulled a muscle in my back last Saturday so i am sore all over.
    DSC comes back and thrust a cell phone into my hands
    Me into Phone- Hello
    SC- Hello this is SC and my daughter tells me you need a card. I used a debit card not a credit card and i have never shown my card. We have done this many times before and we have always done it this way. we have never needed to show a card and no one elses has cared.
    Me (now smiling and kicking into phone jockey mood)- well Ma'am thank you for informing us of the issue so that we can insure that the other drivers receive the retraining needed insure that it doesn't happen again but our policy is we need to see the card and ID on delivery as would have been stated to you when you placed your order.
    SC- I've never had to show my card!
    Me- I understand and again thankyou for informing me of the issue so the other Drivers can be retrained but again you where informed when you placed the order to have the card and ID ready and we cant continues the order without the card holder there any ways.
    Me- I understand ma'am which is why we will be retraining the drivers so that that never happens again. We always need the card and ID.
    Me- I'm sorry ma'am but i cant complete th order with out the card and id and card holder. it is policy
    SC- I want to speak to your manager
    Me- *chuckle* well ma'am you would have to call the store for that seeing as i am out your home right now and not with my manger and i am on the phone with you.
    SC- Fine cancel the delivery but you had better debit my card right away
    Me- no problem ma'am debit cards are refunded within 72 hours.
    SC- you had better debit it right away! *click*

    DSC glares at me when i hand the phone back and grab the bag.
    I get back and my boss thanks me for demanding the card.
    I say you know they probably looked well enough alike that if the idiot had left her card there i never would had noticed.

    thus ends my wonderful two days of work so far this week for a total of 5 hours, I am going to go take a nap to kill this sickness
    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 04-30-2009, 08:48 PM.

  • #2
    congrats on being able to stand firm on policy, and not getting back-stabbed by management!
    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


    • #3
      What really gets me aggro'd when it comes to customers like this second one is they're the first to come screaming if they're the victim of fraud and swear up and down that they never do anything to put them at risk.

      Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


      • #4
        Ooh, we appear to work for the same company.

        I found out about the '100 free' thing on Tuesday. The managers were wondering if the dough was going to magically appear, since we only had four trays. I was sooo glad I don't work on Wednesdays.

        I get the same exact CC customers. Some of my favorite lines:
        "I don't know about other places, but WE have to see the card." (We actually imprint the last four digits of it. Helps cut down on chargebacks, since we physically saw the card.)
        "I took your order. I told you the driver would have to imprint the card."
        "No, I can't do that."
        "Without the card, I can't give you the pizza."
        "When <whoever> gets back, have them call us, and we'll come back out."
        "No problem." (When they say to cancel the order.)

