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P.S.... I hate you.

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  • P.S.... I hate you.

    I'm back at work... >< grawr. and it was surprisingly quiet today. I'm pissed at my manager...but that's for a different post. Only one lady today who made me want to do very violent, very illegal things.

    I am struggling to get this pile of clothes down, since it was left for me and it is HUGE. this lady is walking up towards the fitting room, but she stops and starts to look at bras, so I go to snag a pair of pants from the top of the pile. Now... the piles were a little off, I try and lay everything one way so the hangers have less chance of tangling, but not all my CW do this. So as I am pulling these pants up, the rest of the pile starts to slip. I pressed as close to the table as I could get to stop this from happening. Just as I do this the lady comes up. I looked at her and said "I'll be right with you. Just trying not to let this pile fall on me." I smiled at her and struggled with the pile, for you see... if this pile falls, the other one does too and then there are clothes all over the floor and people cant come into the Fitting Room anyway. It only took me about 15 seconds to get this pile stable enough for me to step away, but the WHOLE time, she is standing there with her hand on her hip, tapping her foot, rolling her eyes and SIGHING.
    WHen I got the pile up I gave her a #and said "Thanks so much for waiting. Sorry about that" and she says

    >< "Trip and die" was the phrase that wanted to come out of my mouth... luckily my brain to mouth filter has been working quite nice.

    The next lady wasn't really a SC, at least not to me, she was more like a crappy person to everyone around her EXCEPT me.

    She was waiting for the bathroom for 15-20 min, who ever was in there was really taking Squatters Rights. There were 2 people in line behind her. Finally she just gets fed up and turns to me.
    "I'm going to go shop. When they are done page me, my name is *****"
    ....she walks off and right as she rounds the corner I hear the toilet flush, I zipped around the corner to tell her... but she was nowhere in sight. So I just shrugged it off and the next lady was walking in when I came back.
    Any way, fast forward about 5 min. There are about 5 people waiting in line for the bathroom now. when suddenly here comes lady. Just as the door opens, she walks right past them ALL. One girl was like "There is a line" (which is what made me turn around to witness this) and the lady says
    "I was HERE before you!" and walks into the bathroom.
    I was just shocked and I looked at the other girl saying "Oh my god I am so sorry."
    She just shrugged and said "Hey, if she wants to be a bitch let her."
    I nodded and kept working.
    I mean SERIOUSLY. I've said it before in a post. I am not a place holder, I will not "Save" your spot in line. Nor will I say to someone "Oh sorry, I know the bathroom is unoccupied, but there was a lady who was waiting and I have to page her. You need to wait in line"
    Fuck that. If you leave the line, you lose your place. Thus is the principle of the universe. Either tough it out or suck it up.

    P.S. I hate you..... (and so do they now)

    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2
    If the person in front of me had spent 15-20min in the toilet, I'm not sure I want to be the next one in there.

    It really shits me (no pun intended) when people think that common manners and rules dont apply to them.
    "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
    "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
    "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

    -Jasper Fforde


    • #3
      Once used my whole lunch waiting for the bathroom. Tried knocking, asking if they would be much longer, the whole works. Girl had gone inside to do her makeup while a line formed outside. Idiot just came out, glanced at the people and then said CRAP and rushed back into the bathroom. She had forgotten to actaully use the restroom while she was in there.


      • #4
        Quoth Aethian View Post
        Once used my whole lunch waiting for the bathroom. Tried knocking, asking if they would be much longer, the whole works. Girl had gone inside to do her makeup while a line formed outside. Idiot just came out, glanced at the people and then said CRAP and rushed back into the bathroom. She had forgotten to actaully use the restroom while she was in there.
        *FACE meet Palm* that is ridiculous
        "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

