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Not your job... (long)

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  • #16
    I really wish the narcotics abusers could experience the pain some of us endure on a daily basis. I would be ecstatic if I could quit taking copious amounts of hydrocodone just to get through the day.
    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


    • #17

      Hugs to you and your pharmacist/managers for having to go through that.

      Now, a note to the SC:

      Thank you, Miss Waste of Flesh, for making it that much harder for honest people with chronic pain to get medication. I have lupus and other conditions, and I have yet to find a doctor who will prescribe anything stronger than aspirin, or will give me more than five pain pills for a whole month and snarl if I dare ask for a refill!

      Oh gee Dr. Asshat - I get two whole days this quarter to function?! Golly gee I'm so happy! Maybe you could explain it to my boss, huh?

      No offense to any of the wonderful medical personnel who may be on this board. Sorry about the rant. This kind of thing pisses me off to no end.


      • #18
        If I take Vicodin, Im so nauseous its not even funny. *blah* I got a whole bunch for when I had my wisdom teeth out and couldnt take them. Ask me how fun that was.

        On the up side, Im SOOO glad it wouldve been basically against the law for a manager/pharmacist to cave to this Good thing about working in the medical field I guess... You can say no and not get in trouble.


        • #19
          If I take Vicodin I seem to cheer up and nothing gets to me at all.

          I have a few bad teeth and cant afford to get them removed. They dont bother me much and when they do a few asprin and some Orajel takes the pain away. One day at work one tooth started hurting bad and the pain wouldnt go away even with tylenol and a whole tube of Orajel Severe Pain Formula.

          A co-worker had some 750 Vicodins for his back and he gave me one. I took it and when they pain left I was very cheerful. Noone could piss me off I would just laugh and tell them to have a nice day and ignore them.

          $1 of gas on your debit card? Sure no problem! Usually I would tell them to go pump it theirself at another station.


          • #20
            Vicodin is like ibuprofen to me. Very mild effect. Alcohol, however, is a different story.
            "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


            • #21
              Quoth Amina516 View Post
              If I take Vicodin, Im so nauseous its not even funny. *blah* I got a whole bunch for when I had my wisdom teeth out and couldnt take them. Ask me how fun that was.
              You're the first person I've come across that reacts the same way I do - except I don't get nauseous - I get "trying to hurl your toenails out from the inside" sick from it or any opiate. Makes it pretty dang hard to treat pain though, I can't tolerate most of the "good" medicines. When I had surgery a few years ago they had to follow every single morphine shot I got with a strong gravol chaser to keep me from getting sick.
              The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


              • #22
                Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                She may have been taking it as directed, but how much was she selling it for?

                I still don't see how people get addicted to it tho. It does absolutely nothing for me. Doesn't even help with the pain. I always decline the scripts.

                Me too. Vicadin makes my head a little fuzzy (NOT something I enjoy) and that's it. Last time I was put on it, I switched to over the counter stuff by the end of the first day. Had the same pain-fighting ability from what I could tell.


                • #23
                  Being a tech myself, I feel your pain. Since I work in the "meth capitol" of my state, I get that sort of situation often. Fortunately, I can usually manipulate people enough that they stop cussing and go to just grumbling when that happens. Usually, anyway.

                  Oops, time to head in to work... yay.


                  • #24
                    Quoth Hyndis View Post
                    Same. I was prescribed vicodin after some dental did jack squat for me. So I just tossed the vicodin in favor of using advil.
                    I got Vicodin when I broke my left foot a few years ago, but I hated how groggy it made me feel after taking it. I was happy when my doctor allowed me to take two Aleves (which is close to prescription strength for my weight) and ditch it and that damn Tylenol that barely did jack shit.
                    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                    • #25
                      Quoth calulu View Post
                      I was on Oxy for six long months awaiting surgery on my ruined shoulder, elbow, wrist and I still do not see why anyone tries to use this crap to get high. It used to just rob me of any and all emotions, leaving me feeling like a bumper-stunned turnip sitting uselessly by the side of a dirt road. Nothing to do, nothing to see, nothing to feel.

                      Do people really enjoy feeling like that?
                      Your description made me laugh

                      That's almost how being on valium left me. I got put on 15mg/day at one point to see if it would stop my hands from shaking. It did not, so they took me off after a *month*. And that's the best decription I've heard/read in a long long time

                      It was very surreal to go through life unable to feel strongly about *anything*, and having my mental process slowed to the speed of snow-covered molasses... but, some people like that. It may be that being stoned out of their gourd is better than their daily life...
                      "Joi's CEO is about as sneaky and subtle as a two year old on crack driving an air craft carrier down Broadway." - Broomjockey


                      • #26
                        Quoth VenomX View Post
                        If I take Vicodin I seem to cheer up and nothing gets to me at all.
                        That's how I get too, so I could VERY easily see how someone could get hooked.

                        Vike for a migraine, not so bad...once it kicks the migraine into next week, bouncing around like a happy fool for the next 10 hours is quite acceptable.

                        For an inury? I think it would be entirely too easy to make the injury worse without a care in the world, all happy and forgetful and not hurting.
                        "English is the result of Norman men-at-arms attempting to pick up Saxon barmaids and is no more legitimate than any of the other results."
                        - H. Beam Piper


                        • #27
                          Just this past month I had dental work done and it went badly (what started as a "simple" crown job ended up as a root canal and crown, and they're still not sure it'll work). I saw my dentists more than I saw family. And I see them twice a week.

                          As part of this, they gave me Vicodin, and man was I happy. Pre-vicodin had me in the pharmacy in tears asking for help as the almost double-dose of aspirin that I took did nothing. Vicodin cut the pain down to a mild headache level. Unfortunatly work frowned on taking any at work, so I took max doses of ibuprofen alternating with tylenol every three hours to keep me in any working condition. Compare that to one dose of Vicodin every six to eight hours.

                          Only side effect: exact same as when I drink. I get a little sleepy and a little chatty. Not good when I was using it to get through orchestra practice, they frown on talking

                          I can see why they need to keep strict control over these substances, so good on the pharmacist/etc in the OP in not caving in. If I'm ever in such pain again, I want my happy medicine! I don't want a few (ok, a lot) stupid scammers ruining it for the rest of us.
                          "This isn't a home, this is a swirling vortex of entropy." - Sheldon "The Big Bang Theory"

