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If Only the Long Arm of the Law Was Longer... You'd be in Jail

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  • If Only the Long Arm of the Law Was Longer... You'd be in Jail

    I get a call on the radio from one of the roving meter maids, they have a line to us to call us to come get cars with excessive tickets that are taking up meter spaces in various places around town. She didn’t mince words.

    “I got a hot one down at the meters, Jeep Wrangler with Jersey plates, my handheld says there’s $175 in tickets unpaid on it.”

    Wow, that’s quite a feat considering that a ticket for not paying the meter is only $15, the fact it doesn’t come to a round divisible of $15 means that one or more of them is probably a $25er, and you only get those for using handicapped spaces. Well, whatever, I go down to the meter lot, pull in and start hooking up. No sooner do I get started than some shirtless Guido in shorts and a backwards Phillies cap comes storming out of the place across the street.

    “What do you think you’re doing?!” (Why do they start with this? Really, I mean, what does it LOOK like I’m doing? A slow dance?)

    "You have $175 in unpaid parking tickets, you can pay for them now, or you will be towed"

    “That’s (a bad word)! I was only here for like 4 minutes” (A lie, traffic meant it was 15 minutes before I even got on scene, and who knows how long it was between when he parked and when he got noticed)

    “Sorry Sir, but either you pay your tickets or the Jeep is towed”

    “I don’t have that money on me”

    “Then it’s being towed”

    “Like hell it is!” Guido declares and jumps up on the tailgate and folds his arms dramatically, “I can stay here all night!’

    “Then I’ll be calling the cops” I warn him, he says nothing. So I grab the radio, and surprise, do exactly what I said I was going to do. About 5 minutes later, Officer Friendly arrives and asks me what the problem is.

    “Well Officer, I was called to tow this vehicle for having outstanding tickets, currently, the owner owes $175.00 worth of unpaid fines. He’s refusing to pay, or to let me load, last words he said to me were that he was going to stay there all night.”

    Cop gives Guido the evil eye in that “you made me come down here for this?” way and tells him off.

    “No you’re not, get off of there and either pay for it or let the man tow it.”

    The smirk rapidly vanishes from Guido’s face, as this is not what he thought would happen.

    “But, but I was only here for 10 minutes, I just ran in to get my laundry and, well, didn’t think I had to pay the meter. You got to understand my situation here with this prick *gestures at me* saying he’s going to tow me for that, its (a bad word)! This is all (a bad word)!”

    “Is that your excuse for the other tickets too and the fact you haven’t paid them?” the cop asks.

    “I don’t have to pay those” Guido insists

    “Yes you do, or he tows the car, that’s his job and you can’t get in the way of him doing his job because you don’t like it.”

    “I can’t (not a very nice word) pay that, I don’t have the money”

    “Then get down and let him tow it”

    Guido crosses his arms and looks away, oh man, is he actually trying the I-don’t-want-to-and-you-can’t-make-me approach? I thought we all knew by the time we were 8 that you don’t pull that on authority figures, not your Mom, not your English teacher and certainly not someone who’s been provided by the public with 45 rounds of ammunition and a means to use it.

    “You want to get arrested?” The cop asks, sensing that Guido isn’t going to cough up any money.

    Guido still pretends not to be interested in his imminent incarceration.

    “Okay, have it your way” the Cop says and makes a move towards him. Guido leans back and actually throws half an arm at the cop.

    “Don’t you touch me!”

    Hoo-boy, wrong thing to say, I’m cringing on the inside waiting for the fireworks to start.

    “I”ll touch you if I have to. In fact, the next time I touch you, it’s going to be because I’m arresting you! Now get off that Jeep, it’s being towed.”

    Guido just crosses his arms and looks the other way.

    “Okay, we’re going!” the cop declares as he lunges for Guido and gets a hand around his wrists. Guido manages to pull back just enough to fall off the side of the jeep and fall out of the cop’s grasp. He stutter steps over to the sidewalk and takes off trucking down the street. The cop takes a few steps in his direction, but quickly abandons pursuit when he realizes that Guido has finally gotten off the Jeep like we wanted him to. He turns to me smiling and says.

    “Eh, I don’t feel like running after the little turd biscuit (yes, he really did call him that) , just take the car and I’ll watch for him.”

    Yes Sir!

    Total bill for his little misadventure once the tickets and towing had been added up? $320.00 and every cop in town probably gunning for him now. Have a nice life, turd biscuit.
    - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.

  • #2
    Paying your unpaid tickets: $175

    Evading and eluding police, resisting arrest: Jail time.

    Imagining him getting tazed when they catch him: Priceless.
    My Wajas cave


    • #3
      What a dmbass. And all. Because he thought that he could get away with it
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        I would say that "turd biscuit" is an accurate description of that guy.

        I would love to see his face when the cops get him.


        • #5
          Quoth Argabarga View Post
          I thought we all knew by the time we were 8 that you don’t pull that on authority figures, <snip> certainly not someone who’s been provided by the public with 45 rounds of ammunition and a means to use it.
          Gotta love that description. You never know when you get a trigger happy cop who's had a really bad day, and is *this* close to having a meltdown.
          Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


          • #6
            Never EVER refuse to follow directions from a cop cause they can & WILL make your life miserable in ways you can't imagine.


            • #7
              Quoth Bramble View Post
              Paying your unpaid tickets: $175

              Evading and eluding police, resisting arrest: Jail time.

              Imagining him getting tazed when they catch him: Priceless.
              Taze 'em, bro!

              Originally Posted by edible_hat
              (also, wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?)


              • #8
                Quoth Argabarga
                No sooner do I get started than some shirtless Guido in shorts and a backwards Phillies cap comes storming out of the place across the street.
                Not to parade rain, but is the term "Guido" necessary? I dunno about there, but up here its, well, an ethnic slur. ><


                • #9
                  Really? I've always heard it to describe the really, amazingly toolish guys who all look the same... White, but tanned to a crisp, all hair spiked up into a hairstyle that'd make Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh grin with glee, and clothes way too big for them.
                  Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Fenrus View Post
                    Really? I've always heard it to describe the really, amazingly toolish guys who all look the same... White, but tanned to a crisp, all hair spiked up into a hairstyle that'd make Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh grin with glee, and clothes way too big for them.
                    Yep. The term expanded a bit for a fashion style, but its originally an ethnic slur. It'd just take dropping it in the wrong place to get your ass kicked. -.-

                    The More You Know


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      Yep. The term expanded a bit for a fashion style, but its originally an ethnic slur.
                      Hmm. That's interesting. Around here, I think Italians may actually be the minority of the people who dress that way, but we still use the term. The term seems to be only about the fashion here. Good to know that it could be taken badly elsewhere, though.


                      • #12
                        FOR FUTURE REFERENCE:

                        If you are offended by something in a post, use the pretty shiney report button! Do NOT call out the OP.
                        The mods are not all-knowing all-seeing all-powerful beings. We cannot SMELL if something is offensive if someone doesn't report it.

                        I will be keeping a close eye on this thread, and if one more person mentions that "Guido" is an offensive term (as we all already know due to many other people mentioning it), this thread will be closed.
                        The report button - not just for decoration


                        • #13
                          Quoth iradney View Post
                          We cannot SMELL if something is offensive if someone doesn't report it.
                          I know this was supposed to be a serious post... but man, that line made me giggle.
                          Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.


                          • #14
                            Sounds like an episode of Parking Wars. lol


                            • #15

                              When this dumbass shows up at the city impound lot to reclaim his ride, will a police report be waiting on him? I sure hope so!

