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Now That's Good Customer Service

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  • Now That's Good Customer Service

    Yesterday, one of the checkers had a customer with a food stamp card and the pin pad was locking her out. The order ended up getting voided out and the customer was moved to another register and I told the customer that I would rering her order quickly so she wouldn't have to wait for too much longer.

    Another customer was blocking the way to the register that I needed to get to. I excused myself and told the 2nd customer that I needed to get past him and he had me wait until he was done his transaction which held up the 1st customer. When he was, he told me that waiting until he was done was good customer service. When I got to the register, I apologized to the 1st customer and let her know that the 2nd customer wouldn't let me past him so I could get to the register.

    Luckily, the food stamp card worked in the current register. The 1st customer seemed satisfied when she left.
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  • #2
    "Sorry, sir. Good customer service is reserved for good customers."


    • #3
      How is it good customer service if you are not even the one trying to serve him?
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

