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Can't I just go home?

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  • #16
    Quoth Kogarashi View Post

    Accusing the Cashier/Store of Cheating You Isn't Funny Either

    This other customer was buying a toaster or some other small kitchen appliance, among other things, and the box was too large for me to fit into a bag. I simply set it on top of the bagging carousel, and most customers just put it back in the cart. Some ask if they need a "paid" sticker for it, and I tell them that their receipt is enough if the door-greeter stops them.

    This customer, though.... ::makes strangling motions:: His wife was pleasant enough, but while she was writing out the check the husband looks at the box. He feels the packing tape running across the top seam. Now, this tape is standard on any of the small kitchen appliances (especially from this particular manufacturer), and is on the boxes when the stores receive the items. It keeps the box shut, rather than using glue.

    The customer eyes it, then looks at me. "Can I open this in here to make sure nothing's broken or missing?" he asks.

    I politely reply that he might want to wait until he's left the store to do so, and jokingly add that our security people might get on his case if he opens the box before then.

    The man merely gives me a sort of half-glare, half-stare. "I don't like this tape on here," he says. "How do I know you guys aren't ripping me off?"

    Buh? "Sir, the box comes like that from the manufacturer."

    He flips the box over and sees a matching strip of neatly-placed tape on the bottom seam. "Are you sure?" he asks, his voice dripping with suspicion.

    "I'm certain, sir. That's how ApplianceCompany packs the products they send us, instead of gluing the boxes shut."

    He levels me the Stare of Suspicion, but seems placated by this. Has he never bought a small kitchen appliance before? Every microwave, crockpot, blender, toaster, etc. that I've seen has come taped into its box instead of glued.

    I know there were more minor peeves, but I must've blocked them from memory while trying to endure the cigarette lane and the few-screws-loose CSM S.

    ...Who, once again, managed to forget my last break. Which means once I finally got off the cigarette register (at only 10:05! The store closes as 10 pm, and the cigarette register stays open last to ring out straggling customers. That must be a record!), I got to sit in the breakroom for 15 minutes instead of having to endure S's bright idea of having a Wal-Mart cheer after close, or having to zone and put away returns.

    To top off the bad night, there were no empty parking spaces close (or vaguely close) to our apartment door when I got home, and I ended up denting another car in an attempt to pull into a crappily-placed parking space, and a few other minor stressors, and you have the makings for a sucktacular night.

    Luckily today is shaping up to be much better.
    If i were feeling evil i would have said: "and the tape doesn't like you either, sir. "

    Gah. Reminds me of a woman who said she didn't wanted a refund on a paper shredder because, now get this, all of the boxes were taped! They were taped in exactly the fashion they came from the manufacturer. Her box was OPEN however, and she claimed to have not gotten out of our store, and not to have opened it. Sooo do we sell taped boxes or opened boxes, which one is it genius? Hope you had a better day, Kogarashi.
    Last edited by Crow The Robot; 11-12-2006, 02:16 AM.


    • #17
      Thanks for the well-wishes, guys! Things were much better (especially for having all of Thursday and all of Saturday off in addition to today).
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

