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"Oh, I have to PAY?", and "Ralerin, Ralerin, RALERIN!"

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  • "Oh, I have to PAY?", and "Ralerin, Ralerin, RALERIN!"

    Thread title says it all.

    I had two people try to run out without paying for their things today at my Aid of Rite. One was a 60 ish woman who kept apologizing, and I really did feel bad for her. The other were two 40 ish year old men, the "beer and cigarettes" crowd, as I call them, wearing stained t shirts and wife beaters, spend their money on beer and cigarettes, you know the type. They nearly walked off with the cigarettes too.

    "Oh, I have to PAY?"

    "Yes, or else I would've had to tackle you to the ground."

    "Oh, that wouldn't be so bad. *wink*"

    "....Your change."

    One guy also ended up buying a bunch of wilted tulips for his "old lady" since he forgot her birthday two days ago. *sigh* In my opinion, flowers are nice to get but wilted and a couple days after the event? What a backhanded compliment.

    The other part of today was that nearly everyone for the first two hours of my shift complimented me on my real life name, with "Oh that's so pretty" and "I love the spelling" and so on, which are comments I get pretty often and makes me feel good. (what can I say, I have a pretty name ) What I hate are those people who go up to me and throw my name around like it's a million dollar bill.

    "Good afternoon Ralerin! I have a coupon, Ralerin. How much did those items ring up, Ralerin? So, Ralerin, how much is my total? Oh are you sure, Ralerin? Ok, here's $20, Ralerin. Can you put it into a bag, Ralerin? Can you double bag it, Ralerin? I'm walking home, Ralerin and up some steep stairs, Ralerin. Have a good day, Ralerin. Ralerin, Ralerin, Ralerin!"

    No less than 5 fracking times today by 5 different women. Only women. GAH.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    i feel your pain with the name, my name is quite common but spelled differently, Tereza... people love that too, does make me feel good, but gosh you dont have to say it more than once grr hehe


    • #3
      Quoth ralerin View Post
      What I hate are those people who go up to me and throw my name around like it's a million dollar bill.
      They know you hate it, and they do it to make you uneasy so that they have a better chance of getting what they want. Which is why, when I worked at a place that made us wear nametags, I made one that said "Satan". On being told off, I changed it to "Stan".


      • #4
        Quoth ralerin
        One guy also ended up buying a bunch of wilted tulips for his "old lady" since he forgot her birthday two days ago. *sigh* In my opinion, flowers are nice to get but wilted and a couple days after the event? What a backhanded compliment.
        "i did get you flowers, but i lost them. i found them but now they're wilted."

        see? it works
        To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

        my blog -->
        my brother's blog -->


        • #5
          my name is... finlay(surprise!). Now, this is not an uncommon thing in Scotland, and possibly the other Celtic nations... but here stateside it is very uncommon.
          now, i like my name. but because of a lot of ppl trying to call me fin, huck finn and Lay... i go by my middle name. i don't tell customers my first name because everyone thinks they are a comic genius when they hear my name... let me assure you, anyone who calls me by any of these 3 names... i have heard it a million times before so just stfu.


          • #6
            I have a problem with my name. I like it, but see, I have an odd accent that changes depending on who I've been talking with. So some people here the masculine version of my name, and others hear the feminine. Even I have difficulty hearing the difference between the two.

            ("Don" and "Dawn," by the way. I don't mind if people here know my first name or gender- there are enough others like me that I figure I'm safe.)


            • #7
              Quoth joe hx View Post
              "i did get you flowers, but i lost them. i found them but now they're wilted."

              see? it works
              Yeah in a world were women fall for something like that. However in reality it would never work. Besides flowers is such a generic thing to get her on her birthday (belated or not). Be a little more creative people.


              • #8
                I suppose there are advantanges to having a name that no one is sure how to pronounce when they see it.

                Then again, I always get "How do you say that?" followed by me repeating it several times while they "repeat" back something completely different. It's not even hard - two syllables that each appear in other very common names. But put them together and for some reason no one can hear it.
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                  I suppose there are advantanges to having a name that no one is sure how to pronounce when they see it.

                  Then again, I always get "How do you say that?" followed by me repeating it several times while they "repeat" back something completely different. It's not even hard - two syllables that each appear in other very common names. But put them together and for some reason no one can hear it.

                  The pastor of the church which I work for has a last name like that - let's say it's "Linden", but whenever I give info over the phone to people, half the time they hear it as "Winden".


                  • #10
                    My name was fairly common in Texas where I was raised, but when I moved here to Hawaii all of a sudden people can't say my name. That's ok I have problems saying their names so I call it even.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, my name iRL (which is not Jay Winger) gets mispronounced a lot. I often correct them, and just let it slide.

                      But my last name iRL has prompted people to try to be funny and make jokes. All of which I've heard before. Seriously. I had a teacher my senior year of high school (post-senior year, actually, while I was at Mercersburg) who-- every time he saw me-- would try another joke based off my last name. And I'd heard them all already.
                      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                      • #12
                        Quoth edible_hat View Post
                        ... I made one that said "Satan". On being told off, I changed it to "Stan".
                        Perhaps S'tan?
                        I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                        Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                        Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Terinka View Post
                          i feel your pain with the name, my name is quite common but spelled differently, Tereza... people love that too, does make me feel good, but gosh you dont have to say it more than once grr hehe
                          I have a first cousin on my dad's side whose name is "Teressa" but it's spelled "Teresa."

                          She doesn't hesitate to correct anyone who mispronounces her name.

                          But as far as the OP goes: I detest when anyone constantly repeats my name. I already know what my name is - my Mom named me. So unless I know YOUR name, I really don't see where the point is that you have the right to say my name 50 million times.
                          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                          • #14
                            I get everyone mispronouncing my name. It's a really rare name. I don't wear a nametag anymore. Throughout school and work, I have gotten EVERY single feminine D name in the book. I even got DONNA! (my name has NO O in it!!)


                            • #15
                              I hate the name thing. My name is a slightly less common spelling of a fairly common name (at least for women 10+ years older than me). Once people are satisfied they've pronounced it correctly (not hard at all, though that one letter throws them off), they decide they have to use it as often as possible.

                              People like to give me a mini lesson about the origins of my name. Because, having had this name for 30 years, I haven't ever come across anything about it before, living under a rock and all. When people ask me if I'm of whatever descent, I usually tell them, "No, my mom just can't spell". Had one snotty mother and daughter team get all offended at me, because the daughter had the same name "Well, WE are". Well, whoopdeedamned do.

                              I don't mind being called by name. I rather like my name. I do not like it when people use it like they're my bestest long lost friend. And I don't like it when people use it every third word (who the hell talks like that anyway? My name is not the same as a period, do not end your sentences with my name). I wish we didn't have to have our real names on our name tags. I wish I didn't have to wear a damned name tag, but I do. So I suffer. Whine.

                              People pull the "do I have to pay" mess at the freaking craft store too. Mostly, older men. Icky older men. Who make you want to go and take a bath after talking to them. The ones who take the friendly banter to a whole new level.

                              They tend to be name over users too.

                              Meh. I think I shouldn't leave the house anymore.
                              you are = you're. not "your".

