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  • "YO!"

    It was a steady day, not too busy and not slow enough to bore me to death. Though I admit-- I LOVE the slow days...

    Anyway, there were only three of us on shift. And that's lucky considering there's usually only two. Now, the third person went on their lunch break. The line wasn't bad when they left... And here lunch breaks last 40mins.

    Okay, my co-worker Marcy (name changed) and I were the only ones left on the front line. We both ended up getting transactions that take a bit of time to complete.

    I got a personal check to cash, which with the new company we have to scan their ID's/check, write down a buttload of information and go through basic hell to cash something so small. Anyway, Marcy got a marker which is from a person's credit line (they set this up with us through their bank and our credit department) and doesn't require a check.

    Anyway, things are going okay, I've perfected the procedure for which I was doing and it usually takes me like five mins. Anyway, my computer was being a butt and wouldn't let me scan the woman's ID in. So I had to go to a different computer. The woman was being absolutely awesome about it. Now onto the trouble...

    I could hear an old man having a COW in line because it was taking too long.

    "I've been line for ten minutes!!!" He yelled at (I swear) the top of his lungs. He was aggitating me and the other guests in line. And we all know they exaggerate on time. It had been like two mins tops at that time.

    I ignored him and was trying to concentrate on my guest. Okay, as I said earlier I had to go to a different computer... I ended up on a computer right infront of the man yelling.

    SC: I demand to speak to your manager.
    ME: Okay.
    But before I move he keeps talking.
    SC: I demand that you make someone else open a window.
    ME: I'm sorry sir, there ISN'T anybody else. It's just the two of us.
    SC: Are you open?
    ME: Yes.
    SC: Then why aren't you doing anything!?
    ME: Sir, I'm helping someone.
    SC: OH.

    I walk away because I finished what I was doing on that particular computer and walked back to my window.

    As soon as I get into my window I hear this: "YO!" coming from that same old man again. He was yelling at another co-worker who was in the Main Bank.

    Okay, people don't understand this but its hard as hell to hear anybody talking to you from outside the MB. He yelled "Yo" like three times until the person in the MB happened to look up.

    SC: Are you the manager?!

    She shook her head. She's a supervisor in training.

    I tried not to laugh--the guy was making an absolute ass of himself.

    Finally I finished what I was doing and I helped whom ever was next. Poor Marcy got the Yo-man. He was soo cranky when he came to the window.

    SC: This is ridiculous!
    He threw his five dollars on the counter and yelled that he wanted quarters.

    Now at this time Marcy and I were beyond annoyed with this guy. I was done helping the guy in my window and sent him on his merry way.

    Neither I nor Marcy were going to tell him that the machines no longer took coin...

    If you are going to be crabby about having to wait like three mins in line, just don't. Go back into your room, take your meds and then a nap.

    I understand that waiting in line sucks but they have to understand that its not our fault-- as the cashier's we're just there to do our job. We don't control who hires who or anything to that effect. They act like its my fault and that I'm just too slow. Had someone else counted in--that would've taken at least 20mins or more.

    I am a big stickler on not letting people cut in line. It makes me mad. The particular window I chose for the day was in the corner and away from the line-- so that I wasn't the first cashier to be seen by the people waiting in line. Big mistake...

    People would see me as soon as they came from around the corner and totally bypass the line and assume that I was just doing nothing and waiting for them. Granted you can't really see the line from the direction they were coming but they got pissed whenever I would tell them where the line was.

    There was this old man in a walker-- he went straight to my window as I called someone from the line. I told him I'm sorry but he'd have to wait in line.

    SC: F*** you!

    I'm sorry but I'm not going to let someone just cut because they didn't see the line and I was shocked that he cussed me out.

    At some point people thought it was okay to make their own line in my window. And when I notice this I always make a point to tell them to get in the "real" line. It's a mess. The casino needs to have signs or something. I always feel like crap when I have to tell someone to get into line.

    My window was so close to the Atm they started to get into the ATM line and then walk into my window.

    It's a bit more obvious there that I am NOT the ATM. That made some problems there too. Or their friend would be at the atm and they'd just stand in my window and plunk all their junk all over the counter and get mad when I asked them nicely to move. Go figure.

  • #2
    Quoth Anakah View Post
    Neither I nor Marcy were going to tell him that the machines no longer took coin...
    (well, who would. . . I wouldn't have . . .!!) I hope he didn't freak out on you guys once he did find out the machines didn't take coin . . .

    Quoth Anakah View Post
    The casino needs to have signs or something. I always feel like crap when I have to tell someone to get into line.
    Ah, yes, you put up signs, but are the SC's gonna read them?
    This area is left blank for a reason.


    • #3
      Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
      Ah, yes, you put up signs, but are the SC's gonna read them?
      True. I've put signs up in clearly visible places, and nobody's bothered to read them. I even print them out with inverted colors: White counter, BLACK printed paper, white text. I think everyone has tunnel vision now.
      No good news is good bad news


      • #4
        I despise impatient people.

        I always have customers that decide everything is my fault when something goes slow. Like for example, the other day this lady forgot her pin and tried too many times, so her pin tries were exceeded. She looks at me like I'm to blame and the guy behind her is glaring at me as if I caused her to forget her pin number so many times. Yeah, okay.

        Also, hate people that think I just simply don't want to help them. Like when I was on my break, standing at a back register since "sitting on the bench during a break is not allowed" and I was only told a few days ago after a month and a half of working there where the poor excuse for a break room is. Anyway, standing at an OBVIOUSLY closed back register since: 1) all the other cashiers are on registers 1-6, i am on 11, far away. 2) my open light is off, 3) there are empty boxes and garbage on the belt, 4) I'm standing there reading a magazine, which I would not do on the job. So I got a few of the "Hey, you open?" people to which I respond "nope, sorry" and they are fine, but oh no, not this one couple, they were not fine.

        SCs: "You're open right?"
        Me: "Nope, sorry"
        SCs: "WOW, some PEOPLE! *shake their heads*"
        Me: "What?"

        and they just walk away. Some people what? I'm on a break at an obviously closed register, which i just informed you of. What's the problem? I really wish I could say whatever I wanted to customers. They do half the things they do, well more than half, because they feel like they can get away with it.


        • #5
 for the absurd commentary

          (this is in no way is completely void of any and all factual information...but you probably won't read this anyway, so...head, shoulders...knees and toes...)

          SC: halfwit
          POA: pissed-off associate

          (SC walks into line)

          SC: "Are you open?"
          POA: (points to unlit sign and obviously flipped over CLOSED sign)

          (leaves for a moment...finds no other available clerk open...comes back)

          SC: "hey, are you really closed?"
          POA: (smacks forehead with open hand repeatively)
          SC: "something wrong with your hand?"
          POA: "no...and yes, I am CLOSED."
          SC: "ok."

          (goes to find something he forgot...late night cashier opens up not but one register over...light on and everything...and yet, wonderboy still comes to said closed lane)

          SC: "I'd like a pack of smokes."
          POA: "Still closed...still on break...still not going to help you."
          SC: "Well, you're standing there, so do as I say."

          (to wit, the pissed-off associate goes over to produce...idiot customer follows, yelling...and begins pummeling said customer with various fruits and vegetables)

          SC: (running out exit) "YEAAAHH!"

          (goes back to register...flips sign to OPEN...turns on light...and sighs)
          Last edited by staticradio; 11-12-2006, 03:33 PM.
          HI, I'M NEW TO ALL OF THIS wave of approval ™©®


          • #6
            Quoth Anakah View Post
            As soon as I get into my window I hear this: "YO!"
            I used to hate that. I remember one time hearing something like, "YO! Can I get some carpet?" I wanted so badly to tell the idiot that my name is not "Yo."

            Although even that is better than getting whistled at. I'm not a dog... well, at least not in the literal sense.
            Sometimes life is altered.
            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
            Uneasy with confrontation.
            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


            • #7
              Quoth cinnamaniac View Post
              Also, hate people that think I just simply don't want to help them. Like when I was on my break, standing at a back register since "sitting on the bench during a break is not allowed" and I was only told a few days ago after a month and a half of working there where the poor excuse for a break room is. Anyway, standing at an OBVIOUSLY closed back register since: 1) all the other cashiers are on registers 1-6, i am on 11, far away. 2) my open light is off, 3) there are empty boxes and garbage on the belt, 4) I'm standing there reading a magazine, which I would not do on the job. So I got a few of the "Hey, you open?" people to which I respond "nope, sorry" and they are fine, but oh no, not this one couple, they were not fine.
              That is why we never were allowed to take a break where we could be seen by customers. It avoided customers seeing us doing nothing and then making the assumptions that we were shirking or refusing to help them for whatever reason the customer thought up (usually the race issue).
              "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
              .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


              • #8
                the poor excuse for a break room
                *shudder* Our break room is disgusting. What makes me laugh is the fact that they have signs up in there saying "Even though the floor is filthy, it is not the bin". expect us to take food in there when you know it's filthy? That's why I go and eat in my car rather than set foot in there - at least that way, I know who's been in there and what they've been doing.

                I'm not a dog... well, at least not in the literal sense.
                Come on, you've had your moments. *loves*
                God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

                I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.

