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Eletronics =/= Lane

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  • Eletronics =/= Lane

    So one of my pet peeves is people coming through electronics expecting to get rang up. It's ok if you are buying electronics or one small thing, but to come through with 20 items because there's a lot of people up front is ridiculous. However, I can't say anything.

    Today I was the only one on the floor. 1 member was at lunch and another was in fabrics. This one guy comes up to get something cashed out and another couple with about 15 items gets in line. Then a guy wants help with the boost phones. Then I do the order for the couple and this guy comes up with a DVD. Yes it's one DVD but the guy has been waiting for five minutes and the couple can take it up to the front. I ask the guy to wait a few moments because there is another customer that needs help before him and I am the only one on the floor. The guy throws a fit, throws the DVD and takes off. Um, ok? You are too lazy to walk up to the front or stand at the counter for a few moments? Ten to one you'd throw a fit if you were the guy waiting
    for help by the phones.

    I'll probably be hearing about this tomorrow.

  • #2
    Well, actually, if I was in that situation I'd probably have put through the DVD sale before helping the boost customer... keeping the boost customer waiting for one minute while you ring in one item is a lot better than keeping the DVD customer waiting for an indeterminate amount of time while you helped someone with a cell phone.


    • #3
      The other guy was there before the DVD guy right? I think you did okay and he didn't really need the DVD too badly if he was willing to throw it.


      • #4
        Honestly, the DVD guy was a jerk.

        I've never understood why people with normal, everyday purchases think it's ok to walk over to the electronics department to get rung out as opposed to going up front like the rest of the world.

        The only time I get run up in electronics is if I'm buying something that they had to open a case to get in the first place.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          I have to respectfully disagree... If there are lines 15 people deep at the front and nobody lined up at the electronics till, why wouldn't you go through there? Isn't that a till?

          (DISCLAIMER: Before anyone starts throwing cabbage rolls at me, I work in such a department and have had to ring through purchases of shampoo, diapers, etc. It's really not that big a deal.)


          • #6
            It is when your the only one covering three departments. Most likely if anyone from those departments complained that the OP should have been helping them and not waiting on people who should have gone up front...Management would have bitched. And then vice versa, really the OP was caught between and rock and a hard place. They did what they thought was right, the guy throwing the fit was wrong just cause he didn't get his way.


            • #7
              Quoth VComps View Post
              I have to respectfully disagree... If there are lines 15 people deep at the front and nobody lined up at the electronics till, why wouldn't you go through there? Isn't that a till?

              (DISCLAIMER: Before anyone starts throwing cabbage rolls at me, I work in such a department and have had to ring through purchases of shampoo, diapers, etc. It's really not that big a deal.)
              Because the person in electronics also has to help customers in three different departments.

              As opposed to the cashiers up front, whose only job is to check stuff out.

              Also, depending on how the electronics counter is set up and what the customer is buying, it might not be convenient. The electronics person might end up having to lift 40-pound bags of dog food or 24-packs of soda over the counter to scan them. We deal with the same thing at the service desk. They will call people over to check out if the lines back up and they have a few small items, but inevitably some fuckhorn with a cart heaped full of big bulky stuff will start barging his/her way over there to beat the guy with one greeting card or something.

              Honestly, I'm never in so much of a hurry that I have to go someplace other than the checkouts to be rung up. Would it be okay for me to barge into optical or pharmacy to be checked out. (For the record, we do have those departments check out people, but only on Black Friday, because of the sheer crush of people.)

              Or maybe it's because I too work in retail and understand working in retail means being told to do too much with too few people.

              Quoth VComps
              Well, actually, if I was in that situation I'd probably have put through the DVD sale before helping the boost customer... keeping the boost customer waiting for one minute while you ring in one item is a lot better than keeping the DVD customer waiting for an indeterminate amount of time while you helped someone with a cell phone.
              And then you might piss off the phone guy who might make a complaint of his own.

              First come, first served is what I say.
              Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 05-10-2009, 05:03 PM.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                And then you might piss off the phone guy who might make a complaint of his own.
                First come, first served is what I say.
                Hear hear!

                Plus, I would imagine the store's profit on a cell phone sale might be higher than a DVD markup.

                Also. In most stores you have to walk up front to exit anyway.......


                • #9
                  aaaactually... without violating my NDA, DVDs are a hell of a lot more profitable than phones are as a category.

