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As glad as I am that you're actually READING the stupid sign....

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  • As glad as I am that you're actually READING the stupid sign....

    ...Do you seriously need to be asking me for clarification?

    (NOTE: Because the Subway I work at is inside a STudent Centre in CSU, we take a system called RAM Cash that allows students to use their student ID Accounts as a form of payment. It's like a debit card and it uses a different machine than the credit card machine)

    Alright so our RAM cash machine broke. So we put a sign up saying "NOTICE: The RAM cash machine is broken so please have another way to pay." We got about 3 people asking "But can I still use my visa side?" (You can make it a visa) or "Can I still use my credit card" at once so we then we wrote in the blank space...

    "You can still use your Debit, Credit, or Visa student IDs still"

    And, you guessed it....

    SC: *looks at sign* "Does this mean I can't use my DEBIT card?"
    Me: *facepalm* "No, you can use your DEBIT card. Because the machine is NOT broken!"
    SC: "Oh, I saw that on the sign."
    (...if you saw it on the sign then why were you asking?!)

    SC: *looks at sign* "Your student ID thing is down?"
    Me: "Yes."
    SC: "Does that mean I can't use this?" (holds up non-visaed Student ID)
    Me: "Yes, it means you can't use that."
    SC: "But I don't have anything else!"
    Me: "That's why you're being warned down here."
    sC: "But can I still use it?"
    Me: "Does the sign say you can?"

    SC: *looks at sign* "I can't use my debit card can I?"
    Me: *tries VERY VERY VERY hard to not facepalm* "You CAN. It uses a DIFFERENT MACHINE. The sign says so!"
    SC: "Oh cool!" *leaves*

    I'm impressed enough that these guys actually took the time to read the sign and not just "YOU CANNOT USE RAM CASH!". The first few were actually alright - not everyone knows that Credit&Debit cards are handled by a different machine. But considering that we later added in clear font that you actually CAN use a debit or credit card.....
    Kangaroo Squee!

  • #2
    Hehe, I think I know where you work! We have Pioneer cards at DU.


    • #3
      Wait, if there's a sign up telling me exactly what I can and can't do, I still have to actually mentally process that information!?

      How dare you make me think!
      "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


      • #4
        ....Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know where you work as well, and reading this...I will have to bring this up the next time my CU friend starts going on about Metro...
        "Some wounds grow worse beneath the surgeon's hand; better that they were not touched at all."


        • #5
          we have one register at the grocery store where you have to press the "Credit" button in order for it to go through (all the rest are fine without the button), so we have a sign taped onto the little counter next to the machine:

          "If using credit, PLEASE press Credit button (2nd row, 2nd button)"

          or something along those lines.

          People will read it out loud, look up at us all dull-eyed, and go, "do i press the button?"

          verily, i doth be a buckete.

