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An SC from 1907

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  • An SC from 1907

    Yes, you read that correctly. 1907. If you think it's bad now, imagine what it must have been like then with classism being more than rife!!

    My father is a family tree nut, and in his correspondance with the obscure branches of my extended family, we have discovered that my great-great-grandmother was an SC. Here's the story.

    GGGM is a high-class lady, given enough independance to perform some of her husband's business banking herself. She walks into a bank and is greeted by the cashier (banks were different then, no waiting...apparently). She hands him an armful of paper-wrapped change - y'know, all in pennies that she wants changing into paper money?
    "I want it all in those new £5, the white ones, do you hear me man?
    Well, since she is in a sniffy mood an action of hers makes the bags tear and her cash fly everywhere. Instantly she starts whaling on the poor bloke, ordering him to pick up her pennies and recount them again, and woe betide him if any were missing as "in my husband's business, every penny counts!!"
    When the cashier eventually gathered the money, either several coins were missing or she was ruffled by the time it took, but she was demanding his manager, just like this: "Inform Mr. Jefferson, for he knows me by face, that Mrs. Davison shall depart if he does not attend now!!"

    I wonder if they existed in Medieval times.
    "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"

  • #2
    At least SCism isn't hereditary!

    What a hilarious thing to have learned about an ancestor.


    • #3
      Quoth Kika View Post
      At least SCism isn't hereditary!

      What a hilarious thing to have learned about an ancestor.
      It was embarrasing!! I read the story and instantly thought of this site.

      On another ancestral note, my 11th-great-grandfather on the same quarter of the family was beheaded in the Wars of the Roses on the Lancastrian side.
      "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


      • #4
        Quoth SongsOfDragons View Post
        I wonder if they existed in Medieval times.
        Yup, they did.

        Ask yourself: why were people willing to rebel to get this document?


        • #5
          Oh Gawd, it's a human trait inbred throughout the centuries.

          I wonder if we can identify the gene for it and breed it out!!
          "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


          • #6
            Quoth SongsOfDragons View Post
            Oh Gawd, it's a human trait inbred throughout the centuries.

            I wonder if we can identify the gene for it and breed it out!!
            It's one strong argument against the Theory of Natural Selection. I expect that the you'ld see the argument more in the eternal evolution/religion debates, except that, well, it would make "intelligent design" an oxymoron, at best...


            • #7
              Speaking of beheadings....

              Quoth SongsOfDragons View Post
              On another ancestral note, my 11th-great-grandfather on the same quarter of the family was beheaded in the Wars of the Roses on the Lancastrian side.
              One of my ancestors was beheaded for supporting Charles I. This was after he surrendered the Scottish army at Preston. Yeah, he was just a tad inept!
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #8
                I would love to know about my family history. The little bits and pieces I know about each side are so enticing...

                Great-Grandpa on mom's side - from Sicily - when they came over - they first lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Some man looked at my GGrandma in a way GGrandpa didn't like - he killed him. This was during the time when you could move to another state and be scott free of any charges. So, they did - they moved to Cleveland, Ohio - There, someone broke into my GGDad's house and was killed immediately. In this case, he was praised by law enforcement for being such a good citizen.

                My cousin Tony on my mom's side of the family was involved in some kind of embezzlement ring involving a bunch of Sicilian owned grocery stores - although he was never directly charged with anything - he was the managers at one of the stores when the sh*t hit the fan! He later moved to Florida and made it big in real estate. mmm hmmm..

                My maiden name is Spanish. My ancestors are from Galicia, Spain. My aunt started to put together a family history on that side and our name is linked WAAAAAAAYYYYYY back to Spanish royalty.

                Some of my other ancestors from Spain are from the Basque Region - notorious for the ETA - Euskadi Ta Askatasuna - one of the most violent terrorist groups to exist.

                My ex-husband used to tease me - with my ancestors from the Basque region and the others from Sicily - he would say that I was bred from terrorists and criminals.

                Family history can be fun!
                "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                • #9
                  Family history can be very amusing.

                  My friend FE is half Irish and half German. His take on his lineage: "I get drunk and want to take over the world."

                  My ancestors were for the most part merchants and vendors. Imagine that...Jews with shops! Shocking!

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    Ooh, jimmyK - you don't happen to know any Basque do you? I love their culture and I'm dying to translate a couple of things for a story of mine.

                    Yes, ok, what am I...mother's side, English, Redcar/Middlesborough, working-class in steelworks. Father's side, also English (through and through - how boring is that?!?) Hackney in London, middle-class in French Polishing and my granddad was in the Navy in WWII as a gunner.
                    "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jester View Post
                      My friend FE is half Irish and half German. His take on his lineage: "I get drunk and want to take over the world."
                      My husband is of Polish and Italian heritage. He says, "I'm a hit man who misses."
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        I thought that would be a situation where he makes you an offer you can't understand.

                        As for my ancestry, it is very muttage. My ex-fiance was also mixed, in addition to being from another country altogether.

                        Now, while we had no plans of having children (her exact words were "I'm not going to breed for you!"), we did figure out that if we did have kids, they would be (deep breath) Polish-Russian-Austrian-Rumanian-German-Spanish-Jewish-Catholic-British-Americans. Short, dark, wiseass Polish-Russian-Austrian-Rumanian-German-Spanish-Jewish-Catholic-British-Americans, I might add.

                        Who has hyphens? We have hyphens!

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #13
                          I'm not sure about most of my ancestors, to be honest, although judging from the stupidity of the vast majority of my family, they were probably SCs, too.

                          However, I can (and do!) proudly say that I am a direct descendant of Sir William Wallace. Yes, the guy from Braveheart. Man, that movie got it wrong.

                          ...although I must say, that surely does explain the foul temper!
                          "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                          • #14
                            My ancestors hailed from England...somewhere. I know Grandma was from Sherwood Forest....
                            My Mom's dad got shipped over to Canada during WWI by his dad so he wouldn't sign up for the war. Well...he signed up with the Canadian army and got wounded by some shrapnel. But, he met Grandma in the hospital, so not so bad They married and homesteaded in Alberta, close to the Seskatchewan border.
                            Dad's dad was a farm implement salesman until the Depression, when he had to sell. He had 6 boys by his first wife, and she died, so her sister came over the pond to help out with all those kids, and he ended up marrying her and having 5 more, the youngest of whom was my dad. All of them are gone now, with the exception of one of Dad's older brothers. (who didn't bother to come down for the funeral or really do much for mom, by the way. We always made an effort to go up to Edmonton whenever one of them died )
                            Dad and Mom met and married and had 3 kids in Edmonton, then he got a job offer down here so they moved when my 4th sister was on the way. (The milder weather was easier on his back, he had really bad arthritis). The rest of us were born down here.


                            • #15
                              Quoth SongsOfDragons View Post
                              Ooh, jimmyK - you don't happen to know any Basque do you? I love their culture and I'm dying to translate a couple of things for a story of mine.
                              No, sorry. No Basque and I can only speak a very little Spanish...just enough to say please and thank you while ordering another beer and to ask where the bathroom is.

                              I didn't realize that the Basque had their own language...I thought it was all Spanish in Spain...just different dialect.
                              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

