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Attempted dine-and-dash (featuring SC ignorance and cops!)

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  • #31
    I suspect that only dear old dad got cuffed because he's the one that got up in someone's face about not wanting to pay the bill.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #32
      That was brilliant. Kudos to you guys and good luck with the restaurant.
      "Because that's how magical meteoric size-altering space goo works." IMDB Message boards.


      • #33
        SC Dad: I don't feel it's fair that I have to pay for such lackluster service.
        Then don't leave a tip. You still have to pay for the food.

        Quoth IT Grunt View Post
        Justice with a side of ticket, garnished with handcuffs.
        I always like some nice silverware when I go out to eat!

        Quoth SailorMan View Post
        I look younger than my actual age.
        Me too. I'm 33 and I still get carded from time to time. I guess most people would guess I'm in my mid-20s. My dad likes to tell me how the last time he was carded was when he was 30 (of course he also likes to tell stories about all his bar-hopping and whatnot in Italy when he was in the Navy). When I was in college and told my friends how old my parents were, they were shocked. I gots good genes, too, I guess.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #34
          These are the same people that will bitch when you ask for ID when their Credit card says "SEE ID/CID". They're looking for trouble, free shit, or a reason to bitch. Since its near Memorial Day weekend/Summer, it's more than likely to be all three

          I hope that instant karma and gratification made up for the crap he put you through though. Gotta be careful who you complain to.


          • #35
            Quoth Tanasi View Post
            The LEOs should have put all three in cuffs. All three are of age, all three got up and left, and all three attempted to leave without paying. All three should have been busted.
            I wonder what Mrs. SC and juniorette would have thought of good old Mr. SC getting them arrested???
            The only reason the Dad was put in cuffs was because he was starting to get very mouthy, and started screaming in my sisters face. The other two, not so much. They ended up sitting at a table while a cop watched while the other talked to the Dad. He only put him in handcuffs to calm him down since he was freaking out. It's one of those situations that you really have to be there to understand fully how they were reacting emotionally once the cops got involved. Some of it, I really can't put into words.

            Plus side, I work there tonight to fill in some empty shifts due to a waitress' wedding. Joy.
            "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey


            • #36
              Quoth Meegz View Post
              These are the same people that will bitch when you ask for ID when their Credit card says "SEE ID/CID".
              "Sorry, ma'am, but your card requests I get your identification, unless your name is actually "Cid", which I highly doubt, Sheryl."

              Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post

              I always like some nice silverware when I go out to eat!
              Just think, what if handcuffs were the norm for place-settings when eating. That'd be hot...
              "I call murder on that!"


              • #37
                What are people coming to these days? All of this over their daughter getting ID'd? It's not as if they had something to hide if she was 21 and over.

                I think it's pure luck those cops were there. What would have happened otherwise?


                • #38
                  A few years back, our town had a major crackdown on ID checking/underage drinking (college town). For quite some time, EVERY bar, restaurant, and liquor store was checking every single person's ID. Which is totally fine, and a good policy, as far as I'm concerned. So if I was going to be purchasing/ordering alcohol, I made sure I had my ID handy, and would hand it over when I ordered or brought my purchase up to be checked out (I was in my late 20s, but almost never got carded prior to the new policies, I guess I look my age). The number of people who would hem and haw and grumble and fight having to show their ID was astounding. It takes five seconds, even less if the waitress/bartender/clerk doesn't have to wait while you dig it out of the recesses of your giant purse or try to locate it in the mess of your wallet. What was even funnier is that many of the liquor stores that were popular with the underaged college crowd actually had undercover cops working the register, and it was SO obvious most times that they were cops, and people would still try to give them fake IDs or none at all. They deserved whatever punishment they got.


                  • #39
                    You know this guy is not going to back down and probably will demand a jury trial on his theft charge. That means you and your sister both will get called to court to testify.

                    The fun part will be when he tries to ask/tell you on the witness stand about how bed the food was and you can respond that he ate every bit anyway. I have seen juries and judges chuckle at things like that.

                    Let us know what happens.
                    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                    • #40
                      Quoth Meegz View Post
                      These are the same people that will bitch when you ask for ID when their Credit card says "SEE ID/CID".
                      I got one of those once. I asked for ID and she said "Why?" all suspicious-like. I just showed her the back of the card and said "Because your card told me to ask."

                      Quoth greensinestro View Post
                      What are people coming to these days? All of this over their daughter getting ID'd? It's not as if they had something to hide if she was 21 and over.
                      Yeah. Way to teach your snowflake how the world really works.

                      Quoth pile of monkeys View Post
                      It takes five seconds, even less if the waitress/bartender/clerk doesn't have to wait while you dig it out of the recesses of your giant purse or try to locate it in the mess of your wallet.
                      Is it just me, or are the others out there who actually know where their drivers license is and can quickly pull it out when necessary?
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #41
                        Friends of mine own a convenience store. The local hidden camera consumer rights style TV show was doing a sting on selling ciggies to underages (with the requisite 30ish looking teens). Their store failed on three of four progressively younger kids they sent in.

                        This store was not the only one failing even that far, but was the only one the show mentioned any sort of response from, which was basically "Thanks for letting us know, we've fired this guy".

                        The owners? Thrilled. Looking for an excuse to get rid of this particular sucky clerk for some time, and the TV show went and dropped one in their lap. Happy dance.


                        • #42
                          Anyone who carded me would get a huge smile and an even bigger tip (I am 46).


                          • #43
                            Oldest person I ever carded was thirty five. XD She did look young, cuz she was only five feet tall, had no makeup and wore her hair in a ballet dancer style bun. She just flashed me a huge grin before passing me her driver's licience and saying, "Wait til I tell my husband!" XD
                            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                            My DeviantArt.


                            • #44
                              Quoth EricKei View Post
                              Once I was past my early twenties, I considered getting carded to be a compliment of the highest order...
                              This, basically. When someone gives me shit about carding them (we don't sell tobacco, only alcohol, so 21+ only), I just tell them "Look, you look like you're under 30, Texas law states I have to card anybody that's under 30.. if you're over 30, it's a compliment! I had you pegged for <insert late teens/early 20s age here even if they're pushing 30>"

                              I still get carded for about 25% of the time I buy alcohol, and I'm pushing 31. I just giggle, tell the clerk he just gave me a huge compliment, and show him my ID. Hell I've gotten carded IN MY OWN STORE plenty of times.

                              I carded a 35 year old woman in my line one time when I was still a pretty new cashier, she gasped and said I was the first one to card her in several years. I apologized but told her she looked like she was under 30 to me, which meant I had to card her. She giggled and thanked me for the compliment while producing an ID that did indeed show she was born in the early 70s.

                              On the other hand, I've had some very mature looking guys come through my line that wound up being born in the mid 80s - I'm pretty sure one of them may have been from TABC recently, I didn't card him and he said "What, you actually trust me? You really shouldn't.", after he said that I suspended the transaction and asked for ID. Turns out he'd been born in 1986, I could have sworn he was about 30. TABC (Texas Alcohol Bureau Commission I think) has been known to send people who're barely of legal age through lines to see if they get carded.

                              On yet another hand... I went out drinking with some coworkers a couple of weeks ago at the TGI Friday's across the street from my store, one of them is only 19, but really damn tall (6'5" I believe) and built... with a baby face. We went to Friday's, both of us got carded. He just told them he forgot his ID and they just said "You sure you're not with TABC?" and wound up serving him anyway. I was impressed by the way he talked them into it yet disappointed that they served him without ID, but one coworker with us also works for Friday's corporate as her full time job (works for us part time) and was downright pissed.
                              Last edited by bean; 05-19-2009, 05:35 AM.


                              • #45
                                Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                                Is it just me, or are the others out there who actually know where their drivers license is and can quickly pull it out when necessary?
                                Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! So long as I don't open my wallet wrong way round, I can find it first try! *has a bifold wallet, and frequently confuses the two sides*
                                "I call murder on that!"

