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Attempted dine-and-dash (featuring SC ignorance and cops!)

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  • #46
    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
    Is it just me, or are the others out there who actually know where their drivers license is and can quickly pull it out when necessary?
    Not only this, but I can actually take it out of my wallet. Little is more annoying than asking someone for ID for whatever reason, and having them wave their license, stuck behind the little plastic window, still in their wallet, in your face and expect you to be able to get any useful information off of it from two feet away. The worst is the "See ID" morons who refuse to take their licenses out- they just sort of flip it in front of my face like a Jedi mind trick, then get all bent out of shape when I ask to actually, you know, see it.


    • #47
      Quoth Nakajo View Post
      SC Dad: Well, let me tell you something. I have never had my daughter carded in this place and I don't expect to again.
      I would have told him that, if she continues to come in the restaurant, she should continue to expect to get carded.

      As I tell some of the more unruly "I shouldn't be ID'd" idiots, "If you don't like it, take it up with the Legislature!" Not my problem, kids, I'm doing what the law REQUIRES me to do.

      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
      I got one of those once. I asked for ID and she said "Why?" all suspicious-like. I just showed her the back of the card and said "Because your card told me to ask."
      Whenever I get a credit card that says "SEE ID" on it, I walk up to the folks with a sly grin and, while holding the card up so they can clearly see the back where they wrote this, say, "I'm sorry, I'm one of those weird people that follows instructions." Since I've adopted this little ploy, I have had almost no one get pissy with me about it.

      As for carding people way beyond the legal age, I HAVE carded people who were in their forties before. Myself, I am 20 days from my 39th birthday, and I still occasionally get carded. My response when they ask for my ID? "AbsoLUTEly!"

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #48
        Quoth imal'sheva View Post
        Anyone who carded me would get a huge smile and an even bigger tip (I am 46).
        In my bartending days, that was my favorite ploy to gain bigger tips--especially when the lady was obviously old enough to be my grandmother.

        Anyway, I don't even start a return without seeing the client's ID. No special reason only that the client gives us more detailed financial information than they give most relatives. Also it partially deters scammers, as they are the quickest to balk at that requirement.
        I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

        Who is John Galt?
        -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


        • #49
          Cashiers and the like don't ask for my ID.

          Well, technically, they don't finish asking for my ID since I have it out and ready before they even start.

          My wallet's gotten old enough that I can pull any card I want out of it without actaully opening it. Which is fine under normal circumstances, but it also means that if I hold my wallet upside down, all the cards will fall out.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #50
            I have sort of an opposite problem. I look very young, and I'm short too. Most of the time, I don't look within 5 years of the 25 I am.

            Yet I almost never seem to get carded, or if I do get carded for buying scratch tickets, it's right AFTER the sale has been completed and I'm getting my change! I'm not offended by any clerk who asks me for ID, they're doing their job in doing so! It's easily accessable in my wallet for if they do ask, but I'm not gonna dig it out if they have no plans to even look anyway.

            The very first time I went to bingo, it was my 18th birthday, and my mom even brought my birth cirtificate along just in case anyone gave us a hard time (ie, not believing my ID was in fact real). The only reason the guy at the door even took a glance at my ID is cause I had it all but shoved in his face in preparation!

