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School Store BS

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  • #46

    I'm scheduled to work in the store again in two weeks. This time DURING school (study hall time, we're free to go anywhere granted our grades are good) and from what I hear from the guys who got it last time, they wanted to kill themselves and everyone around them after.

    I should bring a tazer.


    • #47
      I could go on for hours about my high school. It was a very small town, conservative and with literally, twice as many churches as schools (Not including the college, there was a high school, elementray and the 1-12 catholic school).

      Since mom was single, apparently that meant she was 'loose' and would steal her husband. She could not even talk to the pastor privately - the door had to be open or a secretary had to listen in on the phone.

      I was a bookworm, and very nice. Not very good hygene at the time I admit (We were so poor we had no heat/hot water for a year.), but still... Here's a list:

      1 Bike stolen/vandalized (Tires punctured with tacks, gum on the seat, tires emptied)
      2 Boots taken from unlocked locker at the college pool and thrown in a toilet in winter (it was -20 below that day)
      3 we had in one class, those desks NOT stuck to the seat. Kids would reach behind me and try to hook it and yank the chair out from under me. I would wrap my legs around the chair legs to avoid it, causing:
      4 Them to make 'close your legs Anne, you stink!" comments.
      5 In one class, we had to line the desks up in two rows, facing each other. I would do it, but the other kids would always shove my desk and try to knock it over, etc....
      6 Footballs, rocks, etc... thrown at me at recess...
      7 Dodgeball (I HATED That game) AKA murderball... they would deliberately aim at the head (Shoulders down is legal). I got good at ducking. Mom finally wrote me notes every friday (when we played it) to get me out of Dodgeball it was so bad.
      8 At the college pool, kids would throw balls HARD at me while I was on the diving board.
      9 Basketball. I loved basketball. I was good too. The other kids HATED it when I got the ball. Several would punch me in the back and stuff (Actually I hardly felt anything, and I got GOOD at foul shots, hehee)
      10 floor hockey - they'd stick their stick between my ankles to trip me. Course, I kept going and they ended up stickless with the stick across the gym.
      11 Mom took me out of sexual education (Something about them teaching evolution and that is against the bible, etc... mom was odd back then). I got a lot of teasing about 'not knowing what a (male anatomy) is and stuff
      12 Exercise room - the one where you exercise your inner thighs. We started this during the above sex ed course I didnt take. I got a lot of 'birthing machine' jokes.
      13 Kids would tell me to wash my hair with bacon grease.
      14 One kid in particular would come up to me randomly and start to slowly brush his hair while saying 'cooomb... Commmmmb! Bruushhhh~" and basically acting like I'm a retard.
      15 One time some houses burned down. They were brand new - not even moved into. I said "Well, at least nobody was living there to get hurt!" I got called to the principals' office because apparently I said 'Its okay that the houses burnt down cause nobody lived there yet." I didnt get in trouble. They knew I wouldn't say such a thing.
      16 I was a daydreamer. I read Dragonriders of Pern a lot. So at one point in high school (I'm nuts) I wanted to live in a crater like the Dragons did. Of course, the kids always made fun of me, as though I was going to live in an ACTIVE volcano. Idiots.
      17 I slipped on ice one spring morning and scraped my knee open (I was in shorts). I didnt cover it up - I wanted it to coagulate and dry out first. I got accused for spreading 'aids' around.
      18 Especially fridays, but any day really, the kids with pickups would 'stalk' me on my bicycle.... yelling things at me, (HEy anne, Mark here wants to date you, huhuhuhuhuhuh!). After they did that, and if they were stopped at the red light, I'd slip up behind them and pretend to read their license plate. Didnt' seem to help.
      19 When I told them I was from Labrador (Part of the east coast) it turned into "Anne is from a lab beside a door." I also had rumors going about that I didnt live in the trailer park, but in a cardboard box beside the trailer.
      20 I hated group activities. The kids never listened to my usually good and practical ideas... in science class we were studying something... a bit of purple stuff in a dish and we had to watch the dissolving purple expand in a circle. I reminded my teammates not to rap on the counter or blow on it as it would ruin the experiment. They did it deliberately, slamming their hands about and stuff.
      21 Kids would grab my books out of my hands, or if I was playing solitaire on my own, grab the cards and flip them all over.
      22 Mom worked at the home school which was in one part of the catholic school (Same building, different schools). I would visit her in the summer, taking our puppy for a walk. Kids said if I had him tied up outside the school again they'd kick his head in.
      23 My brother was shot at with a pellet gun. It didnt hit him, but left scratches on his bike.
      24 I took my pet parrots out in the summer so they could enjoy the sunshine. I got threats that if they saw me again, they'd take their pellet gun out and shoot the birds. (The birds were ALWAYS on me, on my shoulder)
      25 They had an air band competition. My name appearead on the list with 'Little teacup song' beside it. Also happened to other things like that.
      26 In debate class, we had to debate 'a frog IS green." I had the clincher which would have won us the debate (in a way). The bell rang and everyone started scrambling up JUST as I started to speak. I said "Wait, What about what I wanted to say?" the teacher for once, made everyone sit down as I said "Green light reflects away from a frog, meaning the frog itself is not green. So that means that a frog that does NOT look green, actually has green light IN it, cause it absorps it." The teacher was grinning. My proudest moment.
      27 as I got older, I got numb to the insults in the hallway. I actually would keep on going, oblivious (This still happens today. IF you yell something insulting at me from a passing car, I wont' even appear to hear you). I got called 'stuck up' for not reacting to them.
      28 After one rock thrown hit me in the head, I screamed "I HATE YOU!" at them. AFter that, they teased me for YEARS about it, doing cruel mimicking and stuff.
      29 Every friday was 'perogy day' at the school cafeteria. The woman there made the BEST HOMEMADE PEROGIES in the world. I would buy nine (the most you can buy) of these little yummies (Perogies are dough packets with potatoes and cheese in them) with the works - fried onion, butter, sour cream and bacon bits. Of course, at 2 pm every friday afternoon I would be out like a light. In the middle of french class. French was one of my strongest points so the teacher did not mind TOO much, and I really tried to NOT fall asleep. The other kids kept wanting to write on my face though.

      30 Not at school, but at BIBLE CAMP. I had a dolly that year (I was in my teen sbut I didnt care) and someone ripped her head off and stuck her outside. Also, they put cream on my face while I was sleeping. I wasn't sure if it was toothpaste or something else though.

      Needless to say, High schoo lwas not pleasant. My marks kept getting lower and lower as I isolated myself mentally from everything. I became a hermit, I dropped out of school....

      I'm doing okay now. I'm smart, but I have this mind lock or something against classrooms. I zone out almost... conditioning? Maybe. I dont know.

      All I know is that I dont HATE them, but I dont like them either. I dont even want to think about them. I'm sure if I had been exposed to more violence and stuff, I'd have done something worse...
      Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


      • #48
        Quoth XCashier View Post
        Unless the team lost, then they decide to harrass DC because "he got Douchebag in trouble!"

        Both Grade School and High School sucked for me. I was homely, socially awkward and physically very clumsy. The bullies and snobs had a field day with me every day.

        My class just had its 20 year reunion, and some of the biggest jerks were on the Reunion Committee. Bet they wondered why I didn't bother going.
        What would be better karma would be that the team won the game without him, and realized they really didn't need him to win, and booted him off the team.
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #49
          I hated high school, one high school I went to the teachers were jerkoffs & the students were major assholes. I got bullied alot because of my weight. I was & still am overweight. I had a shit list of the students I despised & wanted dead. Junior high was even worse for me. I listened to heavy metal so of course that made me a target. I started listening to death metal in high school & wearing Cannibal Corpse shirts to school. The students eventually left me alone as they thought I was crazy & dangerous. One of the kids that used to torment me I threw a full popcan at his head.

          They can rot in hell for all I care, the rotten motherfuckers.....excuse my language as this is still a touchy subject for me.
          Boogity, Boogity, Boogity Let's Go Racing Boys

