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This week's tomfoolery....( long )

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  • This week's tomfoolery....( long )

    + a few oldies I dug up from older shift reports.

    Enjoy! ( Even though I generally didn't at the time. ;p )

    Shift Commentary

    There's apparently a police car outside which is on fire. So either they're having some rather severe engine trouble or the revolution has begun. If it’s the former, I wouldn't worry, if it’s the latter I'm unfortunately going to sleep through it when I get home. So if someone could be a dear and loot me a flat screen TV or something in the ensuing chaos, that'd be great.

    Well hello Mr Fancy Pants

    Me: "Which credit card will you be using?"
    SC: "My PLATIUM Mastercard."

    Well huzzah for you, give me a moment to find my sunglasses. I need to protect my eyes from the sheer light of your self-importance. I'm blind enough as is after staring at a computer screen since I was 12, so I don't need any more damage.

    Home Renovations

    SC: "Do you scrap the old roof off first before you install a new one?"

    No, we pretty much just staple the new one on top of it. If it's particularly resistant we use tape.

    Shift Commentary

    I found a pair of keys back by the vending machine. I've put them in the drawer here at the TL desk for the time being if anyone comes looking for them. They'd better too, if no one claims them I'm going down the street with the car keys on them till I find myself a brand new car. Bonus!

    ( These turned out to belong to one of the day supervisors. For my insolence she vowed to keep the aforementioned flat screen TV she looted for me for herself. )

    The Hello Game(tm)

    Its time to play the Hello Game™! Don't know how to play? Its easy! Just call up somewhere and start talking. Then, at the end of every sentence, go "HELLO!?" and keep doing that until the CSR says "Hello" back. If the CSR says anything aside from "Hello" or "Hi", immediately go "HELLO!? CAN YOU HEAR ME?!".

    Repeat this process until the CSR is ready to find your address, come to your house and flog you with a shower rod.

    Unfortunately, I lost this round of the Hello Game™ as the caller was calling from China and I can't afford the airfare. Although I do have the shower rod.

    Shift Commentary

    As I was at 7/11 tonight, purchasing my nightly sustenance, a rather heavyset man waddled in and requested his "bag of socks." He informed the clerk, and all within earshot, that he had purchased said sack of socks at Walmart but had inadvertantly left them at 7/11. Thus he was wondering if anyone had turned them in. No one had. This made him a sad panda. He looked like someone had stolen his puppy. Which, honestly, is most likely then someone stealing his socks.

    A Cunning Plan

    Step 1: Go to bill payment screen on the kiosk
    Step 2: Insert money.
    Step 3: Rather then hitting "Confirm", leave the machine completely unattended for a few minutes.
    Step 4: ?!?!?
    Step 5: Profit!

    Least I think that was his general plan. I'm not entirely sure as he didn't really stop ranting long enough to convey it. What travesty of injustice sent him over the edge? The loss of a mere $15 and the fact no one could go there RIGHT NOW at 2am local time on a Saturday morning to put it on his Cricket cell phone account. This man was a crafty one too. His attempts to verbally "trap me" with his stunningly superior intellect were impressive.

    SC: "So what are you there for anyway?!!?"
    Me: "I'm here for afterhours technical support, I can open a case-"
    Me: "No, I can't. I don't have access to your Cricket account and I don't have a field technician available to go dow-"

    I had a variation of this exchange with him about 5 or 6 times. Much fun and screaming was had. Oh, and he threatened me with the Better Business Bureau for my inability to bend reality to his whims too. He demanded (client's name)'s corporate address. Which I politely gave him. When I revealed it was in Canada he revealed he believes Canada is in Mexico.

    SC: "Oh, in Canada? YEAH THAT FIGURES! They get away with a lot of crap down there!"

    If by "lot of crap" you mean "Cross-checking" then ok, I'll conceed your point. However, to be fair, you're in Tenessee and thus Canada is north of you and thus "up there".

    I explained, repeatedly, that I in no way shape or form had any access to his Cricket account and even if I did I sure as heck don't have a techie around thats going to run down to that store at 2am to see if there's $15 extra in that kiosk.

    But, obviously, he didn't believe me, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this now. I endured his ever increasing wrath and spittle for a good 5 minutes before I finally hung up on him. I actually had a case open and put in for him after the first 45 seconds or so. The rest of the call was just pure, unrivaled jerktasia.

    Of course he called back and tore into a bewildered Op #2 for a bit. If you're going for broke, may as well hit em all, eh?


    Caller referred to Op #2 as a "Human Answering Service". As opposed to that one down the street that caters specifically to dolphins.

    Shift Commentary

    ( For reference we're having a typical Vancouver winter: Torrential downpour )

    Ah, such lovely weather outside! …..if you happen to be a manatee, porpoise or other large, sea dwelling mammal. If you have flippers you're good. If you're like me, a tall lanky geek with poor upper body strength, you're going to be swept away, shrieking like a little girl, in the raging flood waters. Eventually, a week or two from now, they'll find my wet, motionless form washed up on the beach somewhere in California. Just like a beached whale. Which, ironcially just happens to be a large sea dwelling mammal. So its just a matter of coming full circle.

    Law Enforcement
    ( We deal with the Canadian branch office of a certain US intelligence agency...the line is nutjob central at night. )

    Me: "Good morning, (client name)"
    SC: "Yeah, I just wanted to say I hope the US olympic hockey team wins next time, you know in 2010."
    Me: "….ok?"
    SC: "Yeah, the Olympics coming up in 2010.."
    Me: "What, may I ask, does that have to do with the (client name)?"
    SC: "Just, you know…"

    (No I don't, please, pull back my curtains of ignorance and enlighten me with the sunlight of wisdom.)

    Me: "…..?"
    SC: "Just saying the US is ok, you know?"

    (I'm sure they appreciate the thought. May I suggest a sending a Hallmark card and some chocolates instead?)

    Me: "Is there something I can help you with?"
    SC: "Not really, no…."
    Me: "….."
    SC: "….."
    Me: "Please call back during office hours if there's anything further."
    SC: "Yeah, ok."

    That was The Advisor™ again. For those of you unfamiliar with him, he calls a couple of times a week to advise of his new ideas to end terrorism, secure Iraq, defeat communists, report terrorist plots, smuggle american kittens, etc. Generally speaking he's fairly entertaining but ultimately futile. I wouldn't mind a kitten, though.

    The goggles, they do nothing!

    You know, I was unaware that among our doctor's office clients there was urologist. Unfortunately, I am now tragically and vividly aware.

    So thank you, Mr (name removed) for imparting to me far far more detail about your Subterrainean Man Winkee and all of its inherent malfunctions then I ever wanted or needed to know. Your willingness to share this information impresses and terrifies me. To you sir, my hat is off. Please pick it up and use it to hide your shame.

    Information: Too Much, Of

    I realise the fact your husband cannot urinate may strike you as a medical concern. However, please, please believe me when I say you only need to impart this information to me once. From there I will contact your doctor for you. You do not need to repeat yourself. You do not need to expand the on the horrific amount of detail you have given me. You do not need to regal me with clever stories anecdotes of how and why this came about.

    If fact, if you could please stop telling a complete stranger about the malfunction in his happy fun department long enough to give me a phone number, I gurantee I can do something about both of our problems.

    Survey Says: Yes?

    SC: "Do you think I should go to the emergency room?"

    Heck no, a 3 inch gash from a steak knife? You can fix that with scotch tape and some Q-Tips.


    "Hey, can I get a cab to blah blah?"
    "You have the wrong number"
    "Yeah, at blah blah."
    "You have the wrong number"
    "$@#%, whats the right number?"
    "......I don't know, you have the wrong number."
    "Well that other guy there gave me the right number but its the wrong number!"
    "...ok? I assure you I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."
    "Fine then! <slam>"

    If you'll pardon me a moment, I have to hunt down and destroy my doppleganger. Who is obviously answering my calls for me while I'm in the bathroom.

    Covered in bees!
    ( One of our clients shared this gem with me, I've converted it to my usual style of commentary. -.- )


    Legions of flying yellow pain beasts have constructed a lair outside the tenant's patio door. These cunning creatures are coming into the tenant's suite and terrorizing him and his family on a daily basis for the last week. Tenant demands we do something about this immediately as they are chasing him around as we speak and he "can't take it anymore".


    Inform tenant we will have someone remove the bee hive. Then point out the obvious and advise tenant to CLOSE THE PATIO DOOR.
    Recieve stunned silence in response.


    We should shut up and stop interfering with natural selection.

    Thats all from this week ( First day off today, thank you Jeebus )

    I like my women like I like my coffee....COVERED IN BEES!@

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    This made him a sad panda.
    Oh....poor Sexual Harassment Panda.... You realize now that his little jingle is gonna be stuck in my head for the rest of today, don't you?

    Survey Says: Yes?

    SC: "Do you think I should go to the emergency room?"

    Heck no, a 3 inch gash from a steak knife? You can fix that with scotch tape and some Q-Tips.
    Their next stop, the 24 hour pharmacy nearest them, to ask if there's anything over the counter they can take for that. As the entire pharmacy staff recoils in horror.


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Home Renovations

      SC: "Do you scrape the old roof off first before you install a new one?"
      Ask the previous owners of this house.
      You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


      • #4
        "If by "lot of crap" you mean "Cross-checking" then ok, I'll conceed your point"

        Whoops, there goes rule #1
        - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


        • #5
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          There's apparently a police car outside which is on fire. So either they're having some rather severe engine trouble or the revolution has begun. If it’s the former, I wouldn't worry, if it’s the latter I'm unfortunately going to sleep through it when I get home.

          Oh, that's fantastic wording!!!!!!! Sounds like something I'd write!!!!
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            You worry me sometimes Becky.
            Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

            Proverbs 22:6


            • #7
              Quoth AFpheonix View Post
              Oh....poor Sexual Harassment Panda.... You realize now that his little jingle is gonna be stuck in my head for the rest of today, don't you?

              Their next stop, the 24 hour pharmacy nearest them, to ask if there's anything over the counter they can take for that. As the entire pharmacy staff recoils in horror.

              i have the panda song going through my head too....time to pop in south park! but why not go to a pharmacy store for that? just last week, i had a guy come in and ask me, the girl in cosmetics, what he should do about the blood coming out of his forehead. personally, i wanted to say, " go five blocks south, and then three blocks west. enter that building. its called Kenosha Hospital. they can help you!" instead, i pointed him to the pharmacist. i figured the pharmacist could use a slight laugh(not at the injury, but the fact that instead of driving for a few more minutes to get to the hospital, he stopped here instead).


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                So thank you, Mr (name removed) for imparting to me far far more detail about your Subterrainean Man Winkee and all of its inherent malfunctions then I ever wanted or needed to know. Your willingness to share this information impresses and terrifies me.
                This reminds me of a contest that a radio station in my city did-they put out a casting call to all of the males that they could reach to come out to a bar and have their penis' measued. The man with the smallest (at -2.48cm, measured by a registered nurse. ) was the "winner", and would have his name/picture/measurements put on advertisements all over the city. What was the prize? A chance to win $35000-not $35000, but a chance to win $35000.

                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                However, please, please believe me when I say you only need to impart this information to me once.
                That happens alot at work. Somebody will tell me what (s)he needs, I get them the part, sell them the part, give them the part, and then they want to tell me their tale of woe as to why the need this part, distracting me while I'm trying to help someone else.

                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                I like my women like I like my coffee....COVERED IN BEES!@
                I like my women like I like my, sweet, and in a giant cup.
                I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                • #9
                  Those stories are HILARIOUS.
                  ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                  • #10
                    Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                    This reminds me of a contest that a radio station in my city did-they put out a casting call to all of the males that they could reach to come out to a bar and have their penis' measued. The man with the smallest (at -2.48cm, measured by a registered nurse. ) was the "winner", and would have his name/picture/measurements put on advertisements all over the city. What was the prize? A chance to win $35000-not $35000, but a chance to win $35000.
                    Er, are you sure about that measurement? I'm not sure how it's physically possible for a length to be -2.48cm (I'm questioning the negative sign).
                    "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                    "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                    • #11
                      Quoth Seanette View Post
                      Er, are you sure about that measurement? I'm not sure how it's physically possible for a length to be -2.48cm (I'm questioning the negative sign).
                      No, actually, the negative sign is correct. From what I could find through blogs, the actual measurement was -2.8 cm, by a gentleman whose name I don't wish to say. Now, cold water was splashed on the area in question before measuring, which probably had something to do with it. But by the accounts I have heard, it resembled a belly button.

                      The link to the radio station that put on the show is here, but the link to the morning show-which started/hosted the contest-isn't working. Sorry I couldn't find a better link.
                      I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                      Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                      • #12
                        But by the accounts I have heard, it resembled a belly button.
                        Sounds like someone I know.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
                          i have the panda song going through my head too....time to pop in south park! but why not go to a pharmacy store for that? just last week, i had a guy come in and ask me, the girl in cosmetics, what he should do about the blood coming out of his forehead. personally, i wanted to say, " go five blocks south, and then three blocks west. enter that building. its called Kenosha Hospital. they can help you!" instead, i pointed him to the pharmacist. i figured the pharmacist could use a slight laugh(not at the injury, but the fact that instead of driving for a few more minutes to get to the hospital, he stopped here instead).
                          There's a sushi place next to us (it's nasty sushi though), and one night the owner brought over one of his food preparers with his hand covered in a bloody napkin, wanting to know what he could do over the counter. I think he didn't want to take him to the hospital because the worker was an illegal, although they would not have refused him care. He had cut his hand badly enough that it looked like it could use some stitches. Um yeah. Needle and thread are over in aisle 7.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            I like my women like I like my coffee....COVERED IN BEES!@
                            Cake or death? Izzard rules
                            "don't go to the neighbors,that's just what the fire expects you to do"-phillippbo
                            "Please do not look into laser with remaining eyeball."
                            Support bacteria.They're the only culture some people have.


                            • #15
                              Home Renovations

                              SC: "Do you scrap the old roof off first before you install a new one?"

                              No, we pretty much just staple the new one on top of it. If it's particularly resistant we use tape.
                              That's not uncommon. Well, the tape is, but my understanding is you only have to remove the old roof if the wood underneath is rotted or if there are so many layers built up that it's getting heavy or you can't tell. My grandparents' old house had, bottom layer to top:
                              Non-touching strips of wood
                              Original wooden shingles, nailed to the strips and visible in the attic
                              Really old asphalt shingles, placed over the wooden ones when those leaked
                              Old asphalt shingles, placed over the really old ones when *they* leaked

                              Which *all* had to come off for the new roof... you mean they're supposed to take the old one off every time?
                              Last edited by HYHYBT; 11-24-2006, 08:34 AM. Reason: misphrased sentence
                              Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

