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Made Me Cry!

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  • Made Me Cry!

    I have not posted in a feel free to welcome me back....or not! Haha!

    While I have been gone from the board, the SC's have been rampant in my shop! I have been having problems with the management and the staff at the shop (I will HAVE to write all about that too), making me go as far as to call the Union about it. This has made me feel a bit shit and a bit useless and confused as to what role I actually play in the shop. Add to this, a bunch of shitty SC's personally attacking my personality and my "attitude", this makes for a very unhappy Jaime (me). Also, add to that that I was sick with the Flu 2 weeks ago and was off work for a week (which my boss was not happy about, even though I was highly contagious and had a doctors note), so when I came back last week, I felt as though I had pissed everyone off because I was sick. AND (!) so contagious was I that I ended up getting ASSMAN (bf) sick, and he ended up getting me sick AGAIN!

    So, I felt BAD yesterday and laid in bed all day and felt as though my head was going to pop like a balloon. I went to work this morning, though, because I did not want to call in sick again, after just having a week off for the same thing. See, people would no doubt complain that I was faking and all that rot. Bad move!

    I was in the Books department this morning and it was about 10:30 am. I had only been there for an hour and a half and I felt really sick. I had been coughing and blowing my nose so much that staff were wary of coming near me. I shouldn't have come in, but I ddn't want to get a lecture and feel like even more of an outcast.

    This lady comes up to me and I say "hello". I have to admit, it came out a bit maybe she didn't hear me, but I said it. I was in no way nasty, rude or mean to this woman. I served her and she smiled and never spoke to me. Now, when I say "hello" and they do not speak to me, I tend to not speak to them afterwards. You know what I am talking about. And the fact that I felt like keeling over and dying did not make me especially perky.

    Anyway, we finish the transaction which took all of 10 seconds and she says to me "what is your name"?

    Conversation is as follows:

    M (me)
    EB (evil bitch)

    M "why do you ask my name"? (cough/gag/cough)
    EB "just give me your name"!
    M "can I just ask why"?
    EB "Don't ask WHY just GIVE ME YOUR NAME"!
    M "I am sorry, but if I give my name out I would like to know why" (cough)
    EB "You just served me and never said a word to me"!
    M "I actually said "hello", but I am very sick, so you may not have heard me, I am sorry" (cough)
    EB "You NEVER said "hello" to me and if you are so SICK you have NO BUSINESS serving me"!
    M "I am sorry, but I am sick and not feeling too well, I apologize if you didn't hear me, but................."
    M "Please, I was not trying to offend you, I am just sick and I did say hello"
    M "Fine you want my name here it is"!

    I then scribbled my name on a peice of paper and slammed it down on the counter and ran off in tears!

    I cried so hard after this happened, and I was shaking badly with rage...pure rage...I wanted to rip that woman's heart out with my hands.

    It hurts so much that someone would do that to someone who was obviously not feeling well and was trying to be very nice and apologizing. I could not understand why it meant so much to her that I said "hello". I was not rude to her, I was not happy-happy-joy-joy...I was ill and a bit depressed, but I did say "hello", just not loud enough for her liking. She actually wanted my name to complain and to, I am sure, ultimately get me fired, because of something so petty. I guess she really thinks she is important and that I am a dog....which working at that place, I feel as if I am sometimes. I would never ever try to have someones job because of something like that. It is ridiculous!

    I found out later that the man in line behind her said to her "I guess you have never had a job before"! (hahaha....I bet she never worked a day in her life....she had that look). Also, she went upstairs with her husband (who was nowhere near her when all of this happened) and demanded to speak to the manager. When she was told that the manager was not in, but we had a supervisor (me and Anne) her husband chimed in and shouted "WE NEED A MANAGER FOR THIS...IT'S UNBELIEVABLE...THE TREATMENT WE GOT"! As I said...he was nowhere near her when this happened! So, they were informed that the manager would be back on Thursday...they said they would be in then to complain.

    I hope they do come in! I had a coworker there with me the whole time and she saw and heard everything. She was the first to say that I did nothing at all wrong. The way the manager treats me though, I am sure we will have to have a "talk".....but I will get fired before I apologize to these pieces of slime!

    It's just with all the crap at work, being sick and getting crap from SC's all the time, lately, I am easily upset. When you constantly hear how shit you are, how you are stupid and can't do your job....and employees hate you when you go out of your way to be nice to them....well, you start to feel that everyone is right.

    ugh!!!!!! I can't wait for Christmas to be over so I can apply for a new job.
    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

  • #2
    That bitch. It really doesn't bother me, if the cashier does not say anything to me. But I am a Cool Customer
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      hey welcome back I was just thinking about you today.

      First off(((Hugs))). Second that stupid cow , nothing but a waste of skin, air oxygen you name it. I hope karma gets her in the worst way.

      I'm sorry to hear you're having a bad time with your job.
      Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

      Proud Air Force Mom


      • #4
        I felt as though I had pissed everyone off because I was sick
        Believe me, if you were sick enough to warrant taking a week off work, your coworkers wouldn't have wanted you there. Particularly with something highly contagious. I had a coworker go home on Friday after throwing up twice in the space of half an hour - I was working on the till next to hers, and if it's contagious, I don't want it.

        And anyway, when you have the flu, it's pretty bloody obvious that you're unwell - I think she was just a bitch with nothing better to complain about. Not to be unkind, dear, but I would have paid for my stuff and scuttled the hell away from you, not stood around demanding other stuff from you. I haven't had the flu in four years *touch wood*, but the last time I got it, it was hell. I hope you're all better now, and that you find a better job really quickly.
        God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

        I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.


        • #5
          I wanted to rip that woman's heart out with my hands.
          from your description of her, i think it might be hard-she just doesn't have one.

          i hope she gets the flu and spends some serious bonding time with the toilet for her karmic retribution.

          i have to agree with the man behind her; she's never worked before.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            Coughing +illness=airborne contageon+

            I'm not singling you out here, but this has prompted me to say this: folks, these people don't matter.They are nasty, bitter assholes who do not deserve any regard at all from any of you. Don't let them make you cry, okay? Can you imagine how satisfied this bitch would be if she knew she'd gotten to you like that? So don't let her.

            Yes, I've cried at work. Once. A month or so ago when I found out a dear friend (from Kinko's, no less) had blown his own brains out with a pistol. THAT'S the sort of thing worth crying over. Not flecks of human fecal material like this.

            Somebody comes up to your till and is this nasty, you should be glad. Glad that you aren't them. Glad that karma is a boomerang. Glad that they will be out of your face soon enough.

            So don't cry, friends. You want to get one-up on these jerks? Be happy and don't let them have a piece of you.


            • #7
              What a dumb bitch, she deserves an all expense paid trip to the

              Don't let those bastards get to you WH, I went through that same situation with my supervisor and almost told him to go f**k himself because of the numerous times he degraded me as an employee. You are a lot better than that dumb woman no, demon and your coirkers don't understand the fact that if you're sick, you're sick. Maybe they'll get the same treatment you got one day and learn their f**king lesson. I hope things go well for you.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


              • #8
                It is for situations like this that I am very happy with my recent promotion, and am looking forward to a situation like this. Actually, not looking forward to it as negative shit like this sucks, but looking forward to it in the sense that, for once, I will have the power and authority to deal with it. I dream it will go something like this:

                SC: "Blah blah blah blah blah asshattery blah blah blah."
                JESTER: "Okay, that's enough. Sir, it is time for you to leave the bar."
                SC: "Excuse me?"
                JESTER: "You heard me, sir. Please, get out. Now."
                SC: "Young man, the customer is always right, and I don't appreciate your attitude. I want to speak to your supervisor."
                JESTER: "Yes sir. Right away. [pause] Hi, I'm Jester. I'm the Supervisor. I believe you were told to leave."
                SC: "Sputter sputter sputter asshattery I want to see your boss!"
                JESTER: "No problem. He'll be here tomorrow. Feel free to come back then to talk to him. Until then, however, I am the manager on duty, and for the last time, I am telling you to leave this bar. If you do not do so, I see no other option than to call the police, as after being told to leave by the management of this establishment and failing to do so, you will be in violation of trespassing laws. If you continue to argue this point, I will ask that you also be charged with disturbing the peace, and anything else I can think of. But as of this moment, due to your abusive behavior, you are no longer welcome in this establishment."

                I don't really look forward to this per se, as I hope never to have to do this, but I look forward to having the ability to deal with such a situation if it so arises. Frankly, I would be more prone to do the above if someone abuses one of the new waitstaff than if they go off on me. Me, I am thickskinned asshole who has taken far worse and laughed it off. My waitstaff is all fairly green, fairly young, and fairly innocent to such abuse. (It doesn't hur that most of them happen to be really cute young women, too!) Moral: don't fuck with Jester's waitstaff!

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #9
                  Im sorry to hear your not feeling well at the moment Jamie!

                  Ugh isnt it just sucky some people in this world, its like they actually have nothing better to do than nitpick at a percieved slight that offends their overly inflated sence of entitlement!

                  What a life their family must have, look at it this way, you only have to deal with her for once, imagine what her children must deal with! You passed the bread the WRONG WAY!!!! pass it again, no, go to your room, your grounded!

                  Im sorry to hear your job isnt going to well either, try to chin up we all go through low patches, youll get through this. We are all here for you, vent all you like, getting it out is healthy.
                  I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                  • #10
                    Urgh that woman was a nasty piece of work. I hope you are ok and feel better soon.
                    No longer a flight atttendant!


                    • #11
                      That's appalling and honestly, you did nothing wrong, I REALLY wouldn't let it get to you, just get well and if they come in to complain, hack your lungs up all over them much for a fellow bookseller with the flu, it's not nice at the best of times and morons don't make it easier


                      • #12
                        Poor you. *hugs* I've had a customer make me cry, but everyone was so supportive on here and I've heard nothing from my supervisor about Mr Arsehole since.

                        Had I been in the queue behind that woman, I would have said a lot worse than the man did; I would have told her, "How about you give me your name so if you make a complaint about this poor employee, I can back her up and tell her boss that you were a rude nasty person and not worth taking notice of?" I bet she would have been speechless as all people like this are when someone who can actually say what they think talks to them. Hopefully she'll catch flu off you and suffer karmic retribution that way.
                        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                        My DeviantArt.


                        • #13

                          Oh, thank heavens for those basic human rights! Food, water, shelter, the pursuit of happiness, and of course, the god-given right to serve arrogant, selfish bits of human slime with a smile on our faces. Only those in the customer service industry know the sweet, sweet freedom of being granted such rights.
                          You should have pointed out that it is HER right to shop elsewhere, and suggested that she exercise it.

                          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                          • #14
                            I can so relate... I had the same EXACT thing happen to me when I worked at Lowe's...I was to the breaking point with customers and the whole damn store. I was blasted big time because a customer said I didn't say hello. I was so pissed that i quit I had enough. I was so tired of crying and being put down by customers and being lectured by managers. I rarely got a break while others took four or five a shift. Matter of fact in the year I worked there I ot two 15 minute breaks. I honestly felt as though I wanted to end my life (dramatic I know) but customers had pushed me to my breaking I know how it feels all to well and I hate that you had to deal with her but don't worry her payback will come!


                            • #15
                              Call me mean, but karma would've been if you yaked all over her and then said "hello" again with a smile.

                              I hope the management there doesn't take the customers side on this and I hope the cashier next to you has the nads to help you stand up to the managemet and defend you.

                              Let us know what happens. Oh yes, and passive agrressive is the best way to deal with those people. They THRIVE off of making people cry and ruining their days. The more you smile and the nicer you are = the more you piss them off.

                              I hope you're feeling better.
                              If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.

