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but we're in a recesssion

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  • #31
    Wow, I wish I had $3000 to spend on a vacation. Heck $3000 to spend on anything would be nice. I know with that customer I would have had a hard time keeping from laughing. My brain to mouth filter is already in serious need of repair. That might have sent it over the edge.
    Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


    • #32
      Quoth infinitemonkies View Post
      Is there a problem with the economy? Really?
      I think this comic strip says something profound about the economy.
      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


      • #33
        Quoth Super Cashier View Post
        I would have asked him if he thought that paying only a fraction of a price on a piece of property would in any way help the economy.
        I am sure his response would have been something along the lines of, "Well, it would help MY economy!"

        Quoth Mr Hero View Post
        Where are these asshats going to be once the economy recovers?
        Continue to be asshats, just in different ways.

        Quoth JustaCashier View Post
        Manager then (bluffing, which the employee knows) "I'm terribly sorry, <employee>, but with this concession to our customer, we can no longer afford to employ you. Please immediately turn in all of your company owned items, collect your personal belongings, and Security will escort you off of the premises."
        For sarcasm to work, the object of the sarcasm must be aware that the whole thing is a joke, and they are the butt of it.

        I hardly think that this guy, or the typical "but in this economy" ass clown would, in fact, get this.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #34
          Quoth Mordecai View Post
          I was just thinking how pissed the SC would be if that really did happen. Imagine all that time spent arguing and then being told that it had just been rented out to the next customer at full price? LOL
          I had exactly this happen last year at my hotel. It was during the Democratic National Convention, so hotel rooms were hard to come by. With that being said, I had one room left in the evening and I knew we could get a decent price for it.

          SC comes up to the counter. "How much is it for a room?"
          Me: Tonight the rate is (I can't remember exact amount) $129.
          SC: THAT'S WAY TOO MUCH. I'M NOT PAYING THAT MUCH FOR A HOTEL ROOM! (storms out the door)

          I'd say about 15-20 minutes later, a guy walks in and asks about our rate and availability. I quote him the same price and he accepts.

          A little bit later, the SC returns exasperated.
          SC: OK, I'll take that room for $129.
          Me: I'm sorry, but I already sold it. We're completely sold out now.
          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


          • #35
            Quoth Mr Hero View Post
            I had exactly this happen last year at my hotel. It was during the Democratic National Convention, so hotel rooms were hard to come by. With that being said, I had one room left in the evening and I knew we could get a decent price for it.

            SC comes up to the counter. "How much is it for a room?"
            Me: Tonight the rate is (I can't remember exact amount) $129.
            SC: THAT'S WAY TOO MUCH. I'M NOT PAYING THAT MUCH FOR A HOTEL ROOM! (storms out the door)

            I'd say about 15-20 minutes later, a guy walks in and asks about our rate and availability. I quote him the same price and he accepts.

            A little bit later, the SC returns exasperated.
            SC: OK, I'll take that room for $129.
            Me: I'm sorry, but I already sold it. We're completely sold out now.
            The S in this case means stupid?

            $129 at a hotel when something major is going on sounds like a steal. That's not much more than normal hotel rates.


            • #36
              I've got a brother-in-law who would pull something like that, though not the "let me talk to your manager, gonna call the BBB, etc." part. He bargains like he is the only customer on the planet and he is doing the merchant a giant favor by even being interested in the product. It is embarassing to go shopping with him anyplace where the price might be vaguely negotiable. It would not surprise me if he is on this forum somewhere as an SC.
              Hmm...more zombies than usual...


              • #37
                Quoth JustaCashier View Post
                Just thought of a scenario I'd like to see.

                Customer pulls the economy/recession card, demanding a totally unreasonable reduction in cost of a product or service.

                Browbeaten employee calls a manager over.

                Manager listens to customer's demand request, and says "Certainly, Ma'am/Sir!"

                Manager then (bluffing, which the employee knows) "I'm terribly sorry, <employee>, but with this concession to our customer, we can no longer afford to employ you. Please immediately turn in all of your company owned items, collect your personal belongings, and Security will escort you off of the premises."

                Sadly, though, I'm sure the customer's reaction would not be but rather a look of smug satisfaction.

                The look of satisfaction shouldn't last for too much longer so long as the rest of the conversation went something like this.

                SC "Right, so about me getting the property for three grand..."

                Manager. "Sorry, I can no longer let you any property, since I have just fired the only person who knows how to operate the system. Please call back in 4-6 weeks, by which time I should have replaced him. Thank you for your call."


                • #38
                  Quoth Mordecai View Post
                  I was just thinking how pissed the SC would be if that really did happen. Imagine all that time spent arguing and then being told that it had just been rented out to the next customer at full price? LOL
                  I've seen that happen, and it's awesome. Not just hotel rooms either...

                  Some of you know that I'm into model cars. After seeing Steve McQueen in LeMans a few too many times, it wasn't long before I wanted a Porsche 917 for my collection. The only kit available is from Fujimi. At the time, nobody (locally) had them in stores. But, then I found several at the car show awhile back. Not only in Gulf (McQueen) colors, but Martini and several other teams.

                  As I'm standing there, attempting to snap one up, some idiot was chewing out the vendor because he wouldn't come down in price. Can't say I blame him, since Fujimi kits are usually expensive. After listening to them go back and forth, I bought the Gulf-liveried kit, and the others went to similarly-minded fans. We all paid full-price..and by the time the idiot returned, he was pissed. In the space of less than 10 minutes, all the 917s were gone, and we (vendor included) were having a good laugh at his expense
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #39
                    Quoth protege View Post
                    I've seen that happen, and it's awesome. Not just hotel rooms either...

                    Some of you know that I'm into model cars. After seeing Steve McQueen in LeMans a few too many times, it wasn't long before I wanted a Porsche 917 for my collection. The only kit available is from Fujimi. At the time, nobody (locally) had them in stores. But, then I found several at the car show awhile back. Not only in Gulf (McQueen) colors, but Martini and several other teams.

                    As I'm standing there, attempting to snap one up, some idiot was chewing out the vendor because he wouldn't come down in price. Can't say I blame him, since Fujimi kits are usually expensive. After listening to them go back and forth, I bought the Gulf-liveried kit, and the others went to similarly-minded fans. We all paid full-price..and by the time the idiot returned, he was pissed. In the space of less than 10 minutes, all the 917s were gone, and we (vendor included) were having a good laugh at his expense
                    Haha nice.


                    • #40
                      Quoth Mordecai View Post
                      Haha nice.
                      Hehe it was freaking awesome. When the guy returned, he happened to see the rest of us holding our newly-purchased 917s, and discussing what we were going to do with them. The look on his face was priceless--it looked like he'd just been kicked in the nuts
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #41
                        Quoth draco664 View Post
                        Manager. "Sorry, I can no longer let you any property, since I have just fired the only person who knows how to operate the system. Please call back in 4-6 weeks, by which time I should have replaced him. Thank you for your call."
                        Or You will have to talk to the new employee he is the old ones twin brother hey at least they wouldn't keep calling you Dave.


                        • #42
                          Actually sir, you're right. It is a recession. Therefore, for you the price is $15,000, because we're having a bad year too.

                          Bloody idiots.


                          • #43
                            Wow! I didn't know that people had the right to call a place of business & tell them what they're paying for what they want. I'll have to remember that.
                            "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
                            ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


                            • #44
                              Quoth Tito View Post
                              Wow! I didn't know that people had the right to call a place of business & tell them what they're paying for what they want. I'll have to remember that.
                              Me, too. I think I'll walk into the local wine bar, order one of their best bottles of red, and hand the bartender a five. After all, that's what I want to pay for it!

                              Of course, since I have a vague semblance of reality, I am pretty sure that the bartender will pretty much tell me to go take a flying leap...even if they do it politely.

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

