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"I USED to work in retail SO...."

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  • #16
    as a slight off topic... I"ve noticed after working in customer service two things have happened.
    I have become much more understanding and willing to work with the people who are doing a good job and following the rules and just trying to help.
    And, I have become so much more of an SC towards those who truly don't care and are bad workers... because I now know what I'm expected and willing to do, and damnit, that's how much I expect out of others as well.

    Back on topic, the next person who tries to tell me that they used to work at a hotel and know damned well that I can look up their third party booking rate because they could at their hotel will get shot. Granted, I don't know, some PMS software may let you do that... but just because you worked at a hotel doesn't mean you know shit about my software, which only tells me what we are charging the third party... oh and if you mean you can tell people what we are charging the third party, please let me know which hotel you work at... I'm sure those websites would like to know that they are letting you reveal their CONFIDENTIAL rate.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #17
      "I USED to work in retail..." Return SCs

      The worst variation on that comment is:
      "I worked at (same Big Box Store chain) in (State 100+ miles away) back when (more than 10 years ago) in the (unrelated) department"

      Cause NO policies would have changed in a decade! Or be different in another state or department.


      • #18
        Don't get me started on returns. I know how much they suck. Managers are usually lim-dicked, spineless weasels that only care about getting employees in trouble. Heaven forbid a manager save the company money by refusing these types of returns. I wouldn't mind being the U.S. Return Czar, I would PERSONALLY tell all the entitlement assholes to go to a place worse than hell. I don't understand why they don't get that fact that there are RULES.

