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The angry, whiney man-child.

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  • The angry, whiney man-child.

    A few months ago, there was this old fat guy (probably about 60) at the Electronics register having a hissy fit. I didn't actually hear what went on except for the last part, which was when he was screaming in a high pitch voice.

    He shouts, "WELL THANKS A LOT FOR NOT HELPING ME, Y'KNOW!!!!" and then he storms off with his empty cart.

    I asked one of my coworkers what that guy's problem was, and he said, "We didn't have what he wanted." That was all I needed to know.

    Seriously, how can people act lke this in public and not be embarassed of themselves?

  • #2
    That sounds like 40% of the old fat guys who come in. In fact, today on the ph. my cw had this guy who didn't like that we didn't have a book. My cw did tell him we can't have every book that is published. I guess the guy asked "why not" because my cw was saying something not everyone uses every book. I think it was a book published in 1945.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.


    • #3
      Uh oh. My most infamous ex-trainee seems to have stumbled upon your store.

      His name is DipShit, by the way.

      Was he about 40 or so, average height (not short but not 6'0), crazy mustache and goatee, huge beer gut, most likely wearing very tight jeans and a dirty, tucked in t-shirt, squeaking in a super high pitched Mckey Mouse in meth voice?

      Edit to add: Err crap. OP said 60. Oh well, maybe it was my other bad trainee, Daddy DipShit!
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Quoth blas87 View Post
        Uh oh. My most infamous ex-trainee seems to have stumbled upon your store.

        His name is DipShit, by the way.

        Was he about 40 or so, average height (not short but not 6'0), crazy mustache and goatee, huge beer gut, most likely wearing very tight jeans and a dirty, tucked in t-shirt, squeaking in a super high pitched Mckey Mouse in meth voice?

        Edit to add: Err crap. OP said 60. Oh well, maybe it was my other bad trainee, Daddy DipShit!
        Nope, just a normal looking old fat guy dressed in sweatpants with a t-shirt and a coat. I also forgot to mention that he was really red in the face, making his childish outburst even funnier.

