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Impatience will get you nowhere with me

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  • Impatience will get you nowhere with me


    I was working by myself yesterday, and had a line of four customers. I was half way through ringing up one of the customers in my line, and had three others waiting behind him.

    This jerkwad marches through the door, reaches across the counter, and tosses a $50 bill at me. "Turn my pump on!"

    It just hit the wrong nerve. I brushed the money off my keyboard, "In a minute when I get done with these customers."

    He took a few steps further toward the door, then turned around. Snotty tone, "Sorry to upset you, just give me my money back!"

    I tossed his $50 bill back at him without looking up from what I'm doing, "There you go...." Stick it up your ass!

    "You're supposed to hand it to me."

    I gave him the death glare, "You're supposed to wait in line like everyone else, but since you can't be bothered to do that, feel free to go elsewhere. I have plenty of business already. I don't need your crap!"

    He muttered something else I couldn't hear as he was stomping off.

    "Go to hell, and stick it up your ass." Yeah, may have been too much, but I don't care when they're being jerks. The worst they could do is complain. I've never been in trouble for it yet, and I don't hold back from the ones who decide to be jerks. I have plenty brags to management from good customers to make up for it. Plus, the good customers usually rally in my favor if they witness a bad moment with a sucktomer.

    The customer whose purchase I was ringing up works at the pizza place across the street. "I hate it when they do that shit to me."

    I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, some people are just jackasses."

    The guy behind him was another semi-regular, "Man, some people are just rude."

    Another nod in agreement, "If it was a capital offense, there'd be a lot more executions."

    Then, we just continued as if impatient sucktomer had never been there.


    We have some special king size candy bars specifically marked as 2/$2.50, and ring up at $1.25 each. They usually run $1.69 or something like that each. You have to get the specially marked candy bars to get the price, and it's been a royal pain in the ass. Most people don't fuss too much, but this pissy old bastard decided to throw a hissy fit and stomp off. I try to keep them together and separate from the regular king size bars just to avoid this very thing.

    Old bastard has one special king size bar and one regular king size bar. I ring them both up along with his bottle of soda. I tell him the total. He grabs the regular bar, "They're supposed to be 2/$2.50!"

    I point to the 2/$2.50 on the wrapper of the special bar. "You have to get the bars marked with that price to get them for $1.25 each. These are a different promotion than regular."

    He actually scoops the other one up and slings them both on the counter, "Oh well forget it then! This is just bullshit!"

    I've been sick with a sinus infection, so my own bullshit tolerance is lower than usual. "Either you want it or you don't!"

    He just steps back a little, still ranting at me.

    I just void the transaction, and toss everything off to the side.

    He's still ranting, and I've finally had enough. "I don't want to hear it! I don't care!" Go to hell, already, old bastard. I turned around and walked off to the coffee bar area just down the counter, and pretended to stock supplies.

    He left, and I went back to my puzzle book that I work when I'm stuck working by myself and have most everything done.

    My two cents worth just because I feel like it....

    Most of the sucktomers have not been overwhelmingly horrible so much as just annoyingly stupid, like the ones who wait until they get to the register to realize that they left their money in the car EVERY VISIT or the ones who want to make even change and insist on going to their cars to get a few pennies to make it exact. Whatever, just get your crap, pay for it, and get out of my sight, really!

    On the other hand, the good customers have kept me going with their bantering or joking around. I think they've been feeling sorry for me because they know I'm sick with this sinus crud since I can't hardly get a sentence out without having a coughing fit.

    Anyway, as for the sucktomers, I wish I knew how to make voodoo dolls so that I could torture them vicariously at my own whims. I could so easily be cruel and sadistic if I put my mind to it. After all, my wife sent me a piece of Facebook flair the other day which said, "My scathing hatred of humanity means that I work in retail." She knows me far too well.
    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy