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I'm going to flip out if this happens again.

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  • #16
    I once stood up for a girl who worked in a game store (I knew her quite well too)

    SC: What do you know about it (to the girl, he was holding a RTS game in his hand too)

    Me "Let me tell you mate, this girl, can annihilate you in ANY RTS of your choice in so many different ways that all your base will belong to her"

    She burst out laughing and then both purposefully ignored him and went through the whole All your base belong to us routine (with her being CATS)
    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


    • #17
      I've worked at several games stores, each with one or more female employees. I've never see any of them treated badly because of their gender.
      "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


      • #18
        Quoth marty View Post
        I get some stupid fucking guy looking straight at me, telling me they have no questions about anything, and go straight to one of my male coworkers and ask them a question.

        And I know damn well it's because I'm a girl.
        I feel your pain. I was a brand new computer programmer complete with degree back in 1980. I got the "you can't know computers cause you don't have enough testosterone" looks from co-workers, bosses, clients, and Navy brass (we had government contracts I worked on).

        I haven't worked in the computer field for several years now (due to re-marrying and wanting to be with my DH, whom the Navy sent to wonderful remote areas with few civilian jobs), but I hope it's gotten better over the years.

        I have my doubts, though, as I find that when I shop for a computer, male salesmen still, more often than not, give their little sales pitches directly to my husband - and roll their eyes at him when I correct half the shit they're saying. (At least until he tell them I've probably forgotten more stuff than either of them will ever know ).

        The only thing "normal" in my life is a setting on my washing machine.

        Madness takes it's toll....
        Please have exact change ready.


        • #19
          Quoth Automan Empire View Post
          I still admire her knowlege of SF stuff. Once I asked what the name of Morpheus's ship in the Matrix, and she knew it off the top of her head... I was like,
          Well, that's easy, everyone knows it's the Nebuchadnezzar.

          I work in a store they like to call the World's Greatest Drugstore, in the Audio/Video department. Right next to our department is Computers, and when I first started, I was primarily a closer.

          Computers had a girl named Andrea (terrific girl, love her to death) as their closer.

          I swear to god not a week went by that we didn't have at least one customer ask her a question about computers, have her answer it, then look over at me as if to say "Is that right?"

          When one of them actually had the nerve to then walk over to me and ask me the same question they'd asked her, even though I knew damned well what the answer was, I'd just play stupid and say "Oooh, you know, I'm not really sure, I work in Audio/Video... you'll have to ask Andrea over there, she's the expert."

          You could just see the wind get sucked right out of their sails.

