And y'all should know what that means: Tidal waves of tight-fisted, bad-tempered, crotchety, pants-pissing, pants-pooping entitlement cases and their parents or grandparents who qualify for 15% senior discounts.
Only one real SC today, but boy was she a doozy. I could tell when she stormed up to the American Greetings lady who was setting up a display and started barking at her about...something. American Greetings lady then passed her off to me because I wasn't fast enough in making my getaway.
The SC had an American flag bunting that she said rang up at $15.99. She said it was supposed to be $3.99, or $2.99 with the loyalty card. I scanned one of the buntings and confirmed that it was, in fact, $3.99 or $2.99. So I escorted the customer back up to the service desk--but not after she ripped she sale sign off the peghook to take with her.
The whole time, the SC is blah-blah-blahing about how "this always happens to me here, the prices are never right, I don't have time for this today, the bitch at the desk is always rude to me, I guess she doesn't like me."
Wow, really? The service desk lady doesn't like you? I can't figure out why she wouldn't take a shine to you, can you? It can't be that effervescent personality of yours, can it? I mean, you're sure turning on the world with your smile here.
Anyhow, we got up to the desk, and the lady working there figured out what the issue was; the particular bunting she brought up had the wrong UPC on the lady. Probably came that way from the vendor. Service desk lady explained this, and started the process to adjust the price.
At this point SC flung the sale sign over the counter at service desk lady, followed by the bunting thwapping off the counter and down to the carpet behind it. "THIS GODDAMN BUNTING IS SUPPOSED TO BE $3.99 WHY THE HELL CAN'T YOU DO YOUR JOB AND GIVE IT TO FOR THAT PRICE!"
If I were in charge, I would've told this hambeast "Guess what? The price really is $15.99. If you think you still have a legit gripe, we'll discuss it when you decide to act like an adult. You can leave now or I can pitch you right through the door." But no, service desk lady just told the SC to stop hollering, to no avail. While she was working on adjusting the price, the SC was continuing to carry on about the buntings all being in the same spot, and there was a sign there saying they were $3.99, or $2.99 with the loyalty card, and we have to give it to her for that price because IT'S THE LAW. Meanwhile, service desk lady kept trying to tell her she would get the bunting for that price because the vendor made a mistake, something she would've heard the first time had she quit flapping her festering gob like the tit she apparently is.
In the end the SC got her flag bunting for the correct price, and evidently left happy, but not happy enough to refrain from commenting about the "stupid kid" who checked her out and should've caught the error. BTW, the aforementioned "stupid kid" was a newbie on his first shift as a cashier, or at least this was the first time I'd ever seen him.
And I was amazed the service desk lady still hasn't yet reached over the counter and strangled somebody, and still has her job because of the multitudes of disgruntled EWs who find her rude just because she says no and is very to-the-point when dealing with people.
Only one real SC today, but boy was she a doozy. I could tell when she stormed up to the American Greetings lady who was setting up a display and started barking at her about...something. American Greetings lady then passed her off to me because I wasn't fast enough in making my getaway.

The SC had an American flag bunting that she said rang up at $15.99. She said it was supposed to be $3.99, or $2.99 with the loyalty card. I scanned one of the buntings and confirmed that it was, in fact, $3.99 or $2.99. So I escorted the customer back up to the service desk--but not after she ripped she sale sign off the peghook to take with her.
The whole time, the SC is blah-blah-blahing about how "this always happens to me here, the prices are never right, I don't have time for this today, the bitch at the desk is always rude to me, I guess she doesn't like me."
Wow, really? The service desk lady doesn't like you? I can't figure out why she wouldn't take a shine to you, can you? It can't be that effervescent personality of yours, can it? I mean, you're sure turning on the world with your smile here.
Anyhow, we got up to the desk, and the lady working there figured out what the issue was; the particular bunting she brought up had the wrong UPC on the lady. Probably came that way from the vendor. Service desk lady explained this, and started the process to adjust the price.
At this point SC flung the sale sign over the counter at service desk lady, followed by the bunting thwapping off the counter and down to the carpet behind it. "THIS GODDAMN BUNTING IS SUPPOSED TO BE $3.99 WHY THE HELL CAN'T YOU DO YOUR JOB AND GIVE IT TO FOR THAT PRICE!"
If I were in charge, I would've told this hambeast "Guess what? The price really is $15.99. If you think you still have a legit gripe, we'll discuss it when you decide to act like an adult. You can leave now or I can pitch you right through the door." But no, service desk lady just told the SC to stop hollering, to no avail. While she was working on adjusting the price, the SC was continuing to carry on about the buntings all being in the same spot, and there was a sign there saying they were $3.99, or $2.99 with the loyalty card, and we have to give it to her for that price because IT'S THE LAW. Meanwhile, service desk lady kept trying to tell her she would get the bunting for that price because the vendor made a mistake, something she would've heard the first time had she quit flapping her festering gob like the tit she apparently is.
In the end the SC got her flag bunting for the correct price, and evidently left happy, but not happy enough to refrain from commenting about the "stupid kid" who checked her out and should've caught the error. BTW, the aforementioned "stupid kid" was a newbie on his first shift as a cashier, or at least this was the first time I'd ever seen him.
And I was amazed the service desk lady still hasn't yet reached over the counter and strangled somebody, and still has her job because of the multitudes of disgruntled EWs who find her rude just because she says no and is very to-the-point when dealing with people.