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No, does not equal RUDE!

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  • No, does not equal RUDE!

    I'm a customer service manager at a grocery store and I have gotten two complaints this week that were total BS!
    #1: Cashier comes up and asks if we can accept internet coupons. We do accept "some" internet coupons but we do not accept them if they are photocopied. This customer had 3 $1.00 coupons that were photocopied and she had a cart of groceries so for three bucks I'm just going to take the coupons but explain the policy for her future visits. I was smiling the whole time as she told me they weren't photocopied. I showed her how they were copied and politely said I'm gonna take them today but in the future I won't be able to.
    She called the store 2 hours later and the SM was in a meeting I explain that I was the CSM and asked if I could help her and she started to complain about how I was rude????? I informed her that I was the associate she felt was rude and that I was sorry she felt I was rude but that she would need to call back and speak to the manager. I filled in the SM and when she called back he told her he had seen the coupons and they were copies and he also spoke to the cashier and another associate that was there and they said I was completely professional in the way I handled the whole situation.

    #2: We send money transfers and this customer came in to receive money and it was not available in the computer. She insists it is but it is not coming up with the information she is giving. The money is coming from Tenn. and we are in NJ, she asked if she could use our phone to call the sender. I asked is it local? No it's Tenn. I explain we only allow local calls. She starts with well they let me last time. I inform her I don't know how when we can't call out of our 3 state area. Then I suggest she use her cell phone she has in her ear. she says she wants a manager. OK. Call the manager and let him deal with her and he backs me and we try one more time and her money is finally available. After she leaves manager asks about my rudeness?????? He laughed and walked off.

    Give them their way and I'm rude?
    Keep trying to get it for them and I'm still rude?
    Will they make up their minds!
    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

  • #2
    Anything they don't want to hear = rude. Too bad we can't slap them. Or shake 'em. Or look at 'em sideways, without them going all batshit on us.
    you are = you're. not "your".


    • #3
      They need to look up the meaning of "rude" or "rudeness' in the dictionary. They'll get an education real quick.


      • #4
        Quoth Bright_Star View Post
        They need to look up the meaning of "rude" or "rudeness' in the dictionary. They'll get an education real quick.
        Na, they'd probably attempt to call the dictionary's corporate, and bitch about his world and reality not matching up.
        you are = you're. not "your".


        • #5
          Quoth Boo3711 View Post
          We do accept "some" internet coupons but we do not accept them if they are photocopied.
          Just out of curiousity, do you know why you don't accept them if they are or appear to be photocopied. There are a lot of multi function photocopiers that are much more affordable today than there used to be, it is much more cost effective for me to have 1 machine that takes care of copying, printing, faxing and scanning than it is to have all 4.


          • #6
            Quoth tamezin View Post
            Just out of curiousity, do you know why you don't accept them if they are or appear to be photocopied.
            I'd guess the cupon required you to put in a code on a website, or make a purchase to print it out. If they allowed photocopied cupons, then the customer wouldn't go through the activity the cupon is supposed to encourage. I'm guessing the cupon has a unique code on it that was the same on all three copies of the customer's printouts, rather than the machine used to print them out.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              We accept internet coupons now--and they say "cannot be duplicated". But they all have the same damned bar code on them.

              Maybe they're going to come out with unique codes in the future, but right now, they haven't. I know I've gotten internet coupons from other places that have unique codes.

              I'm babbling.
              you are = you're. not "your".


              • #8
                I've always wondered about the "print out this coupon, but don't copy it" line on Internet coupons.

                I happen to get an online coupon in my email. Nekojin gets one from the same place, and they're the exact same coupon. How would they ever know if we printed one and then made 10 copies or just printed it 11 times?

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Quoth Boo3711 View Post
                  She starts with well they let me last time.
                  That's always my favorite line. I had one tell me to get the person that last time let them have their way, but the SC couldn't provide their name when I asked who it was. That usually pins them down.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                    I've always wondered about the "print out this coupon, but don't copy it" line on Internet coupons.

                    I happen to get an online coupon in my email. Nekojin gets one from the same place, and they're the exact same coupon. How would they ever know if we printed one and then made 10 copies or just printed it 11 times?

                    I believe many have a bar code where once it gets scanned, it no longer will be able to be used again. I had this happen once with Blockbuster when the guy didn't keep the coupon, and I mistakenly used the same coupon on a later visit when I meant to use the newly printed one.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                      They need to look up the meaning of "rude" or "rudeness' in the dictionary. They'll get an education real quick.
                      Yeah, they'd see a picture of themselves. XD
                      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                      My DeviantArt.


                      • #12
                        Quoth greensinestro View Post
                        I believe many have a bar code where once it gets scanned, it no longer will be able to be used again. I had this happen once with Blockbuster when the guy didn't keep the coupon, and I mistakenly used the same coupon on a later visit when I meant to use the newly printed one.
                        Nope, not the case. Nekojin & I get coupons from the same source every week in an email. If I were to print mine and then he were to print his, they would be absolutely identical.

                        Plus, I've seen clerks at the store in question use their own copy of said coupon for us when we've forgotten to bring one in.

                        I still don't understand how they could possible tell the difference between a copy and a printout for what is an online coupon with a non-unique barcode.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

