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Yeah... nice try kid

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  • Yeah... nice try kid

    So I was at my counter a couple weeks ago when this kid comes up to the counter. He wants a pre-filled CO2 tank for a paintball gun, and the adapter that goes with it. I deal with this a lot, underage guys wanting paintball equipment, and I assumed (Yes I know the saying on that one, you'd think I'd learn by now) he had a parent somewhere in the store. Well, he picks his stuff off of the shelf and comes up to the register.

    Me: You eighteen? (Note, I am a little informal for those my age or younger"
    Kid: Yeah

    The kid looked nowhere near 18, and the two girls standing at the counter as well that I had been talking to said so. I ask to see ID and tell him he has to be 18 for this stuff. What does he do? He turns to the girls and asks them if they'll buy it for him. They say no, he leaves defeated.

    Now there's two things about this: One, had the girls said yes, I still wouldn't have sold it to him, because HE ASKED THEM RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Second, the two girls I was talking to, were my sister and one of her friends. Next time, get a parent.

  • #2
    *Sigh* I have that happen quite often with paintball and airsoft. If the parent is with them it is OK. Sometimes the parent makes the kid pay with their own money. (Good IMHO because it teaches responsible spending.) Other times they try and argue with me or say they will be right back with their parent. Only about 1 our of 5 actualy comes back with their parents.
    "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


    • #3
      I deal with this all the time buying books across the counter. In San Diego all resale places have to get a permit from the police in addition to the normal business permits. This means that we have to get the name and ID# of the person selling and keep it in case they are selling stolen stuff.

      People will come in and when I ask for their ID they won't have it on them and will ask me to finish the transaction with someone who came in with them. No dice. Sometimes they will take the books out of the store and sent their companion in with them mere minutes later. How dumb do they think I am?

      The sad thing is: People are always coming in, trying to sell stolen books.
      Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


      • #4
        Okay, but how much does one actually get for a lot of stolen books? I mean, I would believe that they'd have to have a lot in order for the scheme to actually pay off.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
          Okay, but how much does one actually get for a lot of stolen books? I mean, I would believe that they'd have to have a lot in order for the scheme to actually pay off.
          Used wholesale is 1/6 of the new cover price. So for a current hardback they could get U$4.00. I've had them come in with foot high stacks of art U$50.00 art books. They could have gotten U$100.00 for them if I wasn't on my toes.
          Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


          • #6
            I swear those scammers are getting sneakier and sneakier.....

            Olive juice you too.

