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Oh hell no, you picked the WRONG day to piss me off, buddy. (long)

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  • Oh hell no, you picked the WRONG day to piss me off, buddy. (long)

    So...this one is from a few weeks ago, when we were in the middle of a particularly busy couple of weeks. We had multiple groups in, most of them full of high school kids (grrr), and they were causing noise problems for our other guests. Happens every time a team is in. But that's pretty normal. The problem was one particular guest.

    Before I elaborate about said asshat, allow me to provide a little back-story to this. Three weeks ago was NOT a good time in my life. I had just been dumped by yet another cheating girlfriend (I will never, ever do another long distance relationship again), my laptop had been stolen from me at work the week before and there was no way to put a name to the guy on the security video, and I had just come off working eight days in a row of ten hour shifts.

    In short, I needed a break. I was ready to get my three days off and just have some time to myself, clear my head of all the crap that had been dumped on me. In particular, being dumped less than twelve hours before this ordeal happened.
    It was a Friday, and I had fallen asleep in mental exhaustion at around 7pm. Keep in mind I work the 11pm to 9am shift, so I was glad this happened on a day off.
    Or it should have been.

    Enter my manager at a few minutes past midnight. She'd called me up and said one of our employees didn't show up to work. Again. He'd apparently called up in a drunken stupor and refused to work. Again. So his ass was canned. And seeing as how he was the only other person trained to run Audit, that, to cover his shifts. Which meant I literally had no choice but to come in at one in the morning, completely exhausted, physically and mentally. I wanted to just curl up and die

    Anyway, there I was, at 4 in the morning, tired as hell and completely unable to focus, yet still expected to be all happy and shit. Ugh. I tried my best, and managed to be semi-coherent to most people.
    And then enters Rage Guy. Oh god.

    Me: zombie
    RG: Rage Guy

    Me: "Morning, sir."
    RG: "Hey, the dryer didn't work on my clothes, they're still wet."
    Me: "Ah. Sorry to hear that, sir, it happens with our dryers sometimes. For whatever reason, they won't work very well if the thing is loaded to being nearly full. There should have been a sign on them."
    RG: "Yeah well there isn't."
    Me: "Sorry about that, sir. I can refund you the money you put in the dryer if you like."
    RG: "No, forget it."
    And he walks off.

    Well, besides being a little ticked about it, that wasn't so bad.
    But, oh, you know damn well that if that was the end of that, it wouldn't be on this board, now would it?
    Sure enough, about five minutes later...

    Me: "Can I help you, sir?"
    RG: "We have a problem."
    Me: "Are the dryers still not cooperating?"
    RG: "No, WE have a problem. You and me."
    Me: "...we do?"
    RG: "Yeah. You are the worst person I've ever seen working here."
    Me: "..."
    RG: *angry stare*
    Me: "...can I ask what caused you to think this?"
    RG: "I've been here for three weeks, and every single night that I come in, you NEVER even acknowledge me. All you do is stare at that fucking computer." (which I no longer have, btw)
    Me: "...well I'm sorry if I've missed you on occasion, I try and make sure to acknowledge everyone who comes in, regardless of what time it is. I do a lot of studying during my shift (I'm training to be a pilot), so if I happen to have missed you, I apologize. It wasn't intentional"
    RG: "Bullshit, I've never seen you even look my way in three weeks. Everyone here is very helpful...everyone but you."
    *jabs a finger at me*

    Now he's pissing me off.

    Me: "I am friendly to EVERYONE who comes in here. If you've been here three weeks, I've never seen you. It may be because I don't usually work weekends, and maybe you've got me confused with someone else who works these hours on weekends, but I take my job very seriously and I don't appreciate being talked down to."
    RG: "Yeah? Well I don't appreciate being treated like shit."
    Me: "When have I ever been anything but helpful? Who do you think you are to come down here and insult me? Didn't I just offer to refund the money you lost?"

    I normally would just smile and take it, but I'd had one HELL of a day, and this asshole wasn't gonna get the "smile and nod" treatment from me.

    RG: "Are you talking back to me? You've got some fucking nerve, kid." (note: I'm 24 years old)
    Me: "And you've got some nerve insulting me for something I didn't do. Like I said, if I missed you on occasion, I apologize, but don't belittle me like I did it to spite you."
    RG: *stares at me like he's gonna jump me*
    RG: "You just wait, you fucking punk. I'm gonna tell Erica (my manager) when she gets in in the morning and I'll see your ass fired."
    Me: "Are you done? Because I have other things to do besides waste my time with you."
    RG: "Enjoy your last few hours here, prick."
    *starts walking away*
    Me: "Yeah, not the first time I've heard that one."

    Okay, I probably shouldn't have retorted, but at that moment, I REALLY didn't give a damn either way. Wrong freakin' day to mess with me.

    And then, as if that wasn't enough, he comes back down like three minutes later and says "HEY. Look at me. I want you remember the face of the person who made you live on the street, you little shit."
    And he leaves.

    Why are people like this?! If I had my way, I would never, ever work around anyone ever again, and live in a little bubble away from the rest of humanity so I wouldn't have to deal with people like him.
    FUCK YOU, buddy. I'm still here. And god help you if I ever see you in public.


    Okay, I'm done. Had to get that out of my system. Ugh.

  • #2
    SC there needs a trip through the old chipper...

    I think that'd be a major improvement.
    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


    • #3
      *offers herb tea and hugs*

      That guy was awful.
      1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
      ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)


      • #4
        Make it a Guinness and we'll call it a date

        Also, just had someone call up with a heavy accent and spell out her last name phonetically. "R as in Richard, I as in Ice, C as in Charlie, E as in Eetaly."


        Eetaly? Did they change the country's spelling now and forget to inform everyone but you?
        Last edited by MercenaryMuffin; 06-05-2009, 01:48 PM.


        • #5
          *holds up hand to signal waiter*

          A pint of Guinness for my friend here and straight vodka for me. We've both had a lousy year.


          • #6
            Sigh. Stupidity in stereo today.

            It's 7am here and I'm just dragging ass, completely tired, and some woman calls up and starts ranting about...something. I couldn't really tell what. Something about a refrigerator and her nephew and a Comfort Inn.

            I told her we weren't the the hotel she was looking for, as there's another one at the location she was thinking off (people confuse us all the time).

            So she asks how much a room is for the night, and I told her it's $99 plus tax. She replies with "Oh, so I'm supposed to sleep on the street tonight? This is a really great country I grew up in" and hangs up.

            The hell?


            • #7
              What an asshole. I second the SC in dire need of a ride in the . You my friend are in need of a good drink and .
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #8
                Why are people like that? Because the only way he can make himself feel good is by shitting all over somebody else, and making THEM apologize for HIS tantrum.

                And you, mein freund, refused to play along! You stood up for yourself! You just kicked a giant hole in his life. Just think, he's going to brood for YEARS over the "punk kid at the hotel who gave me a hard time." Especially if he comes back and sees your bright, smiling face behind the counter. He may end up throwing himself under a bus.

                Which would be unfortunate, I guess.
                Last edited by TonyDonuts; 06-05-2009, 02:45 PM. Reason: Because buses are unfortunate.
                I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

                -- Steven Wright


                • #9
                  I just want to know if the guy did talk to your manager, and what did she have to say about it?


                  • #10
                    Ha, I wish I knew. That would have been a pretty interesting conversation, I think. Fortunately our GM is pretty cool, she doesn't take any crap. I imagine she folded her arms and said "uh huh" a bunch of times while he ranted, made some fake "I'll look into it" promise, and laughed about it when he left.


                    • #11
                      Quoth idrinkarum View Post
                      I just want to know if the guy did talk to your manager, and what did she have to say about it?

                      I would presume not much, since if he's the only other person who is trained for Audit, then threatening to fire him would be a bit like aiming at your foot, then blowing your leg off.

                      Of course, managers often don't think that far ahead...


                      • #12
                        Quoth MercenaryMuffin View Post
                        Make it a Guinness and we'll call it a date

                        Also, just had someone call up with a heavy accent and spell out her last name phonetically. "R as in Richard, I as in Ice, C as in Charlie, E as in Eetaly."


                        Eetaly? Did they change the country's spelling now and forget to inform everyone but you?
                        Maybe in her native language they spell Italy with an E and she just forget?


                        • #13
                          Quoth Anriana View Post
                          Maybe in her native language they spell Italy with an E and she just forget?
                          Actually, most languages pronounce vowels differently than English.

                          German, French, Spanish etc. pronounce AEIOU as Ah, A, E, O, Oo. So they probably actually meant I, just came out the way they are used to pronouncing it.


                          • #14
                            Quoth MercenaryMuffin View Post
                            I told her we weren't the the hotel she was looking for
                            This is not the hotel you are looking for....*waves hand in her face* I've watched star wars too much lately
                            Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


                            • #15
                              I was having dinner at my favorite restaurant the other night--I always sit at the bar, since I'm alone and need to eat quick before driving to my grad class. So the bartender and a few of the servers know me pretty well.

                              We were trading stories like this on this particular night. The bartender and I agreed that SC's that treat retail workers/servers like such horseshit are the lowest forms of life on the planet.

                              And yes, I also agree with this:
                              Here's your sign...

