I was in Commercial Sales yesterday. I had a Mexican guy come up to me and ask me questions about roofing shingles. When I tried to get him some help, he got irritated with me just because I didn't know. 
Let me just stop to say that this same person has come through my line before and acted rude with me. He works for someone who is our VERY BIGGEST Commercial Sales account, which is responsible for quite a bit of our business, and I guess he feels this gives him the right to treat us like crap.
Anyway, he comes back to me to check out, and he has a huge pack of shingles. The barcode is way down near the bottom, meaning that I had to hold it up to scan. The problem was, is that these huge packs of shingles are extremely heavy, and I need 1 arm to hold it up, the other arm to scan, and I could not get the barcode in a straight enough position to scan it. I ask him if he would mind holding it up for me.
SC: No, its not my job.
ME: Yes, sir, I understand that, I just need a little bit of help.
SC: I'm not helping.
ME: Its a bit too heavy for me. I just need you to hold it up for 1 second.
He ignores me, and I try several more times to try and scan it, but no good. Finally I tell him that I cannot scan it and need his help, (there were no employees to help me out at the time, they were all busy) so he lets out a long sigh, comes over and holds it up.
ME: You shouldn't be working here.
Alright, that pushed a button inside of me, and I was sick and tired of dealing with this asshole from the previous times.
ME (in a somewhat sarcastic tone): Excuse me, sir. You do not tell me where I'm going to work. Ok?
Jesus Christ! What is it with customers thinking they can just say whatever the hell they wanna say to us?! That'll be the day when I let a customer tell me where I should or should not work. I've been working at this job for 9 months now, I am pretty sure I can handle it, thank you, Mr Jerkoff!
After that I did not say much to him, but I remained polite and friendly. After I was done with him, I quickly informed a manager that he might call to complain, and the manager took down notes.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I always believed Mexican people to be hard working people. Is it really that much trouble to help me out? I can almost guarantee 999 out of 1000 people would help me. Its not my fault I'm not very strong. God made me 5 ft 3, and I couldn't scan it. Lifting it up with both arms and loading it for a customer is another thing.

Let me just stop to say that this same person has come through my line before and acted rude with me. He works for someone who is our VERY BIGGEST Commercial Sales account, which is responsible for quite a bit of our business, and I guess he feels this gives him the right to treat us like crap.
Anyway, he comes back to me to check out, and he has a huge pack of shingles. The barcode is way down near the bottom, meaning that I had to hold it up to scan. The problem was, is that these huge packs of shingles are extremely heavy, and I need 1 arm to hold it up, the other arm to scan, and I could not get the barcode in a straight enough position to scan it. I ask him if he would mind holding it up for me.
SC: No, its not my job.
ME: Yes, sir, I understand that, I just need a little bit of help.
SC: I'm not helping.
ME: Its a bit too heavy for me. I just need you to hold it up for 1 second.
He ignores me, and I try several more times to try and scan it, but no good. Finally I tell him that I cannot scan it and need his help, (there were no employees to help me out at the time, they were all busy) so he lets out a long sigh, comes over and holds it up.
ME: You shouldn't be working here.

Alright, that pushed a button inside of me, and I was sick and tired of dealing with this asshole from the previous times.
ME (in a somewhat sarcastic tone): Excuse me, sir. You do not tell me where I'm going to work. Ok?

Jesus Christ! What is it with customers thinking they can just say whatever the hell they wanna say to us?! That'll be the day when I let a customer tell me where I should or should not work. I've been working at this job for 9 months now, I am pretty sure I can handle it, thank you, Mr Jerkoff!
After that I did not say much to him, but I remained polite and friendly. After I was done with him, I quickly informed a manager that he might call to complain, and the manager took down notes.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I always believed Mexican people to be hard working people. Is it really that much trouble to help me out? I can almost guarantee 999 out of 1000 people would help me. Its not my fault I'm not very strong. God made me 5 ft 3, and I couldn't scan it. Lifting it up with both arms and loading it for a customer is another thing.