Oh... Delta... how I love thee... not.
there's always at least one
Ok, so, how the distressed passengers work in Salt Lake is, your flight gets canceled and either Delta offers to pay for your room or they give you GK's number.
If Delta is paying for it, they hand you a voucher with the hotel name on it, and they tell you that they have made a reservation on your behalf and a shuttle is on its way. They tell you that you don't have to call the hotel, it has all been worked out. Theoretically in this exchange, the only call I should ever receive is from the Delta representative at the airport calling to tell me "we have X passengers waiting and gave out X vouchers from the rooms we reserved from you guys, please send a shuttle for that many people"
So why is it that every single night we still get at least one person who calls in "hi, Delta just gave me a voucher, I need to arrange transportation"... gah... did you not pay attention to the lady at the desk who told you it was already taken care of... can you please bugger off my phone so I can get back to helping people who actually need help
momma's boy
With a title like that, you know this is going to be ugly.
So, Mr. 208... this guy is a special case of suck.
He never requested a wake up call, I know this for a fact, I checked him in, and asked whether or not he needed a wake-up call, and he said no, he'd just use the alarm clock. I remember him in particular because he wanted to pay a cash deposit for just enough for a movie.
Fast forward to 6AM, his friend checks out, asks me to connect him to the room 208... no answer... I know he stayed on the line long enough though for it to register on the voice mail (the switchboard printer printed a line for voice mail left)
Friend then proceeds to call back every 10 minutes asking to be connected to the room... half of those times the call goes to voice mail (remember, our switchboard records every time a message is left or retrieved, as well as when wake up calls are programmed and answered)
Come 6:45, the guy is scheduled for a shuttle, doesn't show, the driver goes to knock on the door, no answer, I tell the shuttle driver to do his run and check on the room when he gets back.
Now, this is where mommy get's involved. At 7am she calls concerned that her son didn't call to tell her that he had checked in yet.
I tell her that we have been calling his room since 6am and had tried knocking and I had every intention of having the shuttle driver check on him as soon as he got back from the airport (which would be about 5 minutes from when she called). She tells us to be sure to do that (thank you... that completely takes us off the hook for any invasion of privacy complaints because a relative has instructed us to go into the room due to what we assume is a legit concern).
So, shuttle driver gets back, he goes, overrides the lock on the guys door. He reported that the alarm clock was going off, all the lights were on, the TV was on (that much I knew actually, because I was checking lodgenet on his room to make sure the billing was right since he had mentioned he wanted to order a movie). He shook the kid (and I use the term loosely, I'd place him to be 18-20) awake, told him that he had missed his shuttle, that his family had called concerned, was he OK. The kid told the driver that he was fine, just really tired, he'd be down in a minute.
Of course, the shuttle driver, not being his nanny, left the room to let him get ready. What do you know, kid falls back asleep. Mother calls back, asks if he's OK, I tell her yes, he just slept through his alarm (and about a dozen by now wake calls), the shuttle driver woke him up, he should be getting ready on be on his way (we were even going to make an extra run to the airport for him). She asks me to connect her to his room, I transfer her... about a minute later I hear the printer going... the shit has hit the fan.
Mother calls again, he's not answering his phone, can you please have the shuttle driver check on him again. Shuttle driver goes up... and to give the kid credit, this time the shuttle driver found him on top of the sheets, still in nothing but his boxers though, passed out sound asleep (of course the perv in me kind of wishes that I had been the one that had been sent up to his room
yeah, I'm terrible). This time the shuttle driver wakes him up and this time does play nanny and quite literally helped him get dressed. Walked him down to the desk... by this point the kid is awake enough to know that "shit, I'm late for my flight"
What is his first question he asks me, "why the hell didn't you guys give me my wake up call"
I was tired of dealing with this shit for the last hour and a half (my replacement had already come in just after 7, but I stayed to make sure Mr. 208 got taken care of since I knew what was going on and the morning shift girl didn't)
so, I gave it to him (politely of course)- "sir, I remember quite clearly last night you saying you didn't need a wake-up call, you'd just use the alarm clock, as it happens, we have been calling your room since about 6am, if you would like, I can show you the report that has calls every 10 minutes going to your voice mail, at 6:45 the shuttle driver knocked on your door, at just after 7 he went in to make sure you were OK and shook you awake, and then had to go back at about 7:15 to wake you up again, we have done much more than is required of us in this situation, now, the shuttle driver will be happy to take you to the airport and hopefully you won't miss your flight" (because I never want to deal with you again)
His response, was priceless- "if I miss my flight because of this, you'll be hearing from my mother"
yes, 18-20 years old and he threatened me with a call from his mother...
And I'm sure mom would like to know the detail about the fact that part of the reason you were so tired was because you were watching a porno at 2:30 in the morning... oh yes... we can look up what movies it is you watched... so please, do have her call us
I am starting to hate people from my home state
So, this lovely gent checked in tonight.
SC- what's open still (it was 1am)
Me- there isn't anything within walking distance open right now, but Big Daddy's Pizza is still open and will deliver.
SC- what the fuck, there's only one place open.
Me- only one place open that will deliver, yes sir.
SC- how many people live in Salt Lake.
Me- approximately 1.2 million in Salt Lake.
SC- then how the fuck is it that there is 24 hour restaurants near every hotel in Reno with only a quarter of that many people? This would never stand back home.
Me- there actually are quite a few places open 24 hours a day, most of them are in downtown or midvalley, and a few in the residential areas... the airport is kind of out in the middle of nowhere though.
SC- still, with 1.2 million people you'd think there'd be more delivery places open 24 hours.
Me- once again, there are, just not that deliver this far out.
SC- when Delta strands passengers in Reno they send them to the Atlantis (oh bullshit, Delta is NOT sending people to a resort), they've got 24 hour restaurants on site, how can you not have anything open out here.
Me- Sir, that is not a fair comparison... first, the Atlantis is in an area that would warrant extended hours of service whether or not a hotel was there with all the people who live in that area, right off of Virginia Ave with all the traffic there, and that aside, the entirety of the Airport hotels on the east side of the Airport have about 100 less rooms than the Atlantis does on its own. A more fair comparison would be to the Best Western at the Reno Tahoe International Airport, they have no restaurant on site, and the closest 24 hour restaurant is the Dennys on Plumb across from Wooster High School, and trust me, you don't want to be making that walk, any more than you want to make the walk to the Dennys at North Temple and Redwood. And Reno's airport is right in the center of the city rather than outside it. So, please sir, take the menu for Big Daddy's and stop trying to lecture me on how the city should be, even though I am the person with the least control over it.
SC- oh, you must have lived at Reno in one point (gee, what gave that away asshole...) what brought you to this hell hole of a city... you aren't one of those fucking Mormons are you? Who else would actually chose to live like this.
Me- get the hell out of my lobby, why I chose to move here is none of your business, and for the record, no I'm not.
God, he got to me for some reason.
And, for those who aren't a product of Nevada's now bankrupt education system, it's pretty obvious why someone who isn't Mormon would want to move from Nevada to Utah. 1/3 the unemployment, cost of living that is considerably lower than in Nevada, an educational system that isn't completely bankrupt that charges much less tuition, a university system that has international renown, a transportation system that isn't so painfully overloaded that rush hour lasts damn near 24 hours a day, an airport that isn't being run out of a fucking tent, and while I'm at it, let's mention the fact that other than stuff not having extended hours there is a lot more one can do here than in Reno. Kythanxgetthehellout.
there's always at least one
Ok, so, how the distressed passengers work in Salt Lake is, your flight gets canceled and either Delta offers to pay for your room or they give you GK's number.
If Delta is paying for it, they hand you a voucher with the hotel name on it, and they tell you that they have made a reservation on your behalf and a shuttle is on its way. They tell you that you don't have to call the hotel, it has all been worked out. Theoretically in this exchange, the only call I should ever receive is from the Delta representative at the airport calling to tell me "we have X passengers waiting and gave out X vouchers from the rooms we reserved from you guys, please send a shuttle for that many people"
So why is it that every single night we still get at least one person who calls in "hi, Delta just gave me a voucher, I need to arrange transportation"... gah... did you not pay attention to the lady at the desk who told you it was already taken care of... can you please bugger off my phone so I can get back to helping people who actually need help
momma's boy
With a title like that, you know this is going to be ugly.
So, Mr. 208... this guy is a special case of suck.
He never requested a wake up call, I know this for a fact, I checked him in, and asked whether or not he needed a wake-up call, and he said no, he'd just use the alarm clock. I remember him in particular because he wanted to pay a cash deposit for just enough for a movie.
Fast forward to 6AM, his friend checks out, asks me to connect him to the room 208... no answer... I know he stayed on the line long enough though for it to register on the voice mail (the switchboard printer printed a line for voice mail left)
Friend then proceeds to call back every 10 minutes asking to be connected to the room... half of those times the call goes to voice mail (remember, our switchboard records every time a message is left or retrieved, as well as when wake up calls are programmed and answered)
Come 6:45, the guy is scheduled for a shuttle, doesn't show, the driver goes to knock on the door, no answer, I tell the shuttle driver to do his run and check on the room when he gets back.
Now, this is where mommy get's involved. At 7am she calls concerned that her son didn't call to tell her that he had checked in yet.
I tell her that we have been calling his room since 6am and had tried knocking and I had every intention of having the shuttle driver check on him as soon as he got back from the airport (which would be about 5 minutes from when she called). She tells us to be sure to do that (thank you... that completely takes us off the hook for any invasion of privacy complaints because a relative has instructed us to go into the room due to what we assume is a legit concern).
So, shuttle driver gets back, he goes, overrides the lock on the guys door. He reported that the alarm clock was going off, all the lights were on, the TV was on (that much I knew actually, because I was checking lodgenet on his room to make sure the billing was right since he had mentioned he wanted to order a movie). He shook the kid (and I use the term loosely, I'd place him to be 18-20) awake, told him that he had missed his shuttle, that his family had called concerned, was he OK. The kid told the driver that he was fine, just really tired, he'd be down in a minute.
Of course, the shuttle driver, not being his nanny, left the room to let him get ready. What do you know, kid falls back asleep. Mother calls back, asks if he's OK, I tell her yes, he just slept through his alarm (and about a dozen by now wake calls), the shuttle driver woke him up, he should be getting ready on be on his way (we were even going to make an extra run to the airport for him). She asks me to connect her to his room, I transfer her... about a minute later I hear the printer going... the shit has hit the fan.
Mother calls again, he's not answering his phone, can you please have the shuttle driver check on him again. Shuttle driver goes up... and to give the kid credit, this time the shuttle driver found him on top of the sheets, still in nothing but his boxers though, passed out sound asleep (of course the perv in me kind of wishes that I had been the one that had been sent up to his room

What is his first question he asks me, "why the hell didn't you guys give me my wake up call"
I was tired of dealing with this shit for the last hour and a half (my replacement had already come in just after 7, but I stayed to make sure Mr. 208 got taken care of since I knew what was going on and the morning shift girl didn't)
so, I gave it to him (politely of course)- "sir, I remember quite clearly last night you saying you didn't need a wake-up call, you'd just use the alarm clock, as it happens, we have been calling your room since about 6am, if you would like, I can show you the report that has calls every 10 minutes going to your voice mail, at 6:45 the shuttle driver knocked on your door, at just after 7 he went in to make sure you were OK and shook you awake, and then had to go back at about 7:15 to wake you up again, we have done much more than is required of us in this situation, now, the shuttle driver will be happy to take you to the airport and hopefully you won't miss your flight" (because I never want to deal with you again)
His response, was priceless- "if I miss my flight because of this, you'll be hearing from my mother"
yes, 18-20 years old and he threatened me with a call from his mother...
And I'm sure mom would like to know the detail about the fact that part of the reason you were so tired was because you were watching a porno at 2:30 in the morning... oh yes... we can look up what movies it is you watched... so please, do have her call us

I am starting to hate people from my home state
So, this lovely gent checked in tonight.
SC- what's open still (it was 1am)
Me- there isn't anything within walking distance open right now, but Big Daddy's Pizza is still open and will deliver.
SC- what the fuck, there's only one place open.
Me- only one place open that will deliver, yes sir.
SC- how many people live in Salt Lake.
Me- approximately 1.2 million in Salt Lake.
SC- then how the fuck is it that there is 24 hour restaurants near every hotel in Reno with only a quarter of that many people? This would never stand back home.
Me- there actually are quite a few places open 24 hours a day, most of them are in downtown or midvalley, and a few in the residential areas... the airport is kind of out in the middle of nowhere though.
SC- still, with 1.2 million people you'd think there'd be more delivery places open 24 hours.
Me- once again, there are, just not that deliver this far out.
SC- when Delta strands passengers in Reno they send them to the Atlantis (oh bullshit, Delta is NOT sending people to a resort), they've got 24 hour restaurants on site, how can you not have anything open out here.
Me- Sir, that is not a fair comparison... first, the Atlantis is in an area that would warrant extended hours of service whether or not a hotel was there with all the people who live in that area, right off of Virginia Ave with all the traffic there, and that aside, the entirety of the Airport hotels on the east side of the Airport have about 100 less rooms than the Atlantis does on its own. A more fair comparison would be to the Best Western at the Reno Tahoe International Airport, they have no restaurant on site, and the closest 24 hour restaurant is the Dennys on Plumb across from Wooster High School, and trust me, you don't want to be making that walk, any more than you want to make the walk to the Dennys at North Temple and Redwood. And Reno's airport is right in the center of the city rather than outside it. So, please sir, take the menu for Big Daddy's and stop trying to lecture me on how the city should be, even though I am the person with the least control over it.
SC- oh, you must have lived at Reno in one point (gee, what gave that away asshole...) what brought you to this hell hole of a city... you aren't one of those fucking Mormons are you? Who else would actually chose to live like this.
Me- get the hell out of my lobby, why I chose to move here is none of your business, and for the record, no I'm not.
God, he got to me for some reason.
And, for those who aren't a product of Nevada's now bankrupt education system, it's pretty obvious why someone who isn't Mormon would want to move from Nevada to Utah. 1/3 the unemployment, cost of living that is considerably lower than in Nevada, an educational system that isn't completely bankrupt that charges much less tuition, a university system that has international renown, a transportation system that isn't so painfully overloaded that rush hour lasts damn near 24 hours a day, an airport that isn't being run out of a fucking tent, and while I'm at it, let's mention the fact that other than stuff not having extended hours there is a lot more one can do here than in Reno. Kythanxgetthehellout.