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Douchebags on Parade!

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  • Douchebags on Parade!

    The other day, the first four people I dealt with were, in one way or another, douchebags. I can't for some reason remember the fourth one, but the others, in ascending order from the mildly irritating to the King Douche Award, they went as follows:

    Douche Trainee.

    JESTER: "Thanks for calling [the name of The Bar], this Jester speaking, how may I help you?"
    DT: "Yes, may I speak with Susan?"
    JESTER: (thinking she meant Sue, a coworker who goes by the shorter form of her name) "Sue's not working at the moment. May I take a message?"
    DT: "Is this therapy?"
    JESTER: "Excuse me?"
    DT: "Is this therapy?
    JESTER: "Ma'am, this is [the name of The Bar]. We are a bar and restaurant."
    DT: "I'm sorry, I have the wrong number." *click*

    Learn how to dial a phone, lady.

    Boss Man did point out to me later that, yes, we ARE therapy, and I should have told her her appointment was for 1:00.

    Average Douche.

    As I am talking to the Boss, AD walks into The Bar. I am clearly engaged in conversation with someone other than AD. Not to be deterred, he walks right up and asks for change.

    He did not say excuse me. He did not bother taking note of the ongoing conversation. He did not even wait for a break in the convo. As Boss Man and I were talking, he walked up and blurted out "Can I get change for this?"

    Learn some manners, dude.

    King Douche.

    Before we opened, KD walked up to the front doors, and was insistent on knocking. He didn't want to come in to dine or drink or use our bathrooms, though. He wanted to talk to a manager. My coworker, who opened the door for him, let him in and got Boss Man. KD and Boss Man talked for a bit, and between snippets I heard and stuff I learned later, here was the deal.

    KD had been in the night before. He had ordered a beer, paid for it, and by his reckoning, been given the incorrect change and been treated rudely, and thought the bartender was scamming him, as at 10 at night she claimed not to have any twenties in the drawer, despite the fact that he had paid with one. How could someone not have a twenty in the drawer that late in the shift?

    That was his version.

    The truth of the matter was this. KD had been in the night before. He had ordered the beer. He paid with a ten. The bartender in question, who we shall call Goddess for her amazingness, took the ten and gave him change. He didn't say anything at first, then he brought up that he had paid with a twenty. She was quite sure he had paid with a ten, and when she checked her drawer, there were in fact no twenties in there. How is that possible that late at night, you ask? Lots of people pay with fifties and hundreds, and require change. I have ended a busy shift without a twenty in my drawer. It is rare, but it does happen. Add to this the facts that Goddess is one of the people at work so beyond reproach in her personal character as to make his claim of her ripping him off utterly ridiculous AND the fact that later, when the manager counted her drawer, it was exactly on, NOT ten dollars over, as it would have been if his story had the least bit of truth to it.

    No, KD just wanted to bitch and be miserable and try to get Goddess in trouble. He was, as has been described before, one of t hose people that is insistent on being unhappy no matter how much we try to make it otherwise....and he wants to make sure that everyone around him is unhappy as well.

    How else would you explain his coming to The Bar before we even opened to bitch about ten dollars he had been taken for...which, as it turns out, he hadn't?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Quoth Jester View Post
    As I am talking to the Boss, AD walks into The Bar. I am clearly engaged in conversation with someone other than AD. Not to be deterred, he walks right up and asks for change.
    He did not say excuse me. He did not bother taking note of the ongoing conversation. He did not even wait for a break in the convo.
    That is my biggest pet peeve, when I worked at the shipping company employees would walk up and just start talking even if myself and my co-worker were talking at our desks....

    were lowly office support workers right, we couldnt possibly have ANYTHING important to say, so why bother saying excuse me.... no please just barge right in and bring up something totally trivial.

    this would happen during conversations about work, personal conversations (I can understand that) or if our boss was at the desk talking to us. Two very bad employees would start talking to us as they walked towards the desk... then get pissy if they had to repeat themselves!
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      They interrupt us because we don't have a right to talk if we're not talking to them.

      As for the wrong number, that's not really a SC moment. I actually dialed the wrong number at work yesterday. Meant to call a delivery service, ended up calling a funeral home.


      • #4
        The wrong number was SC in the sense of Stupid Customer, and yes, I did say she was only mildly irritating. Frankly, she would not have even been worth a mention other than (A) the fact that she was one of many douchebags I had to deal with first thing that day, and (B) the great comment my boss had about how yes, we WERE therapy!

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Quoth jjllbb View Post
          They interrupt us because we don't have a right to talk if we're not talking to them.

          As for the wrong number, that's not really a SC moment. I actually dialed the wrong number at work yesterday. Meant to call a delivery service, ended up calling a funeral home.
 they deliver?


          • #6
            My manager interrupts us all the time. Even this morning, we were all having a conversation and my co-worker was mid-sentence when the manager made a reply to a previous point in the conversation we were having ...
            This area is left blank for a reason.


            • #7
              Quoth Moggie View Post
     they deliver?
              Only to the cemetary.
              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #8
                Takes a special kind of douche ( Summer's Eve? ) to actually take the time to come back the following day and wait for the place to open. Which means he actually took the time out of his likely incredibly important busy president saving day to come down and grace you with his physical being.

                Also......I read the title as "Douchebags of Paradise" >.>


                • #9
                  sorry for your douchelicious day, hope you get better ones...I only tend to interrupt if it's really important, and even then i'm nice about it... in fact, i have such a sweet face and sweet voice when i want to that most of the time they'll stop mid-sentence for me anyway... oh, the power of teh cute...

                  interesting factoid: my voice is soprano, if i trained like i did in high school i'd be 2nd soprano (REALLY high)....but i actually MAKE it lower so people will hear it without it having to be loud enough to be annoying...and also i can sing opera....who WOULDN'T stop and listen to the show if i started belting it...


                  • #10
                    Quoth WhiteRose View Post
                    in fact, i have such a sweet face and sweet voice when i want to that most of the time they'll stop mid-sentence for me anyway... oh, the power of teh cute...
                    And modest too!
                    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                    • #11
                      Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                      And modest too!
                      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jester View Post
                        Average Douche.
                        Like JJLLBB said, this is the variety of douche that believes that no conversation between employees of ANY pay grade is more important than their needs. Bastards!

                        King Douche.
                        What are the odds he asked the goddess out and she shot him down, so now he's trying to get her in trouble? It's a King Douche type move, I think.

                        Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          Takes a special kind of douche ( Summer's Eve? ) to actually take the time to come back the following day and wait for the place to open. Which means he actually took the time out of his likely incredibly important busy president saving day to come down and grace you with his physical being.

                          Also......I read the title as "Douchebags of Paradise" >.>

                          Given Jester's locale, I wouldn't say that's too far off the mark.

                          The only president's he'd try to save are those on dollar bills.

                          And is it just me, or do the interruptosauruses seem to be the same sort that will refuse to pause while talking even when they know someone is waiting to talk to them?
                          "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

                          "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


                          • #14
                            Quoth jjllbb View Post
                            As for the wrong number, that's not really a SC moment. I actually dialed the wrong number at work yesterday. Meant to call a delivery service, ended up calling a funeral home.
                            Many years ago my roommate and I would get too many telemarketing calls at home. We got fed up, so started answering the phone with things like "Missile silo 1, launch commander driftwolf" and a variety of other nonsensical things. Our friends would just start talking, the telemarketers would hesitate and thus identify themselves, allowing us time to compose ourselves.

                            The favourite was the one my roommate used: "Sams Funeral Emporium and Pizza Parlour. You stab 'em, we slab 'em."

                            My brain makes weird connections sometimes...


                            • #15
                              Quoth jjllbb View Post
                              They interrupt us because we don't have a right to talk if we're not talking to them.
                              I have a co-worker like that. Aside from business talk, I don't even bother talking to her anymore. I figure if she has the nerve to complain to the boss about me giving her the 'cold shoulder', I'll just tell the boss why I do it.
                              "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
                              ~Curly from the 3 Stooges

